Seeing a question on this image post #60019 made me think yesterday. Sure Sonic gets a lot of the credit for creating and maintaining furry interests but I ask you, e6, what are some of your favorite (relatively) obscure furry related vidya games?
The picture above is of course of Jon Talbain (left) and Felicia (right) from the Darkstalkers (/Vampire Hunter and Vampire Savior) 2D tournament fighters from Capcom. A series which also gave us Q-Bee and several other iconic (if less distinctly "furry") game girls.
post #56372
The Darkstalkers games are in my opinion superior to the Street Fighter series. The world and characters are just so much more imaginative and fun, and the games were innovative for their time because Capcom felt safe using them to experiment. Darkstalkers is definitely in my top 5 favorite franchises, if not my top three right after Castlevania and Sly Cooper.
post #136168
The male characters have never been as popular sadly, I suppose it just goes to show that the "monster girl" fetish is a lot more widespread than many would admit.