Topic: Alias plz

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I dont know how to alias

Please alias train_position, sex_train, and mantrain

Updated by Char

Only admins (and moderators?) can create and edit aliases and implications.

For future reference if you want to propose a tag alias please put a more descriptive thread title. For this one "Alias: mantrain -> sex_train -> train_position" would be nice, and make sure to give the reason for it.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

In order to have the site automatically generate an alias request, at the top of the site, click on "Tags", then "Aliases", then "Add". It will take you to this page: Fill it out and submit it, and it will generate a request here on the forum.

The same also works for implications if you click on "Implications" instead fo "Aliases".

Updated by anonymous

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