Topic: Tag Implication: Beakjob -> Beak

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating Beakjob -> Beak

Reason: You can't give a beakjob without having a beak to give it.

(This does beg the question as to whether 'beakjob' is a necessary tag. I'm inclined towards 'yes'. Some of the comments I've seen indicate that either people do blacklist it or they ought to.)

Updated by RedOctober

Beakjob is, in my opinion, one of the hundreds of silly, stupid tags we should be getting rid of, not implicating to other tags.

Updated by anonymous

titaniachkt said:
post #177684 seems like a good example of the necessity for this tag.

How about reserving blowjob for lips only?

Wouldn't that mean making beakjob an entirely separate tag from fellatio, when really it should be a subtag of it?

Updated by anonymous

New tag implication suggestion.

Implicating Beakjob -> Fellatio

Reason: Beakjob should be a subtag of fellatio.

Updated by anonymous

Or you could just lump it under fellatio or blowjob. A blowjob is just oral sex performed on a dick; you don't necessarily need lips for it.

Updated by anonymous

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