Topic: How does accounts/I.P work?

Posted under General

This would never happen but...

If someone let me log into their account and their account got banned from something I did, who's I.P is banned, theirs or mine. I know the account its self gets banned but who's I.P?

Also, If I am logged into another persons account that was created in Texas and I live in Canada (I don't but) who's I.P shows up when I post things, theirs or mine?

Just wondering, believe me this is all hypothetical.

Updated by ArtSkunk EsmeBelles

I would assume that if you got IP banned the IP you signed up from would be banned.

And I would assume that whatever IP you're logged in from at that time would show up when you posted.

Updated by anonymous

Come to think of it, I don't think they can see the I.P of WHO is logged in, only the I.P of the created account because what if multiple people are logged into one account.

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
Come to think of it, I don't think they can see the I.P of WHO is logged in, only the I.P of the created account because what if multiple people are logged into one account.

Remember, I'm awesome.
We can pull the ip from whatever you do.

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
Come to think of it, I don't think they can see the I.P of WHO is logged in, only the I.P of the created account because what if multiple people are logged into one account.

I've never, ever seen an IP logging system that only shows you the IP address used to create the account. That would be foolish beyond belief.

Unless the system was designed by a retarded monkey, the IP address associated with each logged action is logged. So let's say that Alice and Bob are both logged into the same account (let's call it xXxXx) from different places. Alice is logged in from and Bob is logged in from Alice makes a useful post, and Bob makes a douchebaggy trolling post. Here's what the mods would see:

xXxXx <timestamp> Hey guys, here's some useful information. I'm a helpful user!

xXxXx <timestamp> YOU ARE ALL FAGGOTS

The account gets banned, and if they decide the behavior warrants an IP ban as well they'd ban

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
Unless the system was designed by a retarded monkey, the IP address

did you call me a retarded monkey?

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Remember, I'm awesome.
We can pull the ip from whatever you do.

Except forum posts.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Remember, I'm awesome.
We can pull the ip from whatever you do.

Oh well that's funny, nobody seems to know about my 1st account. This is my second and we all know my 3rd, when I got in trouble, both accounts from this I.P got in trouble but not the one I created from my friends house a year ago... hmmmm...... (That's my good account)

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
Oh well that's funny, nobody seems to know about my 1st account. This is my second and we all know my 3rd, when I got in trouble, both accounts from this I.P got in trouble but not the one I created from my friends house a year ago... hmmmm...... (That's my good account)

Oh that's a real smart thing to say. Makes you seem kind of suspicious, no?

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
Oh that's a real smart thing to say. Makes you seem kind of suspicious, no?

Oh that's a fake dumb thing to say. Makes you seem kind of credible, yes?

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
Oh well that's funny, nobody seems to know about my 1st account. This is my second and we all know my 3rd, when I got in trouble, both accounts from this I.P got in trouble but not the one I created from my friends house a year ago... hmmmm...... (That's my good account)

We know about all your accounts. Don't try to be clever.

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
Oh that's a fake dumb thing to say. Makes you seem kind of credible, yes?

Pfahahah. Oh you, always trying to rustle my jimmies. No matter what my jimmies remain unrustled.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
We know about all your accounts. Don't try to be clever.

What!? You know about my 1st account too!? But the I.P was from a whole nother house :(

Regardless, I have only positive reviews on that one so I'm good!

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
did you call me a retarded monkey?

Did you set up a system where IPs are only ever logged at account creation?

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
What!? You know about my 1st account too!? But the I.P was from a whole nother house :(

It's probably safest to assume that, when it comes to e621, the administrators and moderators not only know that you have skeletons in your closet, but how many you have, where the closets are, which skeletons have come out of the closet, and why that one skeleton is wearing a tuxedo with a tutu.

Updated by anonymous

Clawstripe said:
It's probably safest to assume that, when it comes to e621, the administrators and moderators not only know that you have skeletons in your closet, but how many you have, where the closets are, which skeletons have come out of the closet, and why that one skeleton is wearing a tuxedo with a tutu.

Epic lolling from this

Updated by anonymous

The fact that I come to e6 at all is a skeleton in my closet.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde: forum IPs are logged :p

Snowy said:
Did you set up a system where IPs are only ever logged at account creation?

no you specifically said,

Snowy said:
Aurali, you are a retarded Monkey.

Updated by anonymous

you know whats really sad? some people are so... well ether stupid or stuck in their old ways that if they get banned and make an alt they do somthing that nails them down as banned XD, take in account one person who was duking it out with Ippiki over a green horse picture, got banned becuse of various things, made an alt, then posted on the same picture two tags, 1st an MLP tag, and 2nd you_mad_bro? tag........i was like *double facepalm* xD so dont need IP tracking in some peoples case heh

Updated by anonymous

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