Topic: So…what does it take to remove a negative mark from your record?

Posted under General

Wait a sec. What on earth is batweek? If it's supposed to be a motivator I'd love to be motivated. I've been here since before the change of hands and never heard about it until I went through this thread.

Updated by anonymous

Jesus1214 said:
Wait a sec. What on earth is batweek? If it's supposed to be a motivator I'd love to be motivated. I've been here since before the change of hands and never heard about it until I went through this thread.

Bat week is basically like a user appreciation week(though that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be a week). Users who've done a lot of work on the site can step forward for a chance to be upgraded to a Privileged account, and positive marks are more likely to be made on people's profiles (should they be well-deserved, of course.)

Updated by anonymous

Percy101 said:
Bat week is basically like a user appreciation week(though that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be a week). Users who've done a lot of work on the site can step forward for a chance to be upgraded to a Privileged account, and positive marks are more likely to be made on people's profiles (should they be well-deserved, of course.)

Thank you. That's kind of awesome, but it makes me wonder why it's a week. Oh well, I'll just lurk more.

Updated by anonymous

You know when I got my privileged status? In about 15 minutes. Also, Riversyde, we're going to need to have a very unfortunate chat...

Updated by anonymous

:33 said:
You know when I got my privileged status? In about 15 minutes. Also, Riversyde, we're going to need to have a very unfortunate chat...

Lol drama

Updated by anonymous

Jesus1214 said:
Wait a sec. What on earth is batweek? If it's supposed to be a motivator I'd love to be motivated. I've been here since before the change of hands and never heard about it until I went through this thread.

That's the exact thing I was talking about earlier. It would have been a fantastic motivator to elicit the kind of behavior the admins want to see. It should have been made prominent somehow.

Updated by anonymous

Acolyte said:
That's the exact thing I was talking about earlier. It would have been a fantastic motivator to elicit the kind of behavior the admins want to see. It should have been made prominent somehow.

It was made prominent back when it happened. They put an announcement at the top of the page so everyone would see it.

Updated by anonymous

Just wanna say, there may be another Bat Week on the horizon, but I wouldn't say it'd come around until there are some new incentives to entice more users to do better, like bringing comment flagging back, because who doesn't love tattling on other misbehaving users?

But since Aurali is the only coder, we'd be waiting until she finishes the site's tag overhaul, which I would really like to know more about, considering I'm completely in the dark about it.

:33 said:
You know when I got my privileged status? In about 15 minutes. Also, Riversyde, we're going to need to have a very unfortunate chat...

I don't know what you're on about.

Jesus1214 said:
Thank you. That's kind of awesome, but it makes me wonder why it's a week. Oh well, I'll just lurk more.

Because Shark Week.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
It was made prominent back when it happened. They put an announcement at the top of the page so everyone would see it.

But everyone didn't see it. Even people who come to this site frequently missed the top of the page notice. If you look further back in the thread, I think about two regular users have said this.

We are all becoming jaded to top-of-page advertisement. It is a problem that is frequently discussed among folks who make their living via online advertising.

Updated by anonymous

I think I remember them also changing the color of the announcement so it would stand out. It certaintly caught my attention. They also made a post about it in the forums as well.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
I think I remember them also changing the color of the announcement so it would stand out. It certaintly caught my attention. They also made a post about it in the forums as well.

Not enough users visit the forum to ensure that notices posted there have the desired reach.

Online advertisers have tried changing banner colors. We've tried animated banners. We've tried expanding, audio playing, mini-flash game banner, still the attrition of attention continues.

Perhaps if one of us could devise a banner that gives out handjobs, then we could get kind of attention we did when the web was young.

Updated by anonymous

Maybe a banner that blasts vuvuzelas until you click it.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Maybe a banner that blasts vuvuzelas until you click it.

This would get every white and black hat script kiddie DDoSing you )As in, he one who put up the vuvuzela ad) and worse that it's not even funny.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Pff, only a select few really care about the site. If any other user cared, they would have spoken up already.
I dunno what we could do to further spread the message that help is very much appreciated.

I frequent this site every day, so I care about it. Hell, when I stop sucking at art I'm going to post my work here.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
You don't get positive points by asking for them. As to why it would even matter that much, considering they're not really tied to anything is beyond me. You should be working to make the site a better place, not just for a little bit of green text on your profile.

...but, it does seem like you've done enough good tagging work recently to counteract those negative marks. I'll wipe them for you.

I for one think I am a better person that I was 9 months ago when I got my last infraction in the forums. I really don't care about MLP and the whole "flooding" of the site with it; I have it blacklisted...but sometimes they can be kind of cute too so y'know.

I also don't fix comments or insult users anymore...especially not at the same time.

Updated by anonymous

Thiefenz said:
I frequent this site every day, so I care about it. Hell, when I stop sucking at art I'm going to post my work here.

Artists never stop sucking.

That's why we continue to draw.

Updated by anonymous

This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but, if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday my friend. Peace.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Artists never stop sucking.

Until we die. Then our art still stinks, but people will pay out the wazoo for the stink. :p

Updated by anonymous

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