Topic: "absorption_vore"

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

it isn't AV... AV stands for ass vore or anal vore, which is already properly marked so far on all submissions on this website i have so far found. yet sometimes i can't remove the incorrect tag (one in title) on the pictures with both tags on them.

next, it isn't "absorption vore" it is just plain absorption. absorption is extremely similar to merging, except yes it is close to vore due to the one getting absorbed is most likely going to be gone. merging/absorbing isn't that common of an act.


Updated by ippiki ookami

First: AV doesn't implicate or alias to anything, so first bit is throwaway unless you elucidate what you mean.

absorb [əbˈsɔːb -ˈzɔːb]
vb (tr)
1. to soak or suck up (liquids)
2. to engage or occupy (the interest, attention, or time) of (someone); engross
3. to receive or take in (the energy of an impact)
4. (Physics / General Physics) Physics to take in (all or part of incident radiated energy) and retain the part that is not reflected or transmitted
5. to take in or assimilate; incorporate
6. to accept and find a market for (goods, etc.)
7. to pay for as part of a commercial transaction the distributor absorbed the cost of transport
8. (Chemistry) Chem to cause to undergo a process in which one substance, usually a liquid or gas, permeates into or is dissolved by a liquid or solid

3, 5, 8 are the ones we want here. they're valid for the purposes we're looking for, and *surprise!* the first and fifth fit anal_vore as well. So guess what? anal_vore is a form of absorption_vore! Now, it may not be an osmosis-like absorption where one merges through the body of another, as illustrated in point 8, but it still is a form of absorption.

Straight up absorption also isn't necessarily vore. post #138953 for example. On the other hand, the furaffinity picture you linked is definitely absorption_vore, as it was absorbing the hapless fur into his/her belly.

Updated by anonymous

check out forum #19528

read up why we've made the tagging choices we have..

that said, I wasn't aware of this type of vore. It does need to be tagged and worked into the vore-matrix of tags. (as described near the end of that forum thread)

Absorbtion vore was chosen as the best option for what *we* were trying to describe. You've stated that there's a problem with this tag and tha'ts AWESOME, we appreciate that. Adjusting the tags would be a bit of a headache, but manageable, I think.

Help us find a better tag to fill in the role of meta tag for the non -oral vore family of vores.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:

from my understanding and history of noticing absorption, the issue is definition's 5 and 8 that are literal. yes 5 is basically every other vore too, swallowing or taking in another thing. dissolving happens in digestion and cum melting of characters, is that absorption via other definitions?

due to the picture you pointed out, i have made an error to say that it is similar to merging but it is closest i could get to explain without words. "just" absorption in a vore sense is extremely rare for me so excuse my lacking experience to pictures.

SnowWolf said:

well as much as i'd like a more literal usage of the word for a tag, i could understand using it as an umbrella term for alternate vore categories. at this rate they'll be too many "av" patterned words in this thread >.> lol.

vore is ingesting or swallowing, sucking is a automatic quality. voraphilia is the liking of vore so in my view of definition a picture, it would be placed in non rape versions of the vore pictures. yet it goes back to trying to define the less obvious "vore"s and the "it's just being stuffed in" events. i am not sure what to suggest at this point.

sorry i am so literal about this however i am willing to bend my understanding and drop this confusion of mine if the tag is simply a generalization for the hard to describe.

Updated by anonymous

Absorption via dissolution and assimilation is both 3 (since you're absorbing the energy of the vored individual) and 5, since you're incorporating the character into your form- Either in a partial manner as given in the example I provided for absorption without vore, or entirely, as wehn dissolved int he stomach and digested, or through more unusual (usually magical) means.

Vore is not just about ingesting and swallowing. It's the love of being eaten or of the process of eating.

Cock vore is "eating" another being, but in an unusual manner- Through the cock. usually this also has the 'eaten' character absorbed into the eater, and then assimilated into cum (I just threw up in my mouth a little... Blech).

Nipple/breast vore is the same, but with breasts and turnign the victim into milk, usually- or the nipples are actually mouths on a demon/otheworldly being and the digestive tract is contained in the breasts, or whatever (I can feel my gut heaving...).

Anal vore, of all the alternative vore methods, is probably the one that is most 'vanilla'. It involves simply taking the victim up the ass, usually whole, sometimes to be digested by somehow getting squeezed in reverse through the intestines into the stomach (What. The. Hell. Fetish?!) or just right inside the anus for either pleasure or to digest them there (biology fail, or weird biology). It still falls under the general absorption format because it still is assimilating the other, though not in a directly literal sense where they're slimed over and insta-digested/converted into more biomass.

...Excuse me, I need to go throw up. :-###..

Updated by anonymous

This post has been written over like, 48 hours. And I"m finishing it because I"m in a hurry and need to reboot. c_c So pardon my if this doesn't make sense.

1) we need a tag for "other" types of vore other then "stuff you in my mouth" vore :) as I don't think anyone working on that set of aliases knew about this, uh, literally absorbing type of vore.. we chose absorption vore. .... if needed, we could change that word, but only as long as it's a good word that covers anal/cock/soul/pouch/nipple/tail/nostril vore AS WELL as the type of vore that you call absorption vore (goo vore?

Do we have enough "being swallowed up by another's body" pictures to "jsutify" renaming a whole lot of tags that people may have blacklisted?
--are there enough images out there that could be uplaoded to justify it?
--Can this tag ("being swallowed up by another's body")be renamed something else? Goo-vore? amorphous-body_vore?

What's an alternative name for all of the anal/cock/soul/pouch/nipple/tail/nostril vore, in the event that there is no better phrase?

Is "absorption vore the "commonly used" phrase among the vore community for what you're describing?
Is there a word/phrase used commonly for non-oral typees of vore we should be using instead?

Updated by anonymous

personally i've settled to agreeing to using absorbtion_vore for alternate vores.

i'll end myself with saying i don't see the vore community using the word absorb much if at all.

i don't think i can contribute to this further on my own. i doubt others that would care can see this thread.

Updated by anonymous

Well, thank yo ufor contributing anyway--we do appreciate it and encourage it <3 If you get a grand idea at 3am for a way to "fix" this... then feel free to bump the topic <3

Updated by anonymous

I hate to necropost (especially topics I don't really care about) but
anal_vore -> absorption_vore
cock_vore -> absorption_vore
nipple_vore -> absorption_vore
pouch_vore -> absorption_vore
tail_vore -> absorption_vore

make absolutely no sense to me. Sticking someone up your butt doesn't mean you are absorbing them. You are sticking them up your butt. Same with the others. I'd like to undo these unless anyone can provide a compelling argument supporting them.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I hate to necropost (especially topics I don't really care about) but
anal_vore -> absorption_vore
cock_vore -> absorption_vore
nipple_vore -> absorption_vore
pouch_vore -> absorption_vore
tail_vore -> absorption_vore

make absolutely no sense to me. Sticking someone up your butt doesn't mean you are absorbing them. You are sticking them up your butt. Same with the others. I'd like to undo these unless anyone can provide a compelling argument supporting them.

I've never understood these either. Unless there's a clear display of an absorption, absorption_vore shouldn't be tagged. I'm not sure if there's an implication for unbirthing -> absorption_vore, but if there is that should probably be nixed as well.

Updated by anonymous

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