Topic: Post Approval Thread

Posted under General

I thought it would be useful for everyone who still has outstanding unapproved posts to post in this thread(?) So the mods can see and try and get fixed quickly.

You get the idea.

  • - DO NOT post if your posts are unapproved after less then 3 days, the mods will probably get around to it, only post here if you've been waiting or post approval for a while.

Updated by Neitsuke

Anything not approved after three days is automatically deleted, which hasn't happened in years. And I question the necessity of having a forum thread dedicated to telling us we're doing our jobs inadequately. We have Char for that.

Updated by anonymous

Lulz, alright go ahead and kill it then, it's just that I want to get back to uploading quickly, so I can organise the labyrinthine mess that is my file system.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

ippiki_ookami said:
Anything not approved after three days is automatically deleted, which hasn't happened in years. And I question the necessity of having a forum thread dedicated to telling us we're doing our jobs inadequately. We have Char for that.

I don't mind you hearing it from the userbase too. :3c

But seriously, you guys are awesome~ Post approvals are just a bitch to keep up with sometimes.

Updated by anonymous

Is it truly that difficult? I'm not being sarcastic here, I genuinely don't know how far behind it gets. I rarely upload and so never care how long it takes for approval.

If it's that much of a workload on the mods, what about introducing a new user level whose only added bonus would be the ability to approve posts? That way they can help keep up with that, but the admins won't have to worry about vetting the user quite so hard, since they wouldn't have the other moderator abilities. It would even be reasonable to still require their posts be approved, and to disallow them from approving their own posts. This way they still have to "report to" the mods, if you will. I couldn't think of a better phrase.

Or if such an account level exists already, use it? I once saw "janitor," but I can't seem to find any info on it anymore, and "basic, privileged, and contributor" are the only ones listed in the Help, so as far as I see, it doesn't exist.

Speaking of that Help page, it looks like use of tagging scripts and some other minor things are missing from the description of the levels.

Updated by anonymous

No, it's not that difficult. We are handling the queue just fine. The most behind it will get is a day and a half to two days at most. If a user reaches their upload limit and needs some approvals they can drop by the IRC to see if one of us is available.

Updated by anonymous

It's just a busy time of year, I think. There's that big.. warm.. thing.. out there and it's so TEMPTING and enticing and WARM and it makes me wnat to go lay in the water and what was I doing again?

Updated by anonymous

Unapproved posts never get deleted automatically, no matter how long they're left unapproved. That was left over from Danbooru and I'm pretty sure I removed that text long ago.

Also, we don't need a forum thread to point out unapproved posts, we can see them all just fine, it's just that many of us are too busy to look at it constantly right now.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
No, it's not that difficult. We are handling the queue just fine. The most behind it will get is a day and a half to two days at most. If a user reaches their upload limit and needs some approvals they can drop by the IRC to see if one of us is available.

Okie doke.

Updated by anonymous

So.........if we have something that is still pending aproval from, lets say 2006......

Updated by anonymous

Mario583 said:
So.........if we have something that is still pending aproval from, lets say 2006......

Then you need to see a shrink about your delusions.

Updated by anonymous

Mario583 said:
So.........if we have something that is still pending aproval from, lets say 2006......

Only time an old image would be in the queue is if it was flagged for deletion and cleared, but not re-approved.

Updated by anonymous

i find this a complaint to the moderators and admins.

theres probably allot of people who upload pictures so theres so many pictures that have to be approved..

besides i can be patient when it comes to approvals.
it dosnt surprise me that most of my pictures take long to get approved simply because my uploads are not as popular as the other ones.
so thats what i think of this thread.

Updated by anonymous

Thank you so much for bumping a seven-month-dead thread to chime in.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

null0010 said:
Thank you so much for bumping a seven-month-dead thread to chime in.

He is more than welcome to alert us when post approvals are taking a long time. We recently had a lot of posts still sitting in it from over a week ago, and even I find that to be pretty unacceptable. Not to mention he's only doing exactly what this thread was originally created for.

Users should feel free to continue to alert us if post approvals are falling behind.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
Thank you so much for bumping a seven-month-dead thread to chime in.


Updated by anonymous

Hello guys ! I sadly have one posts that is still unapproved since more than a week >: It's not really a big deal for me since I still can upload about 130 posts if I want, but it starts to worry me just a little.

The post :
post #304486

Updated by anonymous