Topic: Ambiguity Tags

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

(sorry for my bad english)
Hi, I do wonder about the ambiguity has tags.
For example in the mare Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron Rain is nome, but these names are rather "generic".

There tag "copyrigth" Spirit: _Stallion_of_th_cimarron
I created the tag "character" spirit_ (stallion) and rain_ (mare)

The problem is that anybody can find neither Rain nor spirit if not familiar with specific tags and does not know the search engine similar tag.

So either I let it.
-Advantage: Research on the effect weather "rain" will not be polluted by the mare and research on ghosts with "spirit" will not be polluted by the standard.
- Disadvantage: The first came neither find nor Rain nor spirit in research if it does not know the specific tags and does not know the search engine similar tag.

Either add extra ordinary tag "rain" and "spirit" to the characters involved.
- Advantage: the first man found the characters from the anime more or less quickly without knowing the site.
- Inconvenient: Research on the impact weather will be polluted.

While the specific tags as spirit_ (stallion) and rain_ (mare) is a good idea but I am also pollute more research to make life easier to just anyone or prevent pollution, and users have to learn to use well the site with all his tools?

Updated by Kitsu~

myself I misspoke?
Should I rephrase my question because of bad English??
Everybody cares?
(delete innutile ^ ^)

Updated by anonymous

There is actually an ambiguous tag type, but it isn't really used on e621, which is unfortunate.

Updated by anonymous

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