Topic: Somebody is removing pool posts

Posted under General

This reminds me of another issue... why does it always take so long to get to /user/show/?

Updated by anonymous

megusta said:
Somebody is removing pool posts, the posts still exists but they should be in the pool
This looks like griefing pools, can a admin look at it?

Gotta love user statistics...

GreyMaria said:
This reminds me of another issue... why does it always take so long to get to /user/show/?

You too? Huh, and I thought my internet was slow...

Updated by anonymous

GreyMaria said:
This reminds me of another issue... why does it always take so long to get to /user/show/?

xLuna said:

You too? Huh, and I thought my internet was slow...

im no expert but im guess is becuse its gota pull information on comments, forum posts notes, tags ext

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
im no expert but im guess is becuse its gota pull information on comments, forum posts notes, tags ext

well pulling up a 3 hour old account can take much longer than pulling up, say, mine

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
well pulling up a 3 hour old account can take much longer than pulling up, say, mine

Hmm, you're right. Took a few seconds, like 10 or 15, didn't count. I wonder how much time it'll take to look at the first user? (if it exists)

Updated by anonymous

And pulling up your own account is practically instantaneous.

Updated by anonymous

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