Topic: Bad alias suggestion: anal_penetration -> anal

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

There's currently an alias suggestion for anal penetration -> anal, with the reason "exactly the same thing". This is obviously wrong; anal includes at least half a dozen other things (listed on its wiki page).

Please don't approve this suggestion; reverting the decision will probably involve re-tagging at least 228 posts (currently tagged with anal penetration).

Updated by user 50449

Perhaps anal/vaginal_intercourse would work? I know it technically doesn't quite work with anal since that doesn't make babies, but maybe something along those lines. Maybe anal/vaginal_sex as well?

Updated by anonymous

Change some aliases from "anal" to "anal_penetration"?

Current aliases
anal_sex (0) [Aliased To] anal_penetration (9860)
assfuck (0) [Aliased To] anal_penetration (9860)
butt_sex (0) [Aliased To] anal (15571)
buttsecks (0) [Aliased To] anal (15571)
buttsex (0) [Aliased To] anal (15571)

Change butt_sex, buttsecks and buttsex so they alias to anal_penetration ?
(to match anal_sex alias)

Updated by anonymous

I'm, sorry, but WHAT? I don't understand this at all.

You're telling me if someone was to get fucked in the ass it's not anal?

Updated by anonymous

ITT: necromancy and also KiwiPotato doesn't understand the distinction between aliases and implications.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
ITT: necromancy and also KiwiPotato doesn't understand the distinction between aliases and implications.

Actually, I DO, I just misread and thought it was an implication.

Updated by anonymous

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