Reason: Isn't it obvious?
Updated by GreyMaria
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Reason: Isn't it obvious?
Updated by GreyMaria
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Reason: Isn't it obvious?
Well, wouldn't cum_on_feet refer to cum being on both feet? As one doesn't refer to a "foot" as a "feet", so cum_on_foot could mean cum on one foot, or cum on both feet, but cum_on_feet would mean cum on both feet, yes?
Updated by anonymous
Pyke said:
Well, wouldn't cum_on_feet refer to cum being on both feet? As one doesn't refer to a "foot" as a "feet", so cum_on_foot could mean cum on one foot, or cum on both feet, but cum_on_feet would mean cum on both feet, yes?
You could make the same argument to separate the cum_on_breasts tag into cum_on_breast and cum_on_breasts, but why make the distinction?
Updated by anonymous
Apparently the bandwagon foot fetishists are so anal-retentive that they feel the need to make such an asinine distinction. I guess there are some of those folks who only want to see cum on one foot.
Updated by anonymous