Topic: Idiotic tags!

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Stop making retarded tags! Like "MyNameIsSaucyAppleAndIwantToShareMyVisionWithYou", "tagging combinations", "let's try this again", " could have been a trap", " needs comments", "not a trap", "A 'person' was here", "tagging" and alot more retarded tags. I mean wtf what kind of tag is tagging? I meen wtf.

Updated by Anonym

incoming wall of text:

Half the tags here are useless and rather silly, such as "pussy_floss". On an unrelated note, is there any way that the "e621:uploading" article can be added to the wiki's front page? Understanding of the Rule of Cool and the Rule of Funny and their relevance to posts on here can lead to a LOT less flagging for deletion due to "not furry".

Updated by anonymous

SaucyApple said:
incoming wall of text:

Half the tags here are useless and rather silly, such as "pussy_floss". On an unrelated note, is there any way that the "e621:uploading" article can be added to the wiki's front page? Understanding of the Rule of Cool and the Rule of Funny and their relevance to posts on here can lead to a LOT less flagging for deletion due to "not furry".

Notes are ok. I also some times put idiotic notes for "Teh lulz".
But tags are different. Tags need to be asociated to image contanents, i am not saying all of the tags need to be strictm there are stupid but fun tags as well. But lattely all i see are these idiotic tags.

Updated by anonymous

To be fair, we're getting almost no 'not furry' deletion requests any more, so it's not a big a deal as it once was. I think people are coming around to that.

The vast majority of deletion requests we get now are one of three things: folks flagging dupes, folks flagging people posting DNP stuff (such as sexyfur, illegal stuff), and folks of varying levels of sanity and politeness making takedown requests for artwork that is either theirs (yay) or whiteknighting for someone else (fuck off), which is pretty much how the system SHOULD be.

Once in a while we get something like, an image is broken/corrupted, or something is so mind blowingly bad that I just sort of look and go 'yeeeeeah...ok that really is THAT bad', and those are also great too.

Over the last few months, the worst of the crazy, the retarded, the drama, and the horrific have started to die down a bit, which is always great from my point of view. It probably has something to do with my sharkweek policy of being a giant ban-happy asshole mod who hates you all and flagrantly abuses the administrator position, but hey, baby steps. :)

BONUS CONTENT: I don't really mind funny notes, as long as they're not completely overboard. A lot of them have actually been pretty hilarious. Other mods might disagree but that's my take. Like anything else, keep it in check, but yeah, silly notes now and then don't bother me. Tagging, as you may have figured out, is my main beef. I'm a big fan of 'keep it simple' which more or less never happens. (Note that this is not the same as 'don't have a zillion tags if the image calls for it', because sometimes, stuff legitimately needs a kitsu-esque million characters image level of tagging.)

Updated by anonymous

Yeah the "Not furry" thing is rare these days.
And as for yours "ban-happy" way of moderating there keep it up, if its against the rules, or stuff, and the person doesnt care and keeps doing it that person needs to learn it the hard way.
And yeah what is with Kitsu and his 1mil characters images Oo, it looks cool thou.

But the thing is i dont want to see every one adding their "i think it is fun" tags. If one starts another does to, and so on. A sea of retarded tags...

Updated by anonymous

EinTheCorgi said:
they hear me bitchin

No, we don't

Updated by anonymous

Eh, all things in moderation; I rarely do it myself.

I have more issues with people who don't tag at all. One way or another, I also rarely fix tags so I have no room to complain. I do properly tag my own submissions though, (as few as they are) so I guess that's something.

Updated by anonymous

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