Topic: cow_bell and cowbell (musical instrument) ?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

EarthFurst2 said:
Change cowbell tags to cow_bell? (leaving cowbell tag for musical instrument?) being bell on livestock, and being musical instrument.

I think that since there doesn't seem to be any cowbell musical instruments at e621 yet, I think aliasing cowbell to cow_bell should be good for now.

I may be mistaken, but I think they are the same thing. In case of wikipedia, the usage needs to be different. A cowbell can be used for a cow's bell, or for a musical instrument. Hence, in the sake of thier system, they separate the articles to what people are looking for.

I don't think it quite applies here.

Updated by anonymous

Same thing, it can be used as a weapon to smash some ones head, but there isnt wiki about it is it?

So cowbell is good.

Updated by anonymous

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