Topic: Who did you vote for?

Posted under General

Despite the title, I'm not asking who you voted for, I'm asking what qualities you were looking for when you voted.

Although I had a favorite from the beginning, I wanted to be fair so I eliminated based on:

1. Androgynous Y/N? (That instantly knocked out 90% of the entries)
2. Stuck with the e621 hexacat (ears) motif? Y/N (Down the DarkDoomer, mellis and Manafox, though technically DD's didn't have ears, but spikes)
3. Tiebreaker: Is it in line with e621 interests? Which is most creative? Which has the most personality

That last one is totally opinionated, so I don't need to say which I picked from the 3 I was down to, so I'll leave ya'll with a discussion to pass the time until voting ends 2 weeks from now.



Former Staff

1. No
2. Yes, although i didn't really pay attention to that criteria.
3. None of them had major relation with e621's spirit imo. Given that, i just went with my personal taste.

I would have liked to see artists check the tags list sorted by count and pull various features to add on the mascot out of the highest ranked ones. Considering it's the mascot, it could of course not have been explicit, nor featuring more than one character ; it would have forced the artists to conciliate their own taste, the tag's ranking, and it's pertinency toward the mascot's theme (including the color scheme).
That would have been a real design work, and that would have been in the line of what e621 is about imo.

tl;dr, voted for rachel1987

Updated by anonymous

Just a side-note: I am asking what you were looking for in a mascot, not your opinions on what I based my vote on (which is what the 1, 2 and 3 were). I just supplied my opinions as an example.

Tank you.

Updated by anonymous

I was look at that the colors used fit the colors used on hexagons for numbers.
Also that its some what cool and stuff, i mean, who doesn't thing cyborgs are cool :D
And the last thing, it had to be a female.

Updated by anonymous

I can't access the voting site. I've tried but it just gives me a "page not found" error.

Updated by anonymous

I was strongly influenced by whether or not it had the e621 style to it, such as color scheme and hexagons. At first, I ended up eliminated most that weren't female, since most of the males didn't really give off a feeling of the furry porn that I love so much about this site.

However, I ended up discovering that post #61018 was in fact male, not female, and extremely hot nonetheless. I couldn't turn him down. ♥
( For the anti-gay people, consider the potential Rule 63 versions of him that'll be made β) )

Updated by anonymous

Nekomimi said:
Wait, people are actually voting?

That was dumb.

Updated by anonymous

Valence said:
consider the potential Rule 63 versions of him that'll be made β)

This is the precise reason I pretty much hate 99% of furries.

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
That was dumb.

I don't understand the point of voting. It's not even using and usernames to prevent anonymous flooding...I submitted 10 votes to random entries just to test it.

Updated by anonymous

Nekomimi said:
I don't understand the point of voting. It's not even using and usernames to prevent anonymous flooding...I submitted 10 votes to random entries just to test it.

Actually, it will only COUNT the first vote made.

Updated by anonymous

mellis said:
This is the precise reason I pretty much hate 99% of furries.

I don't really understand you at -this- point

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
I don't really understand you at -this- point

Bribing people to vote a particular way solely on vague promises of displaying the character's cock/vag everywhere makes me die a little inside.

Updated by anonymous

Oh well, I guess rule 34 is not rule 63. Though I agree with your point, I don't like the way it's done with Esix.

Still, porn seems to be a common cheat to get more art fans, you should get over it already :)

Updated by anonymous

mellis said:
Bribing people to vote a particular way solely on vague promises of displaying the character's cock/vag everywhere makes me die a little inside.

Stop being a freakin' democrat and fight dirty already! >:{

Updated by anonymous

I just voted for the one I liked the most out of all of them, really. I particularly liked chizi's work, mostly because I'm a sucker for cats. I found it odd that there were two versions of the character to be voted on, though. Seems like it was dividing up the votes for it.

Whoever wins, wins, I suppose. I wouldn't mind seeing more of some of these characters, though.

Updated by anonymous

Metal_Fox said:
I found it odd that there were two versions of the character to be voted on, though. Seems like it was dividing up the votes for it.

I wondered about that too. I'm guessing they'll just total up the votes since it's the same character, just a less finished version.

In which case, Chizi is winning by a much greater lead than it appears.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
I threw up a better looking page at You can't vote through it, it's just a lot easier to read than the default page.

That's awesome. Thanks.

Updated by anonymous

Anonym said:
I wondered about that too. I'm guessing they'll just total up the votes since it's the same character, just a less finished version.

In which case, Chizi is winning by a much greater lead than it appears.

That's what I was thinking, but I wasn't sure. I wanted to vote for the second one, it being less super-gay and all. I like the character, but I do think that having it be less blatantly faggy could be a good thing.

Updated by anonymous

Primary for me is whether I personally liked the design. Twinkcat sort of got dropped here for completely unreconstructed straight male reasons if I'm being perfectly honest, but partly due to the annoying emo-hair.

Lots of other ideas got dropped at this point too. But I mention that one specifically because it's so artificially lolcontroversial.

1. Androgynous Y/N? (That instantly knocked out 90% of the entries)

Less androgyny than just being a good design with built-in flexibility when it comes to sex. Let it appear as male, female or herm as required even if the base character's a bit more of one than the other.

It's also good for a mascot character to be fairly understated about gender and sexuality so that others can adapt it to *make* statements. And I want people to do that even if I'm just going to disagree with them.

I can't see artists much wanting to adapt or play with nowhereincoming's character much in that way. Nice rendition, but something really didn't click.

2. Stuck with the e621 hexacat (ears) motif? Y/N (Down the DarkDoomer, mellis and Manafox, though technically DD's didn't have ears, but spikes)

I guess it's sort of helpful, but I've never much liked the hexagons. Er, geeky reasons: no Benzene rings in MSG molecules. I know, I know, but I see what I see.

3. Tiebreaker: Is it in line with e621 interests? Which is most creative? Which has the most personality

My tiebreaker (between the shark thing and keishinkae's) was personality and style. Non-goggles, a simple and clear design, outgoing animated poses, cuteness and a fun idea for the tail won out in the end. I'd still make a couple of changes though: symmetrical trim around the arms and legs to reduce visual confusion, mainly.

Updated by anonymous

Anom = First person to actually answer my question as intended.

Just for the record.


@Anomynous: Wow, that <em>is</em> geeky. I wasn't aware that the hexagons were meant to be in reference to anything in particular. +1 for <em>The More You Know!</em>

The emo hair kinda bothers me too, but I console myself with the fact that even if Chizi wins with his cat, the design will change over time (hopefully giving him a haircut eventually).

Updated by anonymous

Anonym said:
@Anomynous: Wow, that <em>is</em> geeky. I wasn't aware that the hexagons were meant to be in reference to anything in particular.

They're not.

Updated by anonymous

Oh man. I wanted to have faith in furries, but even a mascot contest is just too much to handle.

Updated by anonymous

Metal_Fox said:
Oh man. I wanted to have faith in furries, but even a mascot contest is just too much to handle.

Books are good.

Updated by anonymous

Haha, figures. IMO it's a good thing. Not saying that I didn't like Chizi's entry; I'm quite a fan of femboys; but it would have made a terrible mascot.

If I understand what happened, Chizi was spamming votes on himself by changing his IP, and people who didn't like Chizi were voting for Darkdoomer since he was in second place and was most likely to beat Chizi. Shameful.


I'm guessing since the Admins are going to pick now, it's going to be either keishinkae's or mellis's character. They were the two that worked best IMO, and are in the lead by a comfortable margin if you disqualify Chizi's and Darkdoomer's entries.
*shrug* Sorry Mellis, I think I have to lean towards keishinkae. Even if the asymmetrical colors of Esix is a little weird, I think she's simple enough but with enough personality that she'll be great.

I also think it's notable that Esix is the only character which managed to pick up fanart during the contest.

Updated by anonymous

Wow, I go to tgchan for a day or two and this is what I find when I return?

e621, you got some s'plainin' to <em>dooooo</em>-

Updated by anonymous

...If I understand what happened, Chizi was spamming votes on himself by changing his IP...

Now I doubt it was Chizi. Though I do think someone was spamming votes.

I also think it's notable that Esix is the only character which managed to pick up fanart during the contest.

No there were others.

Updated by anonymous

Lol. The funny thing is that I totally predicted this outcome immediately.

Too unsecured and too long a voting period. It was just asking for cheating, but I'm happy with how it turned out.

Updated by anonymous

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