hexerade (e621) created by chizi
Parent: post #60930 (learn more) show »
  • Comments
  • That's so awesome, looks so much better with this ink.
    I personally think he looks a bit to much like a female, but still my favorite mascot.
    I hope you win chizi :D

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  • I'll make some Rule 34 and maybe 63 of him if he gets selected :p But yall need to help make it happen ;3

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  • waaaaiiitaminute.... just saw the other version, that one got a dick and this doesn't, yet they're both labeled male? enlighten me please?

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  • DarkHorst said:
    waaaaiiitaminute.... just saw the other version, that one got a dick and this doesn't, yet they're both labeled male? enlighten me please?

    i think it was supposed to look androgynous...

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  • DarkHorst said:
    waaaaiiitaminute.... just saw the other version, that one got a dick and this doesn't, yet they're both labeled male? enlighten me please?

    I decided to tone down the dick for a bit on this one so fag haters won't get all bawwww.

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  • Hmmm... I like how you have it so that it does not apply for either gender. It does look a lot more male than female, but that's just a minor detail. This will give me a bit of a tougher decision, that's for sure.

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  • Y'know what, I'm gonna draw female versions of this character sometime.

    Just so that the "cute" furry character is a female for once, y'know. *shrug*

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  • The Dog In Your Guitar said:
    Point+ for being a cat
    Point- for no cool high-tech headgear

    If I added said cool high-tech headgear I'd get flamed for being unoriginal wouldn't I? D:

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  • chizi said:
    If I added said cool high-tech headgear I'd get flamed for being unoriginal wouldn't I? D:

    you learn quickly, grasshopper

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  • SyntaxErrors said:
    <33 I'd never leave e-621 if that was the mascot.

    same here but the /b/tards are voting for their raptor jesus.

    I fucking hate lizards, I want this kitty to win. >:( dammit! VOTE PEOPLE! STOP VOTING FOR THAT UGLY LIZARD AND VOTE FOR THE KITTY

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  • It's a very nice piece of artwork, but do we want the site's mascot to be a somewhat under aged looking character? I don't think that's wise. Also he's a bit Twinky, and think about this site, for all of the actions going on here, the clientele is pretty intelligent. Might we get a mascot that looks like it has some brains?

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  • Kang said:
    It's a very nice piece of artwork, but do we want the site's mascot to be a somewhat under aged looking character? I don't think that's wise. Also he's a bit Twinky, and think about this site, for all of the actions going on here, the clientele is pretty intelligent. Might we get a mascot that looks like it has some brains?

    Underage? I don't think he looks any more underage than say Mellis shark or manafox's submission, and I think Hex is capable of possessing the same intelligence as all other mascot submissions regardless of what he looks like.

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  • sadly we may not see more of this little kitten seems e621 is kinda getting the "tradition" to change mascot every ones in a while... o.O i hope it doesn't get to often i sure enjoyed this cutei one...

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  • *sigh*

    Seems as if everyfurry forgot about this sexy little guy...

    Oh well. I guess he was just a passing trend. At least he's still our mascot. Well, ONE of them.

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