Topic: Esix, a beautiful bunny

Posted under General

<img src="/data/preview/b5/90/b590959363fc38fda82a52dc3fc1fed9.jpg"><img src="/data/preview/83/a7/83a775de372c78ff42d7616b690bcef8.jpg"><img src="/data/preview/49/7b/497b7f7d0e28b8fe70e01f52407f8e3c.jpg">
  -=- post #62687 ¸·´¯·¸ post #63218 ¸·´¯·¸ post #63220 -=-

Here is Keishinkae's mascot for e621, she now has a name, Esix, various artworks and a fanart, if you like her you can help her win, vote fo Keishinkae and tell your friends to do so, here is the link:

Thanks to those who have already voted, those who will, and you all for you attention; also thanks for telling your friends.
Have a nice day.

Updated by mellis

This mascot is uber awesome!

I voted for it, too bad it wont win that easy or at all :S

Updated by anonymous

Doing everything to become a mascot? Well, not good

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
Doing everything to become a mascot? Well, not good

Well sometimes you got to act to achieve what you want :D
But i agree, this might cause hate among users :/

But damn its a good mascot...

Updated by anonymous

Voted for it, looks like you're doing pretty well too. 4th place so far.

Updated by anonymous

I'm voting for the only character who can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch and <i>gain nutritional advantage</i>, aaand so should you!

Actually, I did because I just like the design. Needs symmetrically coloured shoulder bands though: bit too fussy with the white/yellow counterchanging thing going on.

Updated by anonymous

The fact that people are crapping on Esix for completely getting in the spirit of this contest and going the extra mile just boggles my mind.

Updated by anonymous

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