Topic: Can't seem to edit blue_hair tag

Posted under General

Tag blue_hair seems to have been marked erroneously as a character tag, but I get an access-denied issue when I try to fix this.


Updated by Aurali

I tried editing it, and it took a few minutes to load, but it seemed to have worked for me.

Updated by anonymous

Strange, i'm still seeing it green. I'm also seeing twilight_sparkle_(mlp) gray.

Updated by anonymous

Brightwater said:
Strange, i'm still seeing it green. I'm also seeing twilight_sparkle_(mlp) gray.


Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
I tried editing it, and it took a few minutes to load, but it seemed to have worked for me.

yeah, tony thinks this is normal... I'm gonna look into it and see if I can get it faster tommorrow.

Updated by anonymous

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