Topic: Tag Aliases: Pokémon_Trainers

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions


All those Pokemon trainers and characters whose tags end with _(pokemon) -> alias to -> all those Pokémon trainers and characters whose tags end with _[pokémon]


Auto-adds the acute over the e for taggers' convenience. Please be sure to include green_(pokemon) -> green_(pokémon).


This would be welcome, green_(pokemon) currently doesn't turn up any search results.

Maybe while we're at it, we can clean up the ash tag vs. Ash Ketchum. That desperately needs to be cleaned up.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

ThenIThought said:

we can clean up the ash tag vs. Ash Ketchum.

well i added all the ash_ketchum. But there are still some other of characters named ash and some post accurately contained ashes.

Updated by anonymous

slyroon said:
well i added all the ash_ketchum. But there are still some other of characters named ash and some post accurately contained ashes.

Wow you did ashes too, while I was looking up source requests, thanks for all that (though it looks like ashes is a character too...). I couldn't actually locate any posts with ashes when I was sorting through the tag, because the one you got was a flash animation.

Updated by anonymous

ThenIThought said:
...green_(pokemon) currently doesn't turn up any search results.

I cleaned that one up before I realized the scope of the effort. Then I realized a moderator could do the job faster and more efficiently than I ever could.

Good work with the Ashes, by the way.

Updated by anonymous

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