Topic: Mob mentality needs to stop.

Posted under General

I'm getting really sick of the mob mentality going on here with the pictures I post and the pictures others post.
If something is disliked then people should black list it.
People who go on to a picture just to spout hate and mob the votes down to a negative 10 or below when people are still faving it then those people should be banned.
Its the misuse of the voting system that really annoys me. As I see it, it should be used to tell of the art is badly drawn or very well drawn, not taking your hate out on a fetish your butthurt over.
I get people who come to ever single picture I post just to slander and hate on it when they could really stop being losers, back list it and never even have to care so much.
I mean, theres a lot on this site that I don't like, egg laying, hyper art, pregnancy, but I don't post hateful comments in the comment box because #1, I have those words blacklisted like a smart person, and #2, I don't feel that a smart person would waste their time going "your fetish sucks, mine is better, all other fetishes are fine except for yours, etc etc."
We really need to clean up comments on a lot of submissions here because I'm really tired of seeing stupid uneducated comments appearing on pictures that I know that some people like.

Updated by namaste

some one speaks the truth!

seriusly its bs when im trying to find nice stuff and theres decent or even great goodies at the end, because i dont often get to there (using order:score command thing)

Updated by anonymous

the black list.....
you would think that they'd be smart enough to use it?

Updated by anonymous

Ahh... That takes away 50% of fun here.

I never blacklisted a thing.

Updated by anonymous

but people commenting his pictures should consider it though if it makes them upset =P

Updated by anonymous

Well, I'm not saying it just because it makes me angry, I want the same for everyone else.
There is a real troll mentality that a lot of people have on here.
In the past I've asked "Why don't you just blacklist it" And the reply was pretty much "FUCK YOU NO, JUST STOP POSTING THIS SHIT."
Its it REALLY worth wasting your time being a really useless troll? The idea of a furry troll really seems ridiculous anyway. Excluding the furs who break actual law by doing certain things (ya know) we're pretty much all in this together. The whole world thinks we're a bunch of freaks and yet we still find it okay to rabble rouse within our fandom to try and "expel" what we deem "gross" or "stupid".
Doesn't anybody realize that most of the world thinks our entire fandom is gross and stupid!?

Yes the fandom is about sex, its also about social interaction, artwork, creativity and friendship. We should all accept that and not wage an unhealthy inner war on each other because what we really need to do is keep the fandom friendly until the time comes that we are more accepted.
This does NOT mean talk down the sex. Just like any other revolution or any other fandom, if we stick around long enough we will someday be a little better welcomed, just like goths and punks and friggen hippies for that matter.

There will always be people that hate us, but there shouldn't be any hate within the fandom for itself, that only breeds a horrible unhealthy fandom that collapses in on itself since no one wants to really be friends anymore.

Yes I'm monologuing. But I'm done. I've said my piece, and thats honestly how I feel.
inflation fur, clean furry artist, vore fan, babyfur, fursuiter, furry fetishist, fat fur, muscle fur, we are ALL furries, and we're all in this boat together. If we tear holes in it with hate its going to sink sooner or later...

Updated by anonymous

Well the way I see it; there's always going to be people who would rather show off how many swear words they know other than straight up blacklist something they don't like, and there's really nothing more we can do about this short of going to all their houses and beating the shit out of them; in the end, i'm pretty sure that's just going to piss them off even more. Mellis does shark week every so often to take care of these people, and from the pictures I look at the chat is rather clean, so I can only assume he's doing a good job. For the most part though I would hardly think of this site as having an overtly mobbish mentality, if anything it's the vast number of positive/humorous comments that make me keep coming back. As for the people who do constantly spread hateful/ignorant comments all I can say is, "meh" their day will come soon, so in the meantime why not try and have a little fun with it!

I will agree with you on the voting system though, but once again there isn't much we can do to prevent others from downrating art just because they don't like it.

Updated by anonymous

Mob mentality is part of human nature.

The more you interact with people, the more you'll come to understand it.

People simply try to fit in, even if only subconsciously, by doing what they see others around them doing.

Updated by anonymous

I totally agree we shouldn't discriminate against an image uploaded here based on content. If we did I would feel uncomfortable posting hate art vilifying certain fetishes.

Updated by anonymous

it might help to just straight out ignoring them, don't feed them and don't give them a reason.. just ignore the comments... You're not gonna make everyone happy.

Updated by anonymous

"Omg she's cutting off his... this is so fucking sick" is as bad as "Omg she's cutting off his... this is just so hawt I dropped my pants and fapped hard". You can't kill all furries, just get over it

Updated by anonymous

people are going to say what they think about what you posted. if you don't like what they post, then why do you post it?

Updated by anonymous

jasmin said:
people are going to say what they think about what you posted. if you don't like what they post, then why do you post it?

It would be different if they critiqued the art or actually had something smart to say about it. But the comments I and other people have been getting are trolling, not opinions or critique, but downright worthless blind hate and trolling. Thats different.

Updated by anonymous

baracudaboy said:
Well, I'm not saying it just because it makes me angry, I want the same for everyone else.
There is a real troll mentality that a lot of people have on here.
In the past I've asked "Why don't you just blacklist it" And the reply was pretty much "FUCK YOU NO, JUST STOP POSTING THIS SHIT."
Its it REALLY worth wasting your time being a really useless troll? The idea of a furry troll really seems ridiculous anyway. Excluding the furs who break actual law by doing certain things (ya know) we're pretty much all in this together. The whole world thinks we're a bunch of freaks and yet we still find it okay to rabble rouse within our fandom to try and "expel" what we deem "gross" or "stupid".
Doesn't anybody realize that most of the world thinks our entire fandom is gross and stupid!?

Yes the fandom is about sex, its also about social interaction, artwork, creativity and friendship. We should all accept that and not wage an unhealthy inner war on each other because what we really need to do is keep the fandom friendly until the time comes that we are more accepted.
This does NOT mean talk down the sex. Just like any other revolution or any other fandom, if we stick around long enough we will someday be a little better welcomed, just like goths and punks and friggen hippies for that matter.

There will always be people that hate us, but there shouldn't be any hate within the fandom for itself, that only breeds a horrible unhealthy fandom that collapses in on itself since no one wants to really be friends anymore.

Yes I'm monologuing. But I'm done. I've said my piece, and thats honestly how I feel.
inflation fur, clean furry artist, vore fan, babyfur, fursuiter, furry fetishist, fat fur, muscle fur, we are ALL furries, and we're all in this boat together. If we tear holes in it with hate its going to sink sooner or later...

baracudaboy for president

Updated by anonymous

I just have to say:

Chill out its Internet. No one takes no one seriously here.

Updated by anonymous

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how shitty it may be. Posting anything on the Internet also has it's risks, as you must already know. You will get people that hate something, people that will love it, people that masturbate to it and feel obliged to tell you... and just as many who think what you posted is a complete POS should be nuked from orbit. Comes with the territory man.

Ignoring them as Aurali said is usually the best thing to do. If you buy into the drama all you do is make it grow.

Updated by anonymous

People will act like dicks when they know they are anonymous. You can't change that.
What this actually means is that the voting system is broken. Now if we have a controversial picture with 50 up votes and 50 down votes it gets score of 0 just like an uninteresting picture with no votes. Current system just encourages trolling.

What should be done is that positive and negative votes are counted separately just like on many other sites. Then you could browse most voted pictures (pos + neg), total points (pos - neg), most positive (pos), most negative (neg) or some other combination.

You can't change people, you have to change the rules.

Updated by anonymous

That would be stupid, what kind of image would get +50 and than again -50?


And also it has already been said like a 100 times, <em>votes do not determine if a post is good or not</em>.

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
That would be stupid, what kind of image would get +50 and than again -50?


And also it has already been said like a 100 times, <em>votes do not determine if a post is good or not</em>.

it shows how finiky human mentality can be, but we need to consider that different people may be seeing it this time, and they may have a different opinion of it. that said, you're complaining on the touchy subject of cub porn, most people don't like it and consider it something gross, so while oyu may enjoy that fetish, alot more don't so of course you're going to get a mob against you.

Updated by anonymous

Still no. If they hate it they can always blacklist it. And if they start whining/crying/being stupid about it, the moderating team will take care of them, aka Shark week, and they will stop.

<em>I know, cause Ive been there, i know its horrors ;_;</em>

Updated by anonymous

Also thats how human mentality works, if the bigger group hates it, than there is nothing you can do about it.

Updated by anonymous

very true, still, some people love thier freedom of speech a little bit too much and will rip you a knew one if they don't like what they see

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
That would be stupid, what kind of image would get +50 and than again -50?


And also it has already been said like a 100 times, <em>votes do not determine if a post is good or not</em>.

It's just an example. The problem raised was that some people give negative votes to pictures that they don't like so they get negative score even if they are liked by people that are interested in them.
You see, if a picture gets lots of votes but it gets about the same amount of positive and negative votes then it seems like it got no votes.
If a picture is really liked by a small group of people, but it is frowned upon by lots of people, it will get negative score because people vote it down. Even if it is a good picture in its own genre. This was the problem raised.

Updated by anonymous

You can make this problem smaller with different voting system.

Updated by anonymous

it seems like the point of the voting system is misunderstood. the way i see it, it's supposed to represent what people think of that picture. if one person does not like it, and votes down, it will go down one point. you can't say, HEY YOU DON'T LIKE IT BUT I DO SO DON'T VOTE ON IT BECAUSE YOU'RE MAKING THAT PICTURE LOOK BAD. It's just the same as fixing the vote count.

Updated by anonymous

@Vilis: Yeah i know what you mean.

Well for both sides to be happy, they cam make:

+/- : 50/50
Total: 0

Something like that...

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
@Vilis: Yeah i know what you mean.

Well for both sides to be happy, they cam make:

+/- : 50/50
Total: 0

Something like that...

very interesting idea, I'd love to see this i place

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
@Vilis: Yeah i know what you mean.

Well for both sides to be happy, they cam make:

+/- : 50/50
Total: 0

Something like that...

But surely a picture with +50/-50 votes is quite more interesting than picture with +0/-0 votes?

Updated by anonymous

vilis said:
It's just an example. The problem raised was that some people give negative votes to pictures that they don't like so they get negative score even if they are liked by people that are interested in them.
If a picture is really liked by a small group of people, but it is frowned upon by lots of people, it will get negative score because people vote it down. Even if it is a good picture in its own genre. This was the problem raised.

So your complaint then, is that if 10 people like an image, and 50 people hate an image, and they all vote on that image, it would have a score of -40? Your complaint is that the vote score accurately reflects the attitudes of people who feel strongly enough to vote on the image? How is this in any way a fucking "problem"? That's how voting WORKS. That's the very damn definition of voting. The majority decides the results with each person participating having an equal say.

Crying that more people voted a way you didn't like, so as a result we should change the vote result to suit your whims instead of the vote, is monumentally retarded - it flies in the face of even having a vote option in the first place. That's actually just dictating the results however your personal opinions go, fuck the actual votes; this is the exact opposite of voting.

You almost had something with listing the total votes cast, but really, all a high total and a near-zero final score says is 'hey this picture is a drama magnet' - it's no indication of quality, and the actual score shows it's a wash over whether or not it's actually liked or disliked anyways.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

mellis said:
The majority decides the results with each person participating having an equal say.

Are you so sure about that ?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

mellis said:

When i see pics with a rating of 100+ and barely a dozen fav, and in the other side, pics with -15 rating that are not particularly badly drawn, contains no hate bait (dragoneer) and even have a fair amount of favs, i doubt the rating is the result of "each person having an equal say".

It only needs a few dumb or stubborn people, that will rate a pic over and over out of frustration or attention whoring, to destroy the relevance of the rating system.

Updated by anonymous

Kald said:
When i see pics with a rating of 100+ and barely a dozen fav

For example?

Updated by anonymous

mellis said:
Crying that more people voted a way you didn't like, so as a result we should change the vote result to suit your whims instead of the vote, is monumentally retarded - it flies in the face of even having a vote option in the first place. That's actually just dictating the results however your personal opinions go, fuck the actual votes; this is the exact opposite of voting.

I don't want to change vote results to suit my whims. I just feel that current voting mechanism loses information since I can't tell if picture is drawing lots of votes or not nor the distribution of the votes.

I'm not demanding anything, I am merely suggesting how to make the voting mechanism better. It's great that e621 has voting but I feel that it could be better with little fine-tuning.

Updated by anonymous

Kald said:
When i see pics with a rating of 100+ and barely a dozen fav, and in the other side, pics with -15 rating that are not particularly badly drawn, contains no hate bait (dragoneer) and even have a fair amount of favs, i doubt the rating is the result of "each person having an equal say".

It only needs a few dumb or stubborn people, that will rate a pic over and over out of frustration or attention whoring, to destroy the relevance of the rating system.

Number of favs isn't relevant to votecount - I vote things up and down all the time and don't fav hardly any of them.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

mellis said:
Number of favs isn't relevant to votecount - I vote things up and down all the time and don't fav hardly any of them.

Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact it is possible to re-vote once every hour, more if you change your IP (which takes 5 seconds for people like me who have an old fashioned dynamic IP).

When the system has a flaw, there are people to abuse of it.

Updated by anonymous

if you have nothing better to do than change your ip to vote on a feature not everyone looks at in the first place on an image that will be forgotten in a few days, not to mention that the voting system does nothing to begin with but just give a statistic, then whoever does that really has to get out more.

Updated by anonymous

Ya know I wasn't even really talking about the voting system, fuck the voting system.
I was talking about hateful and very aggressive comments being posted on pictures that could have otherwise been easily blacklisted, thats my main problem.

Updated by anonymous

ok then if you wish, back on topic. some people don't like blacklisting, why they don't and they whine about it, i'll never know, BUT, they are entitled to thier opinion. it would be like saying. hey, ima put this stuffed cat in your room. now you hate stuffed cats, and could easily just throw it out, or you can just say how much you hate cats and then move along.

Updated by anonymous

mellis said:
So your complaint then, is that if 10 people like an image, and 50 people hate an image, and they all vote on that image, it would have a score of -40? Your complaint is that the vote score accurately reflects the attitudes of people who feel strongly enough to vote on the image? How is this in any way a fucking "problem"? That's how voting WORKS. That's the very damn definition of voting. The majority decides the results with each person participating having an equal say.

(clipped for brevity)

You almost had something with listing the total votes cast, but really, all a high total and a near-zero final score says is 'hey this picture is a drama magnet' - it's no indication of quality, and the actual score shows it's a wash over whether or not it's actually liked or disliked anyways.

It really depends on the purpose of the voting system. If the purpose of the voting system is to simply reflect the aesthetic preferences of the average of the community, then do not change a thing.

However, if the voting system is merely meant to keep out "bad art" demonstrating low artistic and technical skill (MS Paint crap and stuff that looks like a 3 year old got ahold of some crayons), then the positive votes should be given greater consideration. Also, an image with too few votes should not be automatically considered as either positive or negative based on the whims of only a few voters. I was thinking psudocode along the lines of:

If positive_votes >= (0.25 * negative_votes) AND total_voters >= 5 then
{image_score = positive_votes}
ElseIf total_voters >= 5
{image_score = negative_votes}
ElseIf total_voters < 5
{image_score = nothing}

The reason I would like to see positive votes get the lion's share in determining an image's score implemented is because I just uploaded 5 images by a particular artist -- all of them of the same technical skill. Within 6 hours, two of the images I posted received positive scores, and two of them negative scores. The two images that received positive votes were basically naked male pinups, and the two that received negative scores contained more explicit gay content. The technical skills of the drawings remained about the same. (In case you were wondering, the images that received negative scores did not have any "extreme" fetish content (no sadomasochism, denigration theme, etc) in them (other than, of course, the horror of two non-effeminate male werewolves affectionately going at it -- which is an expected par for the course on this website)).

The aesthetic preferences of the average beholder, as opposed to the technical skill of the content, is the final decider of an image's score. This is very bad, since you could have a group of prudish activists registering accounts, and search for tags they don't like, in order to go trolling through the website down-voting and leaving hostile commentary on anything they don't think others should see -- based, of course, upon their own sexual preferences as opposed to the artistic merit of the submitted image.

If a number of users enjoy a submitted image, then that is all that should matter. Otherwise, the website will have certain users influencing what fetishes others "should" and "shouldn't" see based upon their own preferences. Let's say, just as an example, that I don't like feet as a fetish -- especially stinky ones. I really don't. But, let's say that rather than be a good user and just hide all content pertaining to a foot fetish so I don't have to see it, I instead decide to go masochistically search for examples of disgusting stinky sweaty furry porn feet images in order to troll them and impose my prudish moral values upon the rest of the community? Is that fair? Should an individual user or a small group of mischievous individuals be allowed to control the website's content with a small handful of negative votes?

What if I, as an individual site user, don't like muscles, or large breasts, or manly stuff, or effeminate males, or hermaphrodites, or ridiculously over-sized genitalia, etc. etc. etc, because it doesn't turn me on, and I then decide to go on a Crusade to clean the fandom of "this shit" by downranking and leaving hostile comments on everything that doesn't give me a big fat boner?

Because without allowing the positive to outweigh the negative, that's the power you give people like me right now.

(EDIT: I had to fix some of the angle brackets made in my first post... as the board interprets them as HTML.)

Updated by anonymous

...You know, maybe we could just vote pictures we don't like down, ones we like up, and just sort of let things balance out. The system we've got right now seems to do a decent enough job.

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:

That was my intended effect. You know that, right?

Shatari said:
...You know, maybe we could just vote pictures we don't like down, ones we like up, and just sort of let things balance out. The system we've got right now seems to do a decent enough job.

I don't like that idea because of the fact that 45% of furries are bi, and 30% are straight, and 25% gay. A "majority rules" policy doesn't work well in furry fandom since no one really possesses a majority when it comes to sexual preferences.

Reusing my earlier example of the foot fetish -- if everyone who liked foot fetish voted feet fetish imagery up, and everyone else down voted, then no foot fetish image would ever see a positive score.

The reason why we don't see people attacking fetishes they don't like now is because MOST people are polite. MOST people don't bother looking for shit they don't want to see. HOWEVER, a few bonehead don't, and a number of these losers have made it their cause to down-vote every image submitted to that doesn't tickle their fancy in order to make the place cater exclusively to their interests at the expense of everyone else.

It would be so easy to control if the positive votes had a little more power than the negative votes in order to discourage trolling. That way, poor-quality, low-skill images still get downvoted and ignored, but the douches that want to make this website cater to only their specific narrowly-defined personal fetishes to the exclusion of anytone else's fetish that doesn't tickle their fancy are deservedly disappointed.

Updated by anonymous

ferretsage said:
That was my intended effect. You know that, right?

I don't like that idea because of the fact that 45% of furries are bi, and 30% are straight, and 25% gay. A "majority rules" policy doesn't work well in furry fandom since no one really possesses a majority when it comes to sexual preferences.

Reusing my earlier example of the foot fetish -- if everyone who liked foot fetish voted feet fetish imagery up, and everyone else down voted, then no foot fetish image would ever see a positive score.

The reason why we don't see people attacking fetishes they don't like now is because MOST people are polite. MOST people don't bother looking for shit they don't want to see. HOWEVER, a few bonehead don't, and a number of these losers have made it their cause to down-vote every image submitted to that doesn't tickle their fancy in order to make the place cater exclusively to their interests at the expense of everyone else.

It would be so easy to control if the positive votes had a little more power than the negative votes in order to discourage trolling. That way, poor-quality, low-skill images still get downvoted and ignored, but the douches that want to make this website cater to only their specific narrowly-defined personal fetishes to the exclusion of anytone else's fetish that doesn't tickle their fancy are deservedly disappointed.

It doesn't matter.

Read that first sentence again.

Now another time.

One more time.

Ok. Thread's over.

Updated by anonymous

FurZ said:
It doesn't matter.

Read that first sentence again.

Now another time.

One more time.

Ok. Thread's over.

I still don't get it. The title of this thread is "Mob Mentality Needs to Stop". Up until this part of the discussion, everyone seems to be in favor that the mob mentality on this website needs to stop. Ooooo... irony.

Including myself, but I see with unfortunate hindsight that pointing out the structural flaws of the website by highlighting abusive activities some users are engaging in went over your collective heads like a lead balloon. "Someone's using bad words -- and bad words are bad -- and the people who speak bad words are bad..." -- because, that in essence is your position by taking that bratty dismissive attitude.

So, ummm. Right. Thanks for reminding me. An opportunity to climb that social ladder has presented itself and I'm the stepping stone. I stand corrected.

Updated by anonymous

i think we should have it so that, in all fairness, people can't vote more than once on a picture. i'm sure i'm not the only person who noticed, but a person can vote on a single picture down once a day, and up twice a day, depending on if they favorite it or not, rather than just one vote per picture all together. i'm sure there are people out there who down vote some pictures every day. example- lets say i saw a picture i absolutely hated, i could go vote down on that image today, and then tomorrow i could do it again. instead, i think it should be i vote today, and can't come back and vote again tomorrow. (i discovered this flaw entirely by accident when i up voted something, then faved it.)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

The pictures' rating is relevant of the userbase's appreciation for these pictures, often regardless of their artistical quality.

Hate baits like Dragoneer and Lupine Assassin do get downrated en masse, so do extreme fetishes like scat and gore. So be it.

You will never get an impartial rating, and i don't think that's the system's intent.

Now i do maintain abuse is possible, and is marginally exploited, but that doesn't mean the system doesn't work.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

chancethewolf said:
i'm sure i'm not the only person who noticed, but a person can vote on a single picture down once a day

You can vote for a pic once every hour.

Updated by anonymous

Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is the consequence of a picture having a negative score? Anything?

Updated by anonymous

Johnny_Five_Aces said:
Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is the consequence of a picture having a negative score? Anything?

Nothing at all. That was my point, an images' score is completely pointless. If someone doesn't like your favorite image or whatever, ignore it and go about your day. It's not an insult to your personal tastes or whatever it is some of the people in this thread seem to think it is.

This doesn't need to be debated. People need to grow a little bit of a thicker skin if they take offense at scores on an image gallery.

No matter what you do, there will always be someone that disagrees with you on something.

Updated by anonymous

Johnny_Five_Aces said:
Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is the consequence of a picture having a negative score? Anything?

The main advantage to the negative score system is that people can mark their distaste of a picture without having to clutter up the comments section.

Looking at the LA example, his blood pressure is probably a lot better off seeing a -50 than seeing 50 negative comments on each page. It also keeps the mods from having to banhammer every person who can't keep their criticisms objective.

Personally, I blacklist stuff that I don't want to see at all, and down vote anything that is boring or poorly drawn (if I even bother looking at it). I don't typically up vote anything unless I just happen to think of it then and there.

Updated by anonymous

Well for one, a Mob is simply a close community as seen by a disliked outsider.

As to the voting I find it useful.

I wish i knew how to filter negative scored images onto my blacklist.

Updated by anonymous

As per usual Kald hits it square on the nose :)

Filtering negative scores can be done by typing
score:>0 into search

Updated by anonymous

well, a "mob" (just because people don't see eye to eye with your tastes doesn't make them a mob" si going to vote things down en-mass things that are usually bad, for example, cub porn, gore, vore, and/or lupine assassin.if you don't like it, don't upload it, if you don't care about it, then upload it and share it with your small amount of people that will like it, however odd or weird it is to the "mob"

tl;dr stop bitching and do what you want lol

Updated by anonymous

ehh people are going to troll no matter what and it's mostly because you upload cub and it seems that people have a real stick up there ass about it.So as a person who loves cub ive gone through the same shit so my advise would to just upload your butt off and ignore the trolls

Updated by anonymous

I wonder if one can ban by user upload? Been a recent rash of bad vore by the same user.

And yeah [people ahve a real problem with Cub, because it's close to kiddie pr0n, pedophilia and all that in most people's minds. That's a conflict that will always and forever be rancorous.

Updated by anonymous

Kang said:
I wonder if one can ban by user upload? Been a recent rash of bad vore by the same user.

And yeah [people ahve a real problem with Cub, because it's close to kiddie pr0n, pedophilia and all that in most people's minds. That's a conflict that will always and forever be rancorous.

hey look, someone that isn't stupid for a change.

disguise it as they want, it's still pedophilia, furry or not.

btw, you're about to be banned, last time i said something like that, one month ban.

Updated by anonymous

namaste said:
disguise it as they want, it's still pedophilia, furry or not.

I agree. But the stance at e621 is that it's allowed here. And I don't see that changing anytime soon. This site, nothing is banned with the exception of DNP artists.

Really, that's nothing new on furry porn sites.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
I agree. But the stance at e621 is that it's allowed here. And I don't see that changing anytime soon. This site, nothing is banned with the exception of DNP artists.

Really, that's nothing new on furry porn sites.

oh of course not, im not questioning whether it should be allowed or not, hell theres way worse things here. what i mean is that people will complain about it since the majority of people don't like it, so theres no point in whining that people are voting it down if the majority of people don't like it

Updated by anonymous

The part that gets to me is that the furry community calls it "cub"

As if calling it a cute name makes it anything less pedophiliac.

I remember a quotation by a famous man... "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Just because you call the tail a leg doesn't make it so."

Hehe Lincoln <3 I've been wanting to use that quote for a while.

Updated by anonymous

You know, you can blacklist anything that offends you quite easily.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
I agree. But the stance at e621 is that it's allowed here. And I don't see that changing anytime soon. This site, nothing is banned with the exception of DNP artists.

Really, that's nothing new on furry porn sites.

Additionally to the DNP Artists and lists, You cannot post illegal images/photos. (Illegal in the sense that the Government has standing to prosecute the poster and the host for posting.

However with the arrest and incarceration of Frank Gemback Jr. it is better to err on the some of caution.

Updated by anonymous

Kang said:
However with the arrest and incarceration of Frank Gemback Jr. it is better to err on the some of caution.

Fear tactics. I love it XD

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Fear tactics. I love it XD

Glad I could be of service

Updated by anonymous

I love how ya'll went off on the voting system that I don't give a shit about and then on to morality that has nothing t do with a drawn picture.
No matter how many god damn times I fap to a picture of a cub someone drew a real child will never get hurt.
I don't like real children, they are annoying and horrible little twits, so no one gets hurt, ever.

You all seem to think that it enables, but you have to grow up with a shitty like to be a pedo hun, looking at a picture doesn't one day magically turn you into a pedo, if that was true japan would be one big bay raping machine (they actually have a VERY low sex crime rate :/)

So yeah, whether you like it or not, its not huritng anyone, at all. A pedophile WAS AND IS a pedophile, no piece of art can make him that way.

Now that the new trolling policy is up, I hope we can all follow my hopeful rule I started this thread about, that if you hate a picture its still not okay to leave comments on it like "this is sick, you fucking freak"

We're furries, most of the world thinks your all zoophiles anyway. so suck it up.

Updated by anonymous

Well said me boy a picture is a picture just because we look at cub dosn't make us real pedophiles and they way there talking if I look at a picture of France then than means ive been to France. At least using there reasoning. :/

Updated by anonymous

EinTheCorgi said:
a picture is a picture just because we look at cub dosn't make us real pedophiles

Depends if you fap on it, lol. This way it's a sweet self-deceit

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
Depends if you fap on it, lol. This way it's a sweet self-deceit

I believe what they'd meant to say was 'child molesters', not 'pedophiles'. The terms seem to be frequently confused.

Updated by anonymous

you can dress an elephant as a horse, but its still an elephant

Updated by anonymous

baracudaboy said:
Well, I'm not saying it just because it makes me angry, I want the same for everyone else.
There is a real troll mentality that a lot of people have on here.
In the past I've asked "Why don't you just blacklist it" And the reply was pretty much "FUCK YOU NO, JUST STOP POSTING THIS SHIT."
Its it REALLY worth wasting your time being a really useless troll? The idea of a furry troll really seems ridiculous anyway. Excluding the furs who break actual law by doing certain things (ya know) we're pretty much all in this together. The whole world thinks we're a bunch of freaks and yet we still find it okay to rabble rouse within our fandom to try and "expel" what we deem "gross" or "stupid".
Doesn't anybody realize that most of the world thinks our entire fandom is gross and stupid!?

Yes the fandom is about sex, its also about social interaction, artwork, creativity and friendship. We should all accept that and not wage an unhealthy inner war on each other because what we really need to do is keep the fandom friendly until the time comes that we are more accepted.
This does NOT mean talk down the sex. Just like any other revolution or any other fandom, if we stick around long enough we will someday be a little better welcomed, just like goths and punks and friggen hippies for that matter.

There will always be people that hate us, but there shouldn't be any hate within the fandom for itself, that only breeds a horrible unhealthy fandom that collapses in on itself since no one wants to really be friends anymore.

Yes I'm monologuing. But I'm done. I've said my piece, and thats honestly how I feel.
inflation fur, clean furry artist, vore fan, babyfur, fursuiter, furry fetishist, fat fur, muscle fur, we are ALL furries, and we're all in this boat together. If we tear holes in it with hate its going to sink sooner or later...


Updated by anonymous

i love how he say's we're in this together and that all of us are not accepted. i for one, am not a homosexual,am not into vore or scat or inflation or multiple dicks or herms nor a pedophile, and believe it or not, being a furry is actually pretty super cool at the college i go to, even though i'm one of like, maybe 3.

Updated by anonymous

namaste said:
i love how he say's we're in this together and that all of us are not accepted. i for one, am not a homosexual,am not into vore or scat or inflation or multiple dicks or herms nor a pedophile, and believe it or not, being a furry is actually pretty super cool at the college i go to, even though i'm one of like, maybe 3.

Ok it comes down to this I dont bitch about what you like or what you fap to so please have the decency and respect to not bitch and complain about ours. Thank you and good day. :)

Updated by anonymous

EinTheCorgi said:
Ok it comes down to this I dont bitch about what you like or what you fap to so please have the decency and respect to not bitch and complain about ours. Thank you and good day. :)

that's the lulzy part, that wasn't the point to begin with, it was that people mass vote on something, and that is in no way complaining, it's expressing in a constructive and non flaming manner your opinion on the picture, which is within the sites rules to do so, and OP is bitching about that. now if your into pedophilia, that's your own boat, you can keep and sink in it, i won't interfere with it.

Updated by anonymous

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