Topic: AUP TOS Changes at F.A. because of law changes in UK,Canada Australia

Posted under Off Topic

Surfing a link from here, back to an artist's gallery on Fur Affinity, when I noticed all of these notes and banners with links going to the FA Forums, announcing a rues change. Perusing the forums it appears, that while they have prohibited photography(other than pictures of sculptures), and game screen shots, of items the uploader did not create, or commission themselves, they have also banned "shouta, and Loli" art, on the advice of Dragoneer's lawyers. Apparently there has been a change in the laws regarding child porn, in that sites may be criminally liable for hosting images depicting under aged characters in lewd or "mature" situations. So far, Dragoneer has not decided, that this applies to "cub" art, but it has resulted in the removal of "Proto-human images" (or will June 1) So no underaged looking elves, kemonomimi, and the like, engaging in anything sexual, or suggestive. What I find Ironic is that years ago, FA put the question to allow this sort of thing on FA to a vote, and the users decided against allowing the depictions of underaged characters engaging lewd activvities, but Dragoneer, decided that cub art was OK. Many Artist protested.

IF the laws are changing such, might the admins here take a look at the provided links and see if there is need for action or not? I'd hate to see the site go away.

TOS & AUP Forum Index

Site Rules Changes - TL;DR Version

May 13th Terms of Service

Loli/Shota discussion

Updated by Marbles

If the TOS needs to be looked at, then the admins will look at it. It most probably has already been brought to their attention. Kthxbai.

Updated by anonymous

Censoring based on what some overly-religious fuckwits says is wrong is worse than taking down the site in my humble opinion. If users from the UK and other nanny-countries want to stay out of prison, then I'd have to suggest blacklisting the relevant tags or reading up on how to protect their privacy and how to take action against those in office instating laws based on their stereotypical and uninformed views.

Updated by anonymous

FA can do whatever it likes. Meanwhile, we'll still allow those artists to have their art up here if they want the exposure, and we'll gladly welcome it and support them (so long as they follow site conduct, obviously). Win/win - both FA, and artists looking for a place to put their content, get what they like.

Updated by anonymous

e621 is hosted in the U.S., yes? If so, then I don't think it really matters what other countries pass for laws - we can tell them to go smurf themselves, because they don't have jurisdiction. If their governments really care (so far it sounds like that includes the down under and maybe the old world), they can block e621's IP from connections and its name from DNS lookups.

Still, the devoted aussies, canooks, and brits who want to come here can proxy through any number of neutrally-located servers, and the smart ones can do it over SSH connections, even, making it more annoying to anyone wanting to know what they're up to.

Updated by anonymous

Unless we become forced by US law to stop and I doubt we ever will, thanks to the First Amendment, we will NEVER prevent people from drawing what they want and posting it here (Well, provided it's at least relevant).

Banning such things on a site, only give support to the people who want to get rid of free artistic expression and aids the legitimacy of such 'thoughtcrimes'.

Also: Fuck FA.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

rule34.paheal first and now FA, what next?

Updated by anonymous

ktkr said:
rule34.paheal first and now FA, what next? and have already purged their sites. This is pretty much the last site that I know of that hasn't bent over backwards for this new law.

Updated by anonymous

i'd be willing to bet the laws will go about as well as prohibition.

Updated by anonymous

and nothing of value was lost. im willing to bet that other countries will be using this to fuel their "americans are idiots/fatasses/perverts" mentality

Updated by anonymous

fartpaw_firekidney said:
and nothing of value was lost. im willing to bet that other countries will be using this to fuel their "americans are idiots/fatasses/perverts" mentality

The good trolls wait until their accounts are more than one week old before ousting themselves, you know.

Updated by anonymous

ktkr said:
rule34.paheal first?

Wait what?

Jeeze, so like, did they just wipe out like 95% of their images?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Marbles said:
Wait what?

Jeeze, so like, did they just wipe out like 95% of their images?

They are wiping out all toddlercon and might be extending this to loli/shota in the near future.

Updated by anonymous

If FA wants to limit what users can post because of laws that do not pertain to the site... let them. They are too busy worrying about their popularity contests to think properly anyway.

(Besides.. half the admins can't view content on their anyway.. from their countries of origin >..>)

Arcturus said:
Also: Fuck FA.


Updated by anonymous

ktkr said:
They are wiping out all toddlercon and might be extending this to loli/shota in the near future.

I think the Loli/Shouta goes away on the first of the next month. At least that is my reading of it.

Updated by anonymous

FurZ said: and have already purged their sites. This is pretty much the last site that I know of that hasn't bent over backwards for this new law. hasn't had Loli since I've been there, and that's well over 2 years

E-Hentai was trolled by advertisers, not any countries' laws.

My beef with it all is that it's non-living depictions. If they're gonna target people for what's in their heads, they better start lobotomizing paedophilic people first thing after their Guilty verdict, because it's in their memory, and will always be there.

Going one step beyond just pictures, it's pictures of NON-EXISTENT ENTITIES, humanoid but not human.

Updated by anonymous

My beef with it all ... it's pictures of NON-EXISTENT ENTITIES, humanoid but not human.

With issues like this you're not really gonna change any opinions. :|

Updated by anonymous

So if I drew a big stick figure boinking a little stick figure, you'd call it tantamount to paedophilia.

Good job.

Updated by anonymous

temporal_crux said:
So if I drew a big stick figure boinking a little stick figure, you'd call it tantamount to paedophilia.

Good job.

Well, the UK might. Then you'd be arrested.

Updated by anonymous

While I'm not a fan of loli, and personally find it especially creepy if the character portrayed is as being not just young, but pre-pubescent...

I honestly don't see the point in it being illegal. The only exception being realistic CGIs , which I feel definitely should be illegal (Yes that is actually a CGI).

But for the most part, a pedophile is going to be a pedophile either way; I suspect it's rather typical pedophiles started viewing children as attractive in real life first, before becoming attracted to alternative representations of children. Ya might as well attempt to discourage them from considering becoming predatory by giving them some anime characters or furry characters to fap to.

Updated by anonymous

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