So I'm looking for the true artist of this picture:
It was uploaded by the user known as misspriss. I have pm'd this user to try to track down the source of this image but it's been nearly a day and still she hasn't responded.
I took a look at her record and it shows she has uploaded several pictures without sourcing them and quite a few have been deleted usually under request of real author. Everything in misspriss gallery doesn't appear to be her own.
Now I did a look for Ashanti, due to the watermark, and the only thing I could find was:
I want to ask the original artist of the human girl painted like a cheetah with added tail and ears if I could save it and add a dress or outfit just so I can make it safe for a site I'm on to set up Khajiit type examples. But I don't know who the true artist of this cheetah girl is!