Recently I have noticed a rash of fan-colored submissions being submitted to e621. Now, these are good quality lineart/greyscale artworks by some fairly skilled artists, but the coloring job is obviously fan-made by some 13 year old douchebag.
These coloring jobs look like someone used the paint bucket tool -- and nothing else. It is very obvious by the contrast of the high-quality of the lineart versus the low skill of the coloring that the submission was fan-colored by an amatuer, and not the original artist.
Anyway, I was wondering how I, the user, should respond when encountering these fan-defiled eyesores.
Should I:
A. Request delete?
B. Upload the original un-paint-bucketed undefiled work?
C. Add a tag to the submission to denote that it has been "fan_mutilated"?
Updated by jebus