Topic: Implication fail: Well done !

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

- [Zoo --> implication --> Animal] = No!!!

Past year, I completely removed the tag "animal", replaced by the tag "Feral" (if necessary)
Thank you for having endorsed this implication, omitting the hours of work done by myself...

Animal = non-anthro = Feral (

Need replacement
[Zoo --> implication --> Feral] = Yes!!!

But personally, I see no value to create an implication with the tag Zoo...

- Then, I see many people who added the tag zoo scenes on anthro / feral
Human / Feral = Zoo? yes
Elf, orc, ogre, fairy ... / Feral = Zoo? yes
Anthro / Feral = Zoo? NO!

An anthropological character, can not be considered an animal, otherwise, that is the entire furry porn to be considered as bestiality (it's unfortunately the case with the ignorant...)



Former Staff

Tauxiera said:
Anthro / Feral = Zoo? NO!

Why not ?

Anyway, that's easily solved by aliasing animal -> feral.

Updated by anonymous

Kald said:
Why not ?

Je l'ai expliqué, il ne peux y avoir de zoo sans animal et un personnage Anthro ne peux être considéré comme un simple animal sinon c'est l'intégralité de la furry porn qui sera considérée comme zoophilie.

Un alias animal->feral ? oui c'est la solution, a condition qu'il soit validé.
La majorité des aliases et implications que je propose sont refusés en masse...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Dans une relation anthro + feral, le feral est un animal, non ? Je vois pas de quoi tergiverser.

Updated by anonymous

Didn't you just say a furry can't be considered an animal? Then what do you consider sex between a furry and an animal?

Updated by anonymous

RlctntFr said:
Didn't you just say a furry can't be considered an animal? Then what do you consider sex between a furry and an animal?

I consider this simply as inter-species

Human, Elf, orc, ogre, fairy... / Feral = Zoo + interspecies
Anthro / Feral = Interspecies
Feral / Feral = Interspecies (only if different species, exemple: dog and cat)

I know, "The logic" can sometimes be complex, I could handle the complexity, provided that the administration does not tend to fight me in the wheel...
(de l'expression: tendre ou mettre des battons dans les roues)

Updated by anonymous

It's not that complex, it's just a matter of opinion. Furries are a mix between humans and animals so it just depends on how you look at it.

Updated by anonymous

RlctntFr said:
It's not that complex, it's just a matter of opinion. Furries are a mix between humans and animals so it just depends on how you look at it.

ok, then two anthropomorphic characters, are both, half animal and human, so your reasoning on this is to zoophilia...
Anthro = 50% human ?
Animal / 50% human = zoo ?
Anthro / Anthro = zoo ! (lol, poor us)

Updated by anonymous

Oh god...I predict this thred will span out to 6 or more pages...

I have the same opinion.

Human + feral canine = Zoo
Anthro canine + feral canine = not zoo, mating. (As they are both canines.)

etc. etc.

Updated by anonymous

That's not my reasoning. You're arguing that furry/feral sex is not zoophilia, and I'm arguing that since a furry could either be looked at as a person or an animal it's a matter of opinion.

I would argue that a furry is more often looked at as a person, therefore sex with a feral would be zoophilia.

Since you like to be specific:
furry/furry=natural or interspecies
feral/feral=natural or interspecies

But that's making it needlessly complicated. Some would argue furry/feral is zoophilia, some would argue that it's not. It's a matter of opinion.

Updated by anonymous

RlctntFr said:
That's not my reasoning. You're arguing that furry/feral sex is not zoophilia, and I'm arguing that since a furry could either be looked at as a person or an animal it's a matter of opinion.

I would argue that a furry is more often looked at as a person, therefore sex with a feral would be zoophilia.

Since you like to be specific:
furry/furry=natural or interspecies
feral/feral=natural or interspecies

But that's making it needlessly complicated. Some would argue furry/feral is zoophilia, some would argue that it's not. It's a matter of opinion.

I think it's a case of people just needing to shut up and fap. :|

But then, that's just me. Y'know.

Updated by anonymous

Personally, I think anthro (including humans) + feral = zoo, since if you're looking for that kind of stuff, are you really going to care whether the humanlike thing porking the animal is covered in fur or not?

In my opinion, helping people find what they want should be the #1 priority of tags, rather than being perfectly scientifically correct.

Updated by anonymous

I think "If it looks like an anthro fucking a dog, tag it like an anthro fucking a dog" works here

Updated by anonymous

My issue is that "Feral" is rather recent in the nomenclature, at least to imply non-physical anthropomorphics. "Feral" used to imply a mental state.

The opposite of a feral dog is a domesticated dog, so if a picture shows a woman having sex with her dog, a domesticated animal, "feral" doesn't apply and it certainly pisses off us old farts to the furry community.

The etymology of the terms went as such: What used to be feral became what so many today call "tribal", and I blame the mainstream use of "tribal" to describe a wide range of tattoos. What used to be non-anthropomorphic fursonas (be they of sentient-level intelligence or just a "dumb animal"), is now "feral".

The term has been butchered and there's no way to fix it. People will keep calling any animal, domesticated or not, "feral".

Updated by anonymous

Meanings of words change, that's just how languages evolve.

Updated by anonymous

Things are a little different now we have the dictionary. Evolution should have been halted.

Updated by anonymous

Hat said:
Things are a little different now we have the dictionary. Evolution should have been halted.

unfortunately, we also have mass media, so no one reads anymore

Updated by anonymous

Hat said:
Things are a little different now we have the dictionary. Evolution should have been halted.

Does thou try to change thy comprehension of the mother language?

(they had dictionaries back then too)

Updated by anonymous

"Back then" learning to read was for rich people.

Updated by anonymous

Hat said:
"Back then" learning to read was for rich people.

People knew how to read in the 1600s o.o;

Updated by anonymous

only a few, those who weren't working their asses of

Updated by anonymous

jebus said:
Only a few, those who weren't working their asses off.

...or being hung for witchcraft.

Updated by anonymous

WolfieWolfie1992 said:
...or being hung for witchcraft.

some literate people were hung for witchcraft

Updated by anonymous

jebus said:
some literate people were hung for witchcraft

Basically any literate person who didn't have a penis.

Updated by anonymous

jebus said:
some literate people were hung for witchcraft

Literacy is witchcraft, which is why there are no witches on the internet.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
Basically any literate person who didn't have a penis.

Actually, men were burned during those trials, too. :P Anybody who showed any "odd" behavior was a candidate.

Updated by anonymous

(en fait, c'est moi qui a amené l'utilisation du terme feral sur e621 mais chuut, faut pas leur dire ^^')

Le terme "Feral" a été adopté par le furry fandom dans les années 80-90, pour designer les characters non-anthro de forme naturelle. L'utilisation de ce terme a presque disparue ces 10 dernières années (internet et furry fAndom ont énormément changés ces 10 dernières années) mais il n'y a pas de raison pour ne pas relancer sont utilisation dans ce sens.
J'ai lu cela dans des récits de discussions entre artistes old school.

J'ai trouvé le terme "feral" plus sympathique que le terme non-anthro, ce dernier étant négatif et donnant l'impression de rejeter l'art du furry fandom.

(sorry for the not translate...)

Updated by anonymous

Tauxiera said:
(en fait, c'est moi qui a amené l'utilisation du terme feral sur e621 mais chuut, faut pas leur dire ^^')

Le terme "Feral" a été adopté par le furry fandom dans les années 80-90, pour designer les characters non-anthro de forme naturelle. L'utilisation de ce terme a presque disparue ces 10 dernières années (internet et furry fAndom ont énormément changés ces 10 dernières années) mais il n'y a pas de raison pour ne pas relancer sont utilisation dans ce sens.
J'ai lu cela dans des récits de discussions entre artistes old school.

J'ai trouvé le terme "feral" plus sympathique que le terme non-anthro, ce dernier étant négatif et donnant l'impression de rejeter l'art du furry fandom.

(sorry for the not translate...)

Je voudrais plutôt vous parler anglais, merci.

Updated by anonymous

mellis said:
Je voudrais plutôt vous parler anglais, merci.

Ok I write in English, by cons, you pass in this subject showed me that the person most concerned by this issue does not even deign to give his opinion ...
And the vulgar implication Antelope = Bovine, when Will it be deleted ?

Updated by anonymous

Tauxiera said:
(stuff in French)

mellis said:
(stuff in French asking Tauxiera to use English)

Sadly, I can't understand a word of French except for what's been borrowed into English, but Google translate seemed to handle it pretty well:

Tauxiera said:
The term "Feral" was adopted by the furry fandom in the years 80-90, to designate the non-anthropomorphic characters in a natural way. The use of this term has almost disappeared in the last 10 years (Internet and furry fandom has changed dramatically over the past 10 years) but there is no reason not to raise are used in this sense.
I read it in stories of discussions between artists old school.

I found the term "feral" more sympathetic than the term non-anthropogenic, the latter being negative and giving the impression of rejecting the art of furry fandom.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

ikdind said:

Google translation can't do anything against spelling errors.

=>il n'y a pas de raison pour ne pas relancer sont utilisation
=>il n'y a pas de raison pour ne pas relancer <b>son</b> utilisation

Updated by anonymous

Google begins to correct some mistakes before translating (although it improves with time)
But the English language remains a big problem for translators regarding the grammar and ABOVE the syntax :/
You speak in reverse and google does not know, put the words in the right order ^^'

Updated by anonymous