Topic: Please use __________ tag.

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Instead of making a forum specifically for such and such tag, why not post any desired tags here? Less clutter to forums as a whole this way. Thank you.

Updated by Aurali

How about this.. if it's in the image... TAG IT.. it seems like a pretty standard rule around here.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
How about this.. if it's in the tag... TAG IT.. it seems like a pretty standard rule around here.

Thing is, not everybody seems to notice all of the proper tag-able stuff. :/ I've come across several posts that didn't have "Barbs" in the tags, despite obviously having a barbed penis in the post.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
How about this.. if it's in the tag... TAG IT.. it seems like a pretty standard rule around here.

I agree with you, but I'm saying, if they're going to make a forum about it anyway, it makes since to post all of the tag complaints in one forum, rather than using large quantities of spam forums saying pretty much the same thing.

Updated by anonymous

Burninghart said:
Thing is, not everybody seems to notice all of the proper tag-able stuff. :/ I've come across several posts that didn't have "Barbs" in the tags, despite obviously having a barbed penis in the post.

I doubt making a forum about it is gonna make people start seeing barbs if they have been missing it. Also, you can tag too ;)

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
I doubt making a forum about it is gonna make people start seeing barbs if they have been missing it.

Maybe you should stop being negative and actually try it before you make any final decisions?

EDIT: And also, in reply to your edit, I do tag them when I see them, but I won't always be the one to find the untagged Barbs. :) *points at own Tag Edit list*

Updated by anonymous

Making random threads about doing things we are already supposed to do? Honestly seems like clutter to me. And I'm not really being negative.. Just blunt. :(

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
How about this.. if it's in the image... TAG IT.. it seems like a pretty standard rule around here.

Concur. Do your part, tag that shit. Stop whining.

Updated by anonymous

Burninghart said:
EDIT: And also, in reply to your edit, I do tag them when I see them, but I won't always be the one to find the untagged Barbs. :) *points at own Tag Edit list*

PRO TIP: Do a search for "feline penis" and go on a big tagging-fest. The more people see a tag being used, the more they'll use it themselves.

Updated by anonymous

RlctntFr said:
The more people see a tag being used, the more they'll use it themselves.


Updated by anonymous

I wanna see more people actually tag the sexual orientation of the art, I think people of all preferences (ok the Bi don´t care I guess) would enjoy if there blacklists actually worked thank you.

Updated by anonymous

the thing I don't see tagged enough is location.. and yes.. I do search for some locations (bathroom.. shower.. pool).. So yes. my turn whining is done

Updated by anonymous

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