Topic: unimply beach --> seaside

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Beach implies seaside, while beaches occur at lakes too. Take this picture for example:
No sea, no seaside. It has a beach and a lake.

Additionally, I would like to suggest the following implications:
Lake --> water and gills --> marine. Gills suggest marine features, and therefor should imply marine. At worst a not water based hybrid character could have gills, but that would still qualify it for marine. Lake to water, no explanation necessary, as long as lava_lake doesn't imply lake.

Updated by MaShCr

Marine refers to something that lives in the ocean; you can have gills and not be a sea-dwelling creature.

Updated by anonymous

Kclub said:
Marine refers to something that lives in the ocean; you can have gills and not be a sea-dwelling creature.

The problem is that the species tag isn't "aquatic", as it should be to properly encompass freshwater species, but "marine" which would exclude freshwater anthros.

Updated by anonymous

GreyMaria said:
The problem is that the species tag isn't "aquatic", as it should be to properly encompass freshwater species, but "marine" which would exclude freshwater anthros.

Separately, I would note that just because a species has gills doesn't mean it is definitely aquatic: e.g. land-based crabs.

Updated by anonymous

I vote for making marine a subcategory of aquatic, the latter should be for water-based species and the former for purely oceanic species.

I also got a little carried away mapping species implications/aliases...

Somebody else can do the pokemon.

(=> : aliases to, +> : implies, +/> : unimplies)

Updated by anonymous

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