Topic: Japanese tags and note on translation_request

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Humbly requesting the 'japanese' and 'japanese_text' tags be merged. While I can understand the difference between the two, such as using 'japanese' to categorize image content that is Japanese but does not actually have Japanese text, I have looked through the ~200 images tagged 'japanese' and almost all of them were really just meant to be 'japanese_text' instead. Not a big deal, but would make digging through images that need translations easier.

On that note, I'd also like to informally request to users who upload anything with Japanese text, please also use the 'translation_request' tag, whether or not you actually want it translated. In cases where users forget to include this tag, I can usually find the images by searching 'japanese_text', but if a user includes neither tag, I'll likely never translate it unless I happen across it. Some people seem to omit it in images which only have limited onomatopoeia, which I actually agree doesn't really need translation (but should still include the 'japanese_text' tag).

I guess this can also be a general thread for Japanese translation. Special requests anyone would like to see done, questions about my process, etc.

Updated by IJustBurst

I personally figured "japanese_translation" was used for when an image would be enhanced by a translation, like a comic, or dialogue. Would it be necessary for sound effects like panting?

Updated by anonymous

Well yes, it's typically better to use it for things that would benefit from translation. Basic sound effects are self-explanatory most of the time, and many of them are hard to translate anyway. A lot of them are onomatopoeia that we don't have English equivalents for, and many of them have abstract meanings which you can translate, but then they aren't really sound effects anymore. That's why most translators tend to leave them alone, or at most just Romanize them.

Updated by anonymous

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