Topic: Upload from URL via Wii U?

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

I've been trying to upload pictures from various websites, more specifically Tumblr, to share with the e621 community. I uploaded two pictures from tumblr yesterday, but now today I can't seem to get them to upload...

UPDATE: got a picture to work! Seems that I'm having issues getting to the or whatever with this picture:

Updated by Furrin Gok

C07713r said:
I've been trying to upload pictures from various websites, more specifically Tumblr, to share with the e621 community. I uploaded two pictures from tumblr yesterday, but now today I can't seem to get them to upload...

UPDATE: got a picture to work! Seems that I'm having issues getting to the or whatever with this picture:

That's a bad url. You want to change into a.tumblr and _540.png or _1280.png to _raw.png.

Updated by anonymous

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