Topic: Tag Alias: purraparru -> purra

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Wait what. If mods don't actually create aliases when they try... Then who the hell does? Please don't tell me only admins can alias now...

... Also, it seems she's another one of the artists who prefer personal power over people seeing their art. :/

Updated by anonymous

I think that admins have always been the only ones who handled aliases and implications. It's like that on Danbooru. There's also a list in the forums over there that shows everything that every user level can do. Should I post that list?

Updated by anonymous

... Well, I didn't mean so much the actual aliasing, as the addition of a 'proposed' / 'unapproved' alias. As it stands now, the only way to check proposed aliases is to go trawling back through the forums, even if they were mod-proposed. :/

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

To make matters worse, it's actually not even impossible to create aliases right now. The "proposed" aliases list isn't being updated with new aliases to be approved, so that makes it kind of hard to make new ones. =/

I've informed Varka and he'll look at it as soon as he can. I think we could REALLY benefit from finding someone that has a lot of experience with Ruby on Rails though; I know it'd help Varka out tremendously.

Updated by anonymous

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