Topic: Tag Implication: catgirl -> nekomomimi

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Catgirl should implicate nekomimi because both are commonly used terms for the same thing. This will keep it easier to search for catgirl characters here for people familiar with either term.

Updated by SnowWolf

i think we should ban all japanese search terms because i hate them

Updated by anonymous

null0100 said:
i think we should ban all japanese search terms because i hate them

Well that's not your call. It's up to Varka if he wants to use Japanese names. Let's ask him.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Well that's not your call. It's up to Varka if he wants to use Japanese names. Let's ask him.

maybe if i think it hard enough it will happen!

Updated by anonymous

I agree with null here. if we only use Japanese terms it'd be harder to search unless you're a weeaboo or are from Japan. I honestly think we should implicate nekomimi->catgirl.

Updated by anonymous

cookiekangaroo said:
I agree with null here. if we only use Japanese terms it'd be harder to search unless you're a weeaboo or are from Japan. I honestly think we should implicate nekomimi->catgirl.

I don't think you understand how implications work. It's not the same as an alias, which takes the place of another word entirely. i.e., search for "neko" and you get all the images tagged with "cat." "Neko" as a tag does not exist, and upon use it's transformed into "cat."

Implications, on the other hand, work like this: anytime someone tags "nekomomimi", "catgirl" is tagged as well. Anytime "catgirl" is tagged, "nekomomimi" shows up. If either tag is searched for, all of the images under both tags appear.

In other words, with implications, we broaden the search ability. People comfortable with "nekomomimi", which is commonly used in most messageboards, would find what they're looking for. The same goes for folks who are used to using "catgirl."

Edit: In this situation, an alias would be a better idea. Implications shouldn't be variations of the same subject. (And lets face it, a nekomomimi is a catgirl, and vice versa.) They ought to something that is always present when a specific tag is used. All cats are feline, thus we have "cat" implicated to "feline." We can't alias them to one another because we also have tigers, panthers, leopards ect.

So alias the two, don't implicate.

Updated by anonymous

Alias all wapanese terms to 'scat' - that's my proposed solution.

In all seriousness, I'm concerned that aliasing horrible wapanese terms to their real english counterparts will result in a LOT of terms getting submitted and generally fouling up the tag hierarchy. I'm honestly not sure if anyone on staff is sufficicently weeabooish to memorise the meanings of all of these terms, which means that if we ever have to go back to these implications it's unlikely anyone will actually remember what 'nakagiru-san' or whatever actually means.

So yeah, along with the unicode characters, I think we should probably nip this in the bud and not bother doing these terms unless there's a broad groundswell of weeaboos who threaten to excommunicate me / throw the server into a bukkake pit / burn down the datacenter.

Thoughts? Feedback? Abuse?

Updated by anonymous

Well, nekomimi is a fairly well-known term (as far as weeaboo terms go). It's also a term actually used in the same way in Japan (copy/paste 猫耳 into GIS for proof), so I think wapanese is a bit unfair. Finally, catgirls are mostly a weeaboo phenomenon in the first place.

On the other hand, we probably don't want Japanese tags cluttering up the taglist, so an alias is probably better than an implication.

I think aliasing nekomimi to catgirl would be fine here. I don't think that should become a blanket permission to alias whatever Japanese terms someone can think of to their English equivalents, but if it's limited to very well-known phrases, I don't see much of a problem.

As for the unicode characters, I think those should be aliased to their meanings (instead of male_symbol being aliased to ♂, it should be the other way around), and limited to when the symbol actually appears in the image.

Updated by anonymous

I'll generally agree with Varka, and the generally stated opinion that nekomimi <-> catgirl...

Though there IS a purpose for kemonomimi... and I don't think there's a single catch all tag for what kemonomimi means (outside of animals_ears which is really rather cumbersome and while it *is* functional at explaining what it is, it's really quite lame, and the animal_ears page seems rather sad and disappointing) . Kemono is 'beast' and mimi is 'ears'... so, 'beast ears'.. or 'humanoids with animal ears'.. And, like nekomimi it can refer to either gender...

So... catgirl, catboy is all well and good.

but then you start getting out into the 'stranger' ones that there may only be a few of.. . foxgirl, bunnyboy, mousegirl.. and most people will either be specifically interested in, say, doggirls, or in all 'animal ear' people... hence, kemonomimi.

So.. ideally:
Nekomimi is aliased to 'catgirl' (and if it's a catBOY instead, someone can fix it.)
Catgirl implies 'feline' 'female' and 'kemonomimi' (also 'animal_ears'?)
Foxboy implies 'fox' 'male' and 'kemonomimi' (also 'animal_ears'?)

and so forth.... the number of 'japanese' terms should be severely limited though, except in places where the idea is widley accepted and *more efficiently communicated* with the Japanese terms. This should be a pretty rare thing, all in all... (Bukkake comes to mind as a reaonable example) and honestly, I'm not even sure kemonomimi fits the bill... except that most furries DO have animal_ears naturally :P thus the tag 'animal_ears' could be confusing... humans_with_animal_ears is a bit clearer, but then seems to exclude tails/paws... while kemonomimi, describes more of a concept (human-with-animal-ears-and-maybe-paws-and-possible-a-tail) in a single word.

One that honestly baffles me is guro replacing gore. The only difference I can conceive of is that one seems slightly less sexual then the other. and that guro is more... chan-ificated...

Also, it's not wapanese, for what it's worth :p these are the terms that the Japanese actually use to refer to some of this stuff. So, it's more like borrowing a phrase.. which is something we traditionally do in language is another language has a word that describes an idea that we don't have... so it's not like it's an 'unusual' idea.... it's jsut horrible, though, when someone starts talking about how kakkoi (cool) and sugoi (awesome) and kawaii (cute) something is, and don't they speak ninhongo (japanese) sooooo well??? that they start venturing into weeaboo territory. (tldr - don't be afraid to borrow a phrase or two, just because it's japanese if it works better. We pillaged a great many other languages to make english, after all.)

Updated by anonymous

Sounds good to me. I'd forgotten that Aliasing also causes the search to become a search for the alias'd term (Ex, searching "nekomimi" would end up being a search for "catgirl").

As for Kemonomimi, no, there is no "catch-all" replacement tag, so it would indeed be impossible to alias it; however, implications for it would of course be highly recommended (I forget if aliases also take effect on implications, so we may have to make certain that Catgirl implies Kemonomimi if an Alias is agreed upon.)

I like SnowWolf's ideas on the aliasing and implying. It'd make things a lot easier, especially given the few lazy taggers who only post an image with 2-3 tags and move on. Seeing the recent surge of Kemonomimi images on e621, I can only foresee more of them appearing, so it can make the lazy-taggers at least a little more efficient.

Updated by anonymous

Oh and to toss it out there, I'll happily go out there, wade into the image pools and start tagging/retagging to help get all of the little squirrelgirls and otterboys labled as such. i'm not just spouting ideas with no intent to back 'em up. :)

((though on a random thought, what to do about the little hermaphroditic critters? Mouseherm? racoonherm? ))

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Oh and to toss it out there, I'll happily go out there, wade into the image pools and start tagging/retagging to help get all of the little squirrelgirls and otterboys labled as such. i'm not just spouting ideas with no intent to back 'em up. :)

((though on a random thought, what to do about the little hermaphroditic critters? Mouseherm? racoonherm? ))

For those, I'd personally just label them as Kemonomimi, Specie, and Herm/intersex/etc. It's not likely that there will be many of them, and it's obscure enough that not many people would think to search for terms like "mouseherm" or "catherm".

Updated by anonymous

fair enough, it jsut kind of struck me and I said 'huh.'

... but that is of course assuming people prefer my idea, anyway. I"m just being vocal. :D

Updated by anonymous

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