Topic: Tag Implication: cub -> young

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating cub -> young.

Reason: because cubs are young. If there's any doubt on if a cub deserves the young tag, then 'cub' should probably be given a second look also.

Updated by acct0283476

Jesus Christ, couldn't you have put this all into one topic?

Updated by anonymous

I did. Nothing happened... So, I said, 'well, maybe it becomes far easier to implement if the 'add implication' interface is used." *shrugs*

Sorry for the spam, delete the posts if you want... but please tell me what the best way to suggest aliases and implications is. :)

Updated by anonymous

If you have one or two, then them having its own topic is fine, but more should be condensed to one topic, which would have the subject heading as (x) aliases and (y) implications, with a list of aliases/implications like you would put them normally. New forum topics could be made for individual aliases/implications if the need arised.

That would be my opinion of putting multiple aliases/implications into one topic. Of course, if anyone has anything better, feel free to say so.

Updated by anonymous

This particular subject has been discussed multiple times, both here on the forums as well as image threads. And always with the majroity of people involved asking for these implications.

If an explosion of topics is what it takes to get mod attention on subject, I don't see what the problem is. Sure, it borders on flooding, but when nothing has happened every other time the cub/young tag and what have you have been discussed? Totally worth it, imo.

Updated by anonymous

Adding implications/aliases is not flooding. He's doing the right thing by using the built-in alias/implication interface to add them. If they didn't want forum spam then they wouldn't have made it create a forum post for every alias/implication.

Updated by anonymous

I thought the alias/implications becoming forum topics was a bug.

Updated by anonymous

'S not a bug; it's meant for discussion about it, so that a mod can review the thread for info/reasoning before they decide whether to approve or deny a proposed alias/implication.

The bug is that right now the page doesn't actually create the approval-pending alias/implication, just the forum topic about it.

Updated by anonymous

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