Topic: Too much MLP

Posted under General

Is it me or has there been a sudden surge in the number of My Little Pony pictures, not pron as such but stupid quote pictures...LOL FUNNY COMMENT FOR POSE etc...


Updated by SnowWolf

It's sudden popularity has infected much more than e621, I can tell you that.

Updated by anonymous

Although I agree with you, some of the art is fine.

Its those captioned screencaps, image macros and seemingly endless screenshots that various users keep uploading, that make me angry.

As long as its not a screenshot or an image macro, I'm okay with it. Because, after all, it is still art and it doesn't deserve to be destroyed.

Updated by anonymous

skeeter said:
Its those captioned screencaps, image macros and seemingly endless screenshots that various users keep uploading, that make me angry.

This is exactly what I am on about~

Updated by anonymous

WolfieWolfie1992 said:
My guess was that it's a new meme or something? :-/

I don't thinks so. I've noticed the debate being a between the fact that it's a kids show and the mass influx of image macros and screenshots there are of it.

It all comes down to personal tastes. No matter how good or how bad something is, There's going to be at least someone who isn't going to like it.

Updated by anonymous

Learn to use the blacklist if MLP macros bother you. Love it and it'll love you back.

EDIT: I don't get the obsession either (watching the show would probably help that) it's just that these kinds of topics seem to always lead to unnecessary drama. And it seems like an innocuous enough fad.

Updated by anonymous

Honestly guys? I've watched the first few episodes (haven't had time for the rest) and it's actually a cute show. Here's my thought on it... Digimon, pokemon, Disney films (The lion king, anyone?), Sonic, bugs bunny, TMNT, animaniacs, balto and so forth... all of these things are designed with kids in mind. Yet we, as adults, still enjoy these things. Maybe it's the 'nostalgia' thing kicking in, maybe not... but, I don't think we can 'discard' a series as 'no good' because it's 'for kids'...

I can't put my finger one what it is about FIM that is catching so much attention, but it's obviously doing something right. Maybe it's the characters, or the humor, or something else, but whatever it is... *shrug*

Anyway, I'd suggest watching the first episode or two before condeming it as terrible, or at least 'not your thing'...

though, I agree that the image macros are getting kind of out of hand... :/ I feel kind of bad because I uploaded the first few, and spend several minutes asking myself "is this funny? will other people like it? does it add something to the site?" before uploading. And I don't think everyone else took quite as much time/effort :( but.. as I said on my posts... blacklist and move on.. or deal with it.. :/ because there isn't a middle ground that doesn't depend on the 'censorship' of one or two people to determine what's funny and what isn't.

Updated by anonymous

Guys, this is the same exact thing that happened when all of that Ruto art was posted- or any large influx of a particular type of content.

Just wait until they run out of My Little Pony art and then everything will be back to normal. If you can't wait or are just that bad at tolerating what you don't like then blacklist it.

The piles of random screencaps and the more unfunny image macros can go to hell, though.

Updated by anonymous

Not that I don't have a folder full of them myself, but I don't see why screenshots and image macros need to be posted either.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Use your damn blacklist.

Most of the people who post the image macros don't add image_macro tag. And I ain't blacklisting MLP tag just because someone keeps spamming screencaps , as there's actually DRAWN stuff out there.

Shit needs to stop. Few images would be fine. Few hundred is not...

Updated by anonymous

I do believe this is a furry image board, could we try to keep things a little more, idk, furry related? I've seen too many of these newground animations, straight up human pronz, MLP memes. This is a furry community, we shouldn't have to black list our way around things barely furry. And if a line must be drawn, keep the ponies, at least they're furry, but shit like:

NOT FUCKING FURRY. This belongs on /b/ not E621. It's just a convolution in tags and the purity of the collection that is E621. I DEMAND STRICTER POSTING RULES! BREAK OUT THE BANHAMMER!

Updated by anonymous

e621 has become more of a furry/vidya gaems deposit now, anyway.

Updated by anonymous

xanonx said:

It isn't just 'a furry image board', you fool. Protip: You don't decide what goes here. This has been debated before.

Kaik said:
Most of the people who post the image macros don't add image_macro tag. And I ain't blacklisting MLP tag just because someone keeps spamming screencaps , as there's actually DRAWN stuff out there.

Shit needs to stop. Few images would be fine. Few hundred is not...

Then do the responsible thing and tag it image_macro and blacklist it.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
e621 has become more of a furry/vidya gaems deposit now, anyway.

Alright, this has been killing me every time someone cries "doesn't belong."

Would I be correct in saying that e621 is not a furry site, it's a whateverthehellthemodslethrough site?

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
e621 has become more of a furry/vidya gaems deposit now, anyway.

It has, but is that the way we want this to go? If we let video games all up in here, then wut next? Breakfast cereal? Pix of my Grandma? Fun family tiem? At the very least I demand the definition or mission statement of E621.

Updated by anonymous

xanonx said:
It has, but is that the way we want this to go? If we let video games all up in here, then wut next? Breakfast cereal? Pix of my Grandma? Fun family tiem? At the very least I demand the definition or mission statement of E621.

Like you're in a position to make demands anyhow, lol.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Like you're in a position to make demands anyhow, lol.

Like you're in a position to question my ability to make demands anyhow, lol.

Updated by anonymous

xanonx said:
Like you're in a position to question my ability to make demands anyhow, lol.

Like you're anything more than just a rank and file 'member', lol.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Alright, this has been killing me every time someone cries "doesn't belong."

Would I be correct in saying that e621 is not a furry site, it's a whateverthehellthemodslethrough site?

e621 is still a furry site, just not fully furry.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Like you're anything more than just a rank and file 'member', lol.

Bitches don't know bout my anonymity.

Updated by anonymous

xanonx said:
Bitches don't know bout my anonymity.

Bitches don't know bout your overinflated sense of importance.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Bitches don't know bout your overinflated sense of importance.

Importance is relative. Besides, at the end of the day Imma just a trollin', and you mad!

Updated by anonymous

xanonx said:
Importance is relative. Besides, at the end of the day Imma just a trollin', and you mad!

>implying I'm even mad at all.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Bitches don't know bout your overinflated sense of importance.

Says the guy/girl implying he's more important because he posts on the forum or whatever-the-fuck.

Anyway, my opinion is, MLP is a meme that will eventually pass, but let's try to keep the extremely shit quality images off the site until it does.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
>implying I'm even mad at all.

>implying that he's not mad at all

Updated by anonymous

FurZ said:
Says the guy/girl implying he's more important because he posts on the forum or whatever-the-fuck.

Now you're just putting words in my mouth. That's not nice.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Now you're just putting words in my mouth. That's not nice.

Sorry. Did "Bitches don't know bout your overinflated sense of importance." not imply that you were somehow better than Xanonx in that context?

Regardless, the second paragraph of my post stands.

Updated by anonymous

FurZ said:
Sorry. Did "Bitches don't know bout your overinflated sense of importance." not imply that you were somehow better than Xanonx in that context?


Updated by anonymous

FurZ said:
Says the guy/girl implying he's more important because he posts on the forum or whatever-the-fuck.

Anyway, my opinion is, MLP is a meme that will eventually pass, but let's try to keep the extremely shit quality images off the site until it does.

Ya, it will come to pass, however, it will be forever lodged in the E621 archive. A year from now it'll be a worthless 100kb waste of space. Idk, cuming from a retired admin, every byte counts.

Updated by anonymous

FurZ said:
Sorry. Did "Bitches don't know bout your overinflated sense of importance." not imply that you were somehow better than Xanonx in that context?

Regardless, the second paragraph of my post stands.

BTW, highfive to FurZ. Excuse me ExplosiveBlazken, Imma let you finish but Anonymous and FurZ are the best trolls of all tyme!

Updated by anonymous

xanonx said:
BTW, highfive to FurZ. Excuse me ExplosiveBlazken, Imma let you finish but Anonymous and FurZ are the best trolls of all tyme!

I will admit I have been defeated. Point to you, sir.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
I will admit I have been defeated. Point to you, sir.

I yield as well good knight, let us quarrel no further, and make up over a celebratory drink! All is forgiven.

Updated by anonymous

Kids. Quit bitching.

MLP may be 100K taken, but it's still archived here just like all of the lion king, sonic, balto, robin hood, starfox and so forth art. The tag is Friendship_is_magic if you want to blacklist it. Make it so.

(edit - ack, bitching finished while I was typing. Fail snow is fail.)

Updated by anonymous

xanonx said:
I yield as well good knight, let us quarrel no further, and make up over a celebratory drink! All is forgiven.


Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Kids. Quit bitching.

MLP may be 100K taken, but it's still archived here just like all of the lion king, sonic, balto, robin hood, starfox and so forth art. The tag is Friendship_is_magic if you want to blacklist it. Make it so.

(edit - ack, bitching finished while I was typing. Fail snow is fail.)

Yes that's fine an' all, but it still leaves this other unrelated stuff, like Minecraft and Fin from Adventure Time. These things are not furry related and it would take forever to blacklist everything. We need a not_furry tag.

Updated by anonymous

xanonx said:
Yes that's fine an' all, but it still leaves this other unrelated stuff, like Minecraft and Fin from Adventure Time. These things are not furry related and it would take forever to blacklist everything. We need a not_furry tag.

not_furry: 280

It exists, but people aren't using it.

Updated by anonymous

xanonx said:
Yes that's fine an' all, but it still leaves this other unrelated stuff, like Minecraft and Fin from Adventure Time. These things are not furry related and it would take forever to blacklist everything. We need a not_furry tag.

You're kidding, right?

Updated by anonymous

xanonx said:
Sorry I'm not much of a poster/tagger. And it appears to be rarely used.

Well most of the things on here are furry/partially furry/furry-related...
And not_furry gives 937 hits, not 280.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Well most of the things on here are partially furry/furry-related...
And not_furry gives 937 hits, not 280.

It's confirmed, sorry about that.

Updated by anonymous

Going through the first 20 pages yields about a 50% tagging ratio for not_furry on items that definitely have nothing to do with furry.

Am I gonna have to be that guy?.... I'm gonna have to be that guy... Let me grab the bottle of Jack.... This is going to be a long week.

Updated by anonymous

BTW found this on not_furry:

Note that if a post is not furry nor otherwise anthropomorphic, it probably doesn't belong on e621.


Updated by anonymous

xanonx said:
BTW found this on not_furry:

Note that if a post is not furry nor otherwise anthropomorphic, it probably doesn't belong on e621.



Updated by anonymous

xanonx said:
Take note, kids, of the seemingly human features of the subjec; no fur, no animal ears, nadda: your typical hentai. It belongs on a hentai site/board like /h/. This is not a place for your boring vanila non-furry pronz.

Updated by anonymous

I've always taken e621 as a place where one would find stuff of interest to a furry.

Clearly, this involves anthro things... and non-anthros... Furry things, fuzzy things, scalie things, feathery things, hide-covered things.... clear enough.. but, aliens count, some times (stitch, I've seen a lot of mass effect stuff, some halo, etc)..

Okay, fair enough. these things are clearly not human and of interest to furries. But... let's take it a step further. We furries often enjoy rule 34 - Stitch, the lion king, sonic.... but mostly involving the stuff we grew up on. Which includes Mario, and, hey, the princess was hot, and then there's koopa, who is clearly a scalie, so that's okay. And yoshi. who doesn't love Yoshi? (who, like in mario kart, seems to be the gay furry version of the princess). And because we're a part of this generation, a lot of us are gamers... (plus, I'd argue that the personality typically ascribed to furries coincides with a lot of the personality traits that make up a gamer, but then I'd get into a long rant, that is filled mostly with my own exclusive point of view of a subculture that I was most familiar with 13 years ago and have little touch with 'today')

....aanyway. tl;dr, I know.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
I've always taken e621 as a place where one would find stuff of interest to a furry.

Clearly, this involves anthro things... and non-anthros... Furry things, fuzzy things, scalie things, feathery things, hide-covered things.... clear enough.. but, aliens count, some times (stitch, I've seen a lot of mass effect stuff, some halo, etc)..

I read. I agree that some of us are gamers, but a lot of the hard core people aren't gamers and don't have this huge nerd background. I do, but that's just because I was born a nerd. But there's already a site for 34, and this isn't it. Goto fuckin 34 if you wish to indulge.

Maybe take some perspective at gelbooru. It's a site that takes fucking everything: furry, mech, catboys, vanila-pron, tentacle rape. I'm trying to say is that we shouldn't let everything in here or else this place will become gelbooru (and we don't need another one). Goto fuckin gelbooru if you want it all.

As far as classification goes just read the not_furry description, covers it perfectly:

As soon as I get sum spare tyme I"m writing a firefaux addon for rappid tagging; it's the only way I can fix all these tags.

Updated by anonymous

Quick tagging: on the page where you're looking at thumbnails, on the left, there's a place that says "mode" then "view posts" in a dropdown. Change to 'edit posts'. You'l notice that you get some green outlines at the top, but ignore those. click on a thumbnail. You get a post on the page for editing that post's tags. type/paste in your preffered tag edits. hit update. bam! :) no addons needed.

to the topic at hand...

There are conflicting sources, here. The not furry tag says

Note that if a post is not furry nor otherwise anthropomorphic, it probably doesn't belong on e621.

That text was added on 01/25/2009 03:49 by cetetic.

cetetic has a 'privileged' account. His last upload was a year ago. His last favorite was about 2 years ago. last forum post? the same. Ditto for comments on pictures. I was about to give him up as inactive, when I noticed that he has edited a lot of tags, and seems to come around about once a month and edit a few more. his last 'big binge' of tagging was in may.

In other words, this guy isn't exactly an authority around these parts. Helpful, but, not one of the big guys.

now.. has a bit of a different story.

On the other hand, the post was made by Mellis, who is no longer an authority around here. on the other hand, no things has been said to contradict this. Varka's only statements of change for e621 have been trying to become more artist friendly, to make mods and admins more accountable for their actions, and some hopes for the future abut what he'd like to do with the site in the future (mostly focusing on artists) assuming they can ever find someone to work with ruby on rails for 'em. Nothing at all was said about narrowing the site's theme.

Anyway.... regarding gelbooru, they don't actually take everything. their theme is 'Japanese artists'.. and they stick to it. I've seen several 'good' images there deleted because the artist was something other then japanese. In ways, I think we have a lot we could learn from gelbooru... I really love their tagging, there.. (2guys, 3girls and so forth I've actually thought about trying to implement here on e6.. but..) but.. they have a theme.. and so do we. Our 'edges' are just a bit vague.

...Which I think is good, because otherwise you get into interesting debates of 'should we delete this or shouldn't we?' on borderline images.

post #119431 is clearly furry. Bipedal animals ahoy!

post #119400 is feral, and still okay. :) quadrupeds are furry too!

post #119397 ... uhoh. Here we have humans... that are based on furries. are they okay? No? how about:

post #65459 and
post #76209 they just barely have animal ears... Are they real ears? or are they a headband with ears on it?

post #84967 what about something where the character is clearly human, but dressing up as an animal?

what about demons? orcs and monsters? satyr and faun?

It's a messy, blurry line... and it's probably best if it stay blurry, and let it be at the mod's discretion. Like, you'll note if you go to the jigglygirls page, there are only a few results ... suggesting that the large flood of jiggly girls images the other day have been removed (not going back to check the upload's page right now... don't have the motivation.)

A lot of things probably get deleted and we never notice because we see 'em as they hit the front page, not as they're being approved or denied. :)

Updated by anonymous

FurZ said:
Sorry. Did "Bitches don't know bout your overinflated sense of importance." not imply that you were somehow better than Xanonx in that context?

Regardless, the second paragraph of my post stands.

Not really. Saying that he had unwarranted self importance was just pointing out that he made and continues to make absolute decrees on what should and shouldn't be here as if this was his site and no one else's opinion could be trusted on the matter, nor should even dare to be brought up. "NOT FUCKING FURRY. This belongs on /b/ not E621. It's just a convolution in tags and the purity of the collection that is E621. I DEMAND STRICTER POSTING RULES! BREAK OUT THE BANHAMMER!" purity of the collection that is e621, I lol'd at that. And "I demand the definition or mission statement of E621."

Which is especially ludicrous and self-indulgent in light of his later confession that he's "not much of a tagger" and didn't even know about the "not_furry" tag. But I agree with SnowWolf, it's hard enough to define what constitutes "furry" from person to person, so freaking out and *demanding* changes on a site which owes you nothing is not the best solution. I admire your enthusiasm for making the site better xanonx but not your entitled and overly-opinionated attitude, a level head and proper "its the internet lol" perspective from all parties on this issue would serve the greater pr0nz good.

Updated by anonymous

^ Agreed

Also considering that this site wasn't originally created to house exclusively (Just mostly) furry content. xanonx's grievances are probably invalid.

Updated by anonymous

MLP screencaps are funny to some people just because the show is popular now, time shall pass and they'll lose their value.

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
MLP screencaps are funny to some people just because the show is popular now, time shall pass and they'll lose their value.

The wiki page already advises against image macros and screencaps, so that argument is already resolved.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Like, you'll note if you go to the jigglygirls page, there are only a few results ... suggesting that the large flood of jiggly girls images the other day have been removed (not going back to check the upload's page right now... don't have the motivation.)

I'm not sure that had to do with the subject matter of the images so much as the fact that if I remember correctly Jiggly Girls is a paysite (and thus DNP).

Updated by anonymous

asdfzxc said:
I'm not sure that had to do with the subject matter of the images so much as the fact that if I remember correctly Jiggly Girls is a paysite (and thus DNP).

Possibly, but there are still 3 jigglygirls images on e6: a long eared elf, a herm/dick girl with some beastly demons, and a rabbit-girl... all of which have a tenuous furry connection :)

Updated by anonymous

FIRST off, Varka didn't tell me you guys were using rails.

SECOND OF AWLL, Ratty, I decree you can eat it, and as you can see, a personal proclamation like "I DEMAND STRICTER POSTING RULES!" is one man's opinion. This is the internets, sir. If you hadn't noticed, I'm kind of Anonymous. I have nothing to lose or gain.

And for those of you encouraging this awll out internet brawl across e6 (the new trendy way to say E621), you're destroying the integrity of this site. You know why I come here? Cause it's different.

My years as a web-designer/admin have taught me one thing: we don't need another fucking Myspace, we don't need another Fucking Groupon, we don't need another FUCKING GIZMODO! I'd get hired on for the stupidest shit; people say "OHMAHGADZ we're loosing thousands of hits a week, help us find some catchy gimmick to draw people back in!" I'd spend days crafting up stuff to make them feel better, but I'd always ask them, "What did you change?" They would always say they were trying to look more like X's site (side note, X is pretty cool guy, he makes good websites and doesn't give a shet).

"X's site already exists, why would I want to go to your site if X already has that site?" Fchan, Ychan, Paheal, Animetc, 12chan, 4chan, WTFux, Gelbooru, Danbooru... E621. God forbid, I go to the fucking source like FA, or VCL.

I have to admit, I'ma sellfish kinda guy; I really only come here for teh pronz. Oh, and btw, there's still a lot more jigglygirls. You have to go far back.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
what about demons? orcs and monsters? satyr and faun?

I'd say yes, since they're very not human. Also, since most of my uploads would go away and I'd rapidly go into negative uploads a day if someone deleted them all.

Updated by anonymous

I could be wrong about ruby on rails. Don't quote me, I'm going off of memory.

and you do have a fine point regarding the mentalitiy of website owners and perhaps you're right about needing to focus down a bit more firmly into our niche.... but I also don't think that we're 'overflowing' too much either. In some cases a bit yes, but... *shrug*...

Oh, and btw, there's still a lot more jigglygirls. You have to go far back.

really? I looked under the tag. I thought I saw 'em all tagged appropriately the other day... and I assumed that they were all deleted... also checked under the human and not furry tags and didn't see any of them. Plus the comment I made on one of them poofed entirely... So, show me where? actually, an approximate "20 pages back" would be best so I could see the others right around it and get 'em tagged properly as well.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
I could be wrong about ruby on rails. Don't quote me, I'm going off of memory....

Well I happen to be a bit of a railgun buff.

You're right, e6 isn't overflowing by any means, but I can see deviance, and it's a matter of time before it expands & dominates.

As far as the jigglygirls goes, I'll have to get drunk again and find it. It seems to come in like 10 image bursts, not properly tagged. It looks almost like there
's an effort to get those on this site; every 100 furry images will be followed by a continuous 10 jigglygirls.

*Edit* of course, now I can't find such an anomaly. It's gonn have to wait till I get some time.

Updated by anonymous

The site is based off of danbooru, which is Ruby on Rails. also also. the jigglygirls were deleted because too many. and also. also, if you guys fight in the comments more. I'm a gonna get you >(

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
The site is based off of danbooru, which is Ruby on Rails. also also. the jigglygirls were deleted because too many. and also. also, if you guys fight in the comments more. I'm a gonna get you >(

Comments were made for fighting. Else, why would we have comments?

Updated by anonymous

xanonx - That's why the current system works, we let the community decide what to submit but the make up of the sites content is ultimately controlled by the moderators. This way we avoid having absolute decrees of what is and isn't furry or of interest to furries, what is and isn't allowed.
It is not a perfect system, but it's better than being too strict in your posting guidelines and driving away users and potentially tons of good content in the process. Specialization is good, but squeeze too hard and you risk suffocating all the enthusiasm of the community.

Updated by anonymous

Ratty said:
it's better than being too strict in your posting guidelines and driving away users and potentially tons of good content in the process. Specialization is good, but squeeze too hard and you risk suffocating all the enthusiasm of the community.

Like with fchan, right?

Updated by anonymous

The issue here is that there are TOO many MLP image macros. If I blacklist either MLP or Image_macro, or both, I won't get to see either MLP and/or image_macros.

I don't mind image_macros. What I DO mind, is the obsessively, compulsive amount of MLP image macros I see being posted on a daily basis, as opposed to one image macro per week or month.

If it's too much, it's too much. I like MLP, and image macros, but not to the point it's become excessively ridiculous.

This is just spamming bad sense of humor with some compulsive attention deficit disorder making macros out of EVERY MLP screencap there is available and posting it on a near constantly daily basis.

It's time to either stop or limit yourself, or get the fuck out. I came to fap, look at cute things, and comment on awesome art, not cringe at crudely humorous screencaps of a show that everyone's obsessed about every single fucking day.


Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
The issue here is that there are TOO many MLP image macros. If I blacklist either MLP or Image_macro, or both, I won't get to see either MLP and/or image_macros.

On one line in your blacklist:

image_macro my_little_pony

that will let you ee image macros, and that will let you see MLP, but not MLP image macros.

Updated by anonymous

Ratty said:
This way we avoid having absolute decrees of what is and isn't furry or of interest to furries, what is and isn't allowed.

Yeah, but you see there's kind of a definition of what is furry: Predominantly, it means "consisting of or resembling fur"(wikifur). Furry fandom is a fandom for fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics(wikipedia). Furthermore, your likes and my likes are most definitely not the same.

Music, for example; Let's say for the sake of argument that you and I both like some sort of modern rock, and we both join a modern rock forum. I enjoy posting about my modern rock experiences, but I also fucking love opera. So one day I'm all, "I FUCKING LOVE OPERA AND MODERN ROCK, and I bet everyone else here does too cause they love modern rock!*heavy breathing*", and I look them in the eye as I post opera into the sunset. You don't care too much for this untaggable, unblacklistable, opera you spend hours scrolling through to find your modern rock. And that's how it is, or could be, here.

Liking MLP and video games is a convention of your existence. Personally, I hate 'music'. About all I can stand is some DnB and glitch core. I'm also not that heavy into games any more. If you want to build up your awesome folders go to 4chan, they love furries.

We should also be helping out the mods by not FUCKING posting shit that doesn't belong here. I'm sure the mods have their hands full with the daily swarm of approvals and site maintainence to the point where they don't have time to discuss whether or not to keep the MLP. Posting is probably the most arrogant thing you can do if you don't first check if it's appropriate for or not already on this site. If you post and neither one of those is true you're just trying to get the fame for the post while causing major butthurt for everyone else.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Use your damn blacklist.

We can't .
Its Rule34 is what we are interested,not some lame screens with text one that was generated in 5 sec with Java or HTML or whatever.
This is what we want >:3
post #116632

Updated by anonymous

BranislavDJ said:
We can't .
Its Rule34 is what we are interested,not some lame screens with text one that was generated in 5 sec with Java or HTML or whatever.

Arcanine09 said:

SnowWolf said:

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Use your damn blacklist.

Hate to say this, But I've got it blacklisted four different ways and it still won't work. my_little_pony, (MLP), my little pony, and mlp. It's just immune to blacklisting, or I'm doing something vary wrong. Don't know, don't care. When anything mlp related, I just pass it by.

I got no hate for MLP, I just wish more of it wasn't screens taken from the show with text added. The shows art isn't that good, I can't imagine what the writing is like.

Updated by anonymous

RatEater said:
Hate to say this, But I've got it blacklisted four different ways and it still won't work. my_little_pony, (MLP), my little pony, and mlp. It's just immune to blacklisting, or I'm doing something vary wrong. Don't know, don't care. When anything mlp related, I just pass it by.

try putting each tag on its own line
(MLP) *this one won't work*
my little pony *neither will this one*

Updated by anonymous

Try blacklisting the tag "image_macro" At least it will block more images for you.

Unfortunately, there are some people here that don't know how to properly tag images so there will always be some images that slip through.

Also try:


Updated by anonymous

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