Topic: Too much MLP

Posted under General

really, though, the key bit is to use your blacklist correctly. Everything on a separate line, as it explains <--there.

The shows art isn't that good, I can't imagine what the writing is like.

The writing is the part that has most people's interest. Otherwise it'd just be "aw, cute cartoon."

Updated by anonymous

I'm personally just a little miffed because the characters aren't even anthro, there are feral.

we need moar mainstream anthro characters, like puss and boots, moar puss and boots porn plz. lol

Updated by anonymous

Last I heard we didn't bias against feral critters.

and, actually, anthropomorphic means 'having human qualities' ... that can, and for us, often DOES mean having a humanoid shape--arms, hands, bipedal legs, facial expressions. But it can also mean having human-like emotions, an the ability to speak. 'Cars' is about anthropomorphic vehicles. A commercial with a talking tissue box trying to sell you cold medication is anthropomorphic. Our ability to look at a picture of cat who's in the middle of blinking and applying the caption "ur actunz no longer amuze me" is anthropomorphizing because we think the cat looks irritated.

Anthropomorphic goes way past Robin Hood and Bugs Bunny. So.. by the proper definition.. MLP is very much 'anthro' because they have expressive faces, act, in many ways, like human beings (including expression of emotions) and communicate in words.

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
try putting each tag on its own line
(MLP) *this one won't work*
my little pony *neither will this one*

Thanks that was the problem. I'm sure that I'm gonna miss something good because I had to blacklist something so general to avoid the endless memos, but nothing else I can do.

Updated by anonymous

RatEater said:
Thanks that was the problem. I'm sure that I'm gonna miss something good because I had to blacklist something so general to avoid the endless memos, but nothing else I can do.

If it worries you so much, do what I do (or would do if I used the blacklist--it's actually what I do with my favorite tags, but, same difference :P).. blacklist, then, every week or so, go and check the tags specifically and see if anything interesting catches your eye. it's much easier to skip over the crap that way :D

Although.. I believe we've started pruning the crappier macros as they come through. don't quote me on that though.

Updated by anonymous

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