Topic: Tag Implication: tyrannosaurus_rex -> dinosaur

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

You could've put all of these in a single thread, you know.

Updated by anonymous

the automated system forms them into separate threads like this. not his fault, really. To make separate threads would mean going about it "backwards" and making a thread, and listing his implications and aliases that way... and I don't believe they get entered into the queue that way... but right now, it's all broken, so....

Updated by anonymous

Oh, I didn't know there was an automated system. I thought you just made these threads like any other forum topic.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, if you hit 'tag' up top, hit 'alias' then there's a spot that says 'add'... you get a form you can fill out that will result in the creation of a forum topic and, I think, an entry into the systemqueue or something... but I don't know what the mods prefer. I belive I was told that for cases like this one--with all the t-rex tags-- that they'd 'prefer' it all be one thread, actually, but I don't thing that it's printed anywhere in that regard :p

Updated by anonymous

Uh how about no.
Sometimes I specifically want to find hot t rexes, not just every dinosaur since I don't find all of them attractive.
Every species should be clearly labeled in my opinion. That way finding stuff is super easy and awesome.

Updated by anonymous

baracudaboy said:
Uh how about no.
Sometimes I specifically want to find hot t rexes, not just every dinosaur since I don't find all of them attractive.
Every species should be clearly labeled in my opinion. That way finding stuff is super easy and awesome.

It's an implication :V

Updated by anonymous

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