Topic: Soo... WIth e926 being open now....

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

...It does seem sensical to me to slowly remove all the sfw pic and reintroduce them to e926.
I mean, since it is what it is, any s-rated pics that are on here will earlier or later be uploaded there, so why not clear up some space and delete the images that then tehcincally have a double presence?

The only catch I see there is the blurry border between safe and questionable, so I dunno how to handle these....


No need to do anything. The same images that are on here, are also on there, as well as all users and comments

Updated by anonymous

Vagabond said:
...It does seem sensical to me to slowly remove all the sfw pic and reintroduce them to e926.
I mean, since it is what it is, any s-rated pics that are on here will earlier or later be uploaded there, so why not clear up some space and delete the images that then tehcincally have a double presence?

The only catch I see there is the blurry border between safe and questionable, so I dunno how to handle these....

e926 is e621.
Everything existing on e621 is already availabe on e926, they share the same databases in everything, e926 just has a forced rating:safe search above everything.
So, even your account Vagabond is already existing over there and with the same password. So is this forumthread.

Updated by anonymous

Kotep said:
I'm posting in this thread on e926 and you can't stop me.

But so that this isn't a useless post:
I've noticed that when you go to log in, it switches to https, and Firefox has issues because the certificate is only for e621, not e926.

Report that to the Bug Report Thread
Also, for Google Chrome, it automatically switches to https, too, but no problems right now.

Updated by anonymous

Kotep said:
I'm posting in this thread on e926 and you can't stop me.

But so that this isn't a useless post:
I've noticed that when you go to log in, it switches to https, and Firefox has issues because the certificate is only for e621, not e926.

Ditto for everything he said, except I'm using Chrome.

Updated by anonymous

Keats said:
Report that to the Bug Report Thread
Also, for Google Chrome, it automatically switches to https, too, but no problems right now.

Keats said:
Report that to the Bug Report Thread
Also, for Google Chrome, it automatically switches to https, too, but no problems right now.

report it here, not there. That bug report thread is old, torn apart, and pretty much worthless in terms of usefulness. It's only kept open so ippiki can still feel useful and tell people they are doing it wrong :p

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
We don't move all pony stuff to 20pc either.

aurali is a butt on the 20pc irc :c

Updated by anonymous

Oh well, there goes my chance to contribute something of value...
I prolly should have researched more on that matter, it seemed to me that e926 had it's own storage etc.

but thanks for the surprisingly friendly heads-up!^_^

well, "problem" solved (i won't find out why i'm supposed to do with all that salami on here either) so if an admin pleases so, he may close or even remove this thread at any time now. :P

Updated by anonymous

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