Topic: tag alias: anatomy_fail > avoidable_anatomy_mistake

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

ippiki_ookami said:
Subjective tags are subjective.

Eh, extreme misdrawings of anatomy aren't really subjective, especially if it severely detracts from the rest of the picture's quality.

Updated by anonymous

I actually kind of enjoy the occasionally going through and looking for what's wrong in each picture... but there SHOULD only be one tag for it.. and it should be pretty obvious (stomach cunts, penises from mid-thigh, exorcist necks..) as opposed to "the muzzle is crooked" or "the fingers are funny"

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
I actually kind of enjoy the occasionally going through and looking for what's wrong in each picture... but there SHOULD only be one tag for it.. and it should be pretty obvious (stomach cunts, penises from mid-thigh, exorcist necks..) as opposed to "the muzzle is crooked" or "the fingers are funny"

Yeah, basically it's more of a tag cleanup than a necessity.

Updated by anonymous

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