Topic: Tag Implication: implied_vore -> vore

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating implied_vore -> vore.

Reason: Other than the literal definition, implied vore is generally used when a character is being prepared for eating/vore, but no actual vore is taking place.

Updated by SnowWolf

So it's not happening.
Hence, it's not vore.It's just...implied_vore.

Updated by anonymous

If a rabbit is being trussed up with an apple in its mouth and there's a fire and spit, and the (whatever) is getting ready to spit-roast the buny, I'm pretty sure that it qualifies under the fetish branch of vore. And I'm sure that people who don't want to see vore don't want to see implied vore either. I'd support this.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
If a rabbit is being trussed up with an apple in its mouth and there's a fire and spit, and the (whatever) is getting ready to spit-roast the buny, I'm pretty sure that it qualifies under the fetish branch of vore. And I'm sure that people who don't want to see vore don't want to see implied vore either. I'd support this.

Don't support it, I happen to LIKE Vore, but someone all trussed up and ready to eat is not being eaten. And the fetish for vore, using your own love of the dictionary against you here 123 "Vorarephilia (often shortened to vore) is a sexual fetish and paraphilia where arousal occurs from the idea of being eaten, eating another, observing this process, or by the general process of eating." This coming from someone who does on the offhand enjoy vore. So, no, I'd say the implication should not be there.

Updated by anonymous

That doesn't use my preference for dictionary examples against me in the slightest. Preparing a character to be eaten falls under the general process of eating. In fact, that strengthens my point, if anything (about it falling under the fetish branch of vore, not that it should be implied).

Updated by anonymous

well.. how about this:

vore implies vorarephilia
implied_vore implies vorarephilia

and use Vorarephilia as a 'cover all' tag?

Updated by anonymous

That sounds great. Can we add anal_vore to that too? *shudder*

Updated by anonymous

Imminent vore seems more ito indicate that there's someone right there about to eat you. Implied vore seems more to mean "this is something that vorarephiliacs will enjoy, showing bodies cooked or prepared to be cooked but no actual eating involved". If you disagree with that, *shrug* go ahead and alias it. So long as I can blacklist it.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Imminent vore seems more ito indicate that there's someone right there about to eat you. Implied vore seems more to mean "this is something that vorarephiliacs will enjoy, showing bodies cooked or prepared to be cooked but no actual eating involved". If you disagree with that, *shrug* go ahead and alias it. So long as I can blacklist it.

but looking at those images, only one fits the implied_vore while the rest either fits imminent_vore or have no vore what so ever.

Updated by anonymous

What about doin' it the other way? Imminent_vore is aliased to implied_vore? It might be more descriptive, covers the 'post vore' picture, and most of the imminent images could be considered 'implied'... it's implied that the lion eats after disembowling, its' implied that the hungry liplicking is followed by devouring. and so forth. :)

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
What about doin' it the other way? Imminent_vore is aliased to implied_vore? It might be more descriptive, covers the 'post vore' picture, and most of the imminent images could be considered 'implied'... it's implied that the lion eats after disembowling, its' implied that the hungry liplicking is followed by devouring. and so forth. :)

post_vore already has it's own tag though, so imminent_vore is probably a better tag regardless.

Updated by anonymous

Alias imminent and post to implied, as neither is the act specific BUT is heavily implying the act, either to come or that has passed, and put implied and vore under voraphilia. (where did vorarephilia come from anyways?)

PS: Since Anomynous usually hates on aliases, implying both to implied would work as well, and leave those with the fetish looking for pics of one or the other to be able to be more specific. I can get behind that.

Updated by anonymous

well, then the misplaced 'implied vore' picture should be tagged post_vore..

and pick either imminent or implied as 'tha winner'

Updated by anonymous

I vote for the imminent vore since it's tagged more than implied vore

Updated by anonymous

tagged more =/= right. Imply imminent and post vore to implied vore because they imply but are not vore. I already stated this above.

Updated by anonymous

Implied_vore can be past tense, so it wouldn't make sense to alias it to imminent_vore.

Updated by anonymous

I say simply remove the "implied_vore" tag from images, correctly tagging them with either "imminent_vore" or "post_vore." True, vore is the shortened word for "vorarephilia," and so actually eating someone is NOT in itself vore, HOWEVER. Users are clearly using the tag when eating characters is going on, is about to go on, or just has gone on. Or that they've been put in an anus with anal_vore, though that's really not vore at all. Similar, but not the same. To the average user, "vore" is any creature entering any portion of another's digestive tract, willingly or no.

So, have "vore," "imminent_vore," and "post_vore" all imply "vorarephilia." I would personally prefer to do something about the tag for "anal_vore," but I have no ideas, so either have it imply "vorarephilia" as well, or just leave it alone for now.

Updated by anonymous

anal vore is like reverse birthing, but into the digestive system. I'd say it still qualifies for vore.

That said: Is the idea that both imminent_vore and post_vore imply implied_vore really that bad?

Updated by anonymous

Hokay. note one - Vorarephilia is proper, according to google and wikipedia.

SnowWolf's proposal:

  • vore implies vorarephilia

anal_vore implies vorarephilia or vore
cock_vore implies vorarephilia or vore
post_vore implies vorarephilia or vore
tail_vore implies vorarephilia or vore
soul_vore implies vorarephilia or vore
pouch_vore implies vorarephilia or vore
nipple_vore implies vorarephilia or vore
hard_vore implies vore
soft_vore implies vore
auto_vore implies vore
same_size_vore implies vorarephilia or vore

that has vore and all of the "types" of vore implying vorarephilia, wih hard and soft (generally related to 'eating vore') implying vore.

The problem, though, is that all of these things are vore... anal_vore vore has 67 results while anal_vore -vore has 121... so people seem split on if things like anal vore should be tagged vore or not.

but if all of the *_vores imply "vore" then there's no point in vorarephilia as a tag really, except for implied, post and imminent vore, which are all legitimate reasons... but. what does someone look up when they just want to see someone eating someone else?

do we *need* an oral_vore tag? o.o This is not my fetish, so I don't know.. but I'd figure the 'swallow me" crown and the 'shove me up your ass" crowd do not have 100% overlap.

So. tha'ts my question. random_body_part_vore: vorarephilia or vore?

On the other hand, most people probably already have "vore" blacklisted, so it might be better to make everything *_vore imply vore, and have vore (and implied/post/etc) imply vorarephilia.

Or maybe just everything *should* imply vore and be done with it.

thoughts, folks?

on other notes:

  • unbirthing implies vore or vorarephilia?
  • implied_vore implies vorarephilia?
  • imminent_vore implies vorarephilia? (we can't pick one, it seems, so keep both?)

Updated by anonymous

If I'm reading this right, unbirthing and also anal "vore" are not actually vorarephilia. Vore is about eating, being eaten, digestion, not being inserted wholly into other orifices. My own personal preference would be to find some tag that does not have "vore" in it at all for shoved_in_other_holes_vore, because it's not vore. It's a similar, related fetish, but it really isn't the same thing. Do we have an "eating" tag?


Yes. So my compromise, since "anal_vore" is being used heavily, even if it's a null term, we should keep it and just make sure we have "eating" tags on the vore where there's eating going on.

Second compromise idea: Instead of that (though it would not be inappropriate to put the "eating" tag on most of those images), we could use vorarephilia for the creature-eats-creature images, leaving the shortened "vore" to all the creature-is-in-another's-butt.

Updated by anonymous

well, as I understand it (from having been curious on a few occasions and reading stories), ... well.. vore can be ripping and rending flesh, or swallowing whole and digesting.. or a 'fluffy bunny' version of being swallowed and coming out intact on the other side.

likewise, with anal/cock, etc vore... sometimes they wiggle back out later and get love and cuddles... and in other cases, they're absorbed into the predator... which is a form of eating in and of itself.

so.. i'd argue that yes, it's as much 'vore' as eating someone is.

after all, how much difference is there between being a wolf and having jaws that unhinge and allow you to swallow someone whole, and being a wolf and having a lower intestine/penis/niples/whatever that can hold and digest someone?

Updated by anonymous

I guess that makes some sense. I still feel that it's not quite the same thing. As I said, it's related, but I don't think it's the same. Either way, that's why I brought up the two compromises. I think the second one is better, myself, and vote for it.

Updated by anonymous

Vorare means to devour/consume. It doesn't specify the orifice. >_>; or the manner of devouring/consuming.

either way, tag that covers them all so ic an blacklist plox.

Updated by anonymous

Just don't combine "oral" vore with the other kinds of vore.. uggh

Updated by anonymous

Rarity said:
Just don't combine "oral" vore with the other kinds of vore.. uggh

Why not? You can always just blacklist stuff like anal_vore or cock_vore, etc and then you get to see the oral vore without seeing the other kinds of vore.

Updated by anonymous

Rarity said:
Just don't combine "oral" vore with the other kinds of vore.. uggh

Aye, hence my suggestion to

RedOctober said:we could use vorarephilia for the creature-eats-creature images, leaving the shortened "vore" to all the creature-is-in-another's-butt.

which also addresses things like

Percy101 said:
Why not? You can always just blacklist stuff like anal_vore or cock_vore, etc and then you get to see the oral vore without seeing the other kinds of vore.

more easily, and doesn't contradict

123easy said:
Vorare means to devour/consume. It doesn't specify the orifice. >_>; or the manner of devouring/consuming.

which I don't fully agree with anyway. I'd reference wikipedia, but that page has been vandalized and I'm not interested in creating an account to fix it. And "devouring" does in fact mean eating. Regardless! I still support

RedOctober said:we could use vorarephilia for the creature-eats-creature images, leaving the shortened "vore" to all the creature-is-in-another's-butt.

Updated by anonymous

the problem wit that, Red, is that if I understand properly, **ALL** the vore pictures will have to be gone through. Plus, you'll have people who continue to tag 'vore' for "imma eat you"

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
the problem wit that, Red, is that if I understand properly, **ALL** the vore pictures will have to be gone through. Plus, you'll have people who continue to tag 'vore' for "imma eat you"

Bah. Yeah, pretty much. Maaan, fuck this. lol.

But really, I'm about out of ideas, then. I really don't like the way it is now, but you're right that the other isn't feasible. I guess the only I have left to suggest is to add "eating" tags to eating vore. But again, yes, all the vore images will have to be gone through.

Updated by anonymous

I still stand behind implying all vore-named tags with vorarephilia so it can be blacklisted wholesale or piecemeal (hah!) as desired. Or, in other words: What Snow Wolf's proposal is.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
I still stand behind implying all vore-named tags with vorarephilia so it can be blacklisted wholesale or piecemeal (hah!) as desired. Or, in other words: What Snow Wolf's proposal is.

thing is, my proposal had a whole lot of issues with it :/

Updated by anonymous

Perhaps, but it is the most easily definable setup available. hell, unusual_vore the non-eating-normally pics or something, just... -something-, y'know?

Updated by anonymous

alright.. let me think...

SnowWolf's proposal:

  • vore implies vorarephilia

post_vore implies vore (as all of them seem to either be scat or 'full belly' pictures)
hard_vore implies vore
soft_vore implies vore
auto_vore implies vore
same_size_vore implies vorarephilia (as one could vore in the other methods someone of the same size.)

  • unusual_vore/absorbtion_vore/non-oral_vore/whatever implies vorarephilia

anal_vore implies unusual_vore/absorbtion_vore/non-oral_vore/whatever
cock_vore implies unusual_vore/absorbtion_vore/non-oral_vore/whatever
tail_vore implies unusual_vore/absorbtion_vore/non-oral_vore/whatever
soul_vore implies unusual_vore/absorbtion_vore/non-oral_vore/whatever
pouch_vore implies unusual_vore/absorbtion_vore/non-oral_vore/whatever
nipple_vore implies unusual_vore/absorbtion_vore/non-oral_vore/whatever

this makes it possible to find the om nom nomish pictures...
the odd vore tags will still need to be gone through to remove vore from them...

On the other hand, most people probably already have "vore" blacklisted, so it might be better to make everything *_vore imply vore, and have vore (and implied/post/etc) imply vorarephilia.

this is still true, though....


  • unbirthing - vore or not vore? I guess the safest bet is to leave it un-vored.
  • implied_vore implies vore
  • imminent_vore implies vore

can't pick one, go with both. Implying vore rather the the philia because they're most generally oriented around eating.

now, what do people think?

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:

All that sounds pretty good! Unbirthing shouldn't imply vore cause, well, it's not vore.
Imminent vore getting implicated to vore is something I don't agree with. You have to see what is happening in an image to tag it, and imminent vore is pre-vore, not actual vore.
Implicate it to vorarephilia.

Updated by anonymous

I feel like the best way to separate the om_nom vore from the up_the_butt vore is to make sure om_nom vore pics have "eating" tagged. Maybe add that to the tagging projects list as well as clarifying it in the vore wiki?

Updated by anonymous

k.. I've:

  • removed vore from all the absorption_vore images.


  • vore implies vorarephilia

post_vore implies vore
hard_vore implies vore
soft_vore implies vore
auto_vore implies vore
imminent_vore implies vore
implied_vore implies vore (wee!)
same_size_vore implies vorarephilia

  • absorbtion_vore implies vorarephilia

anal_vore implies absorption_vore
cock_vore implies absorption_vore
tail_vore implies absorption_vore
soul_vore implies absorption_vore
pouch_vore implies absorption_vore
nipple_vore implies absorption_vore
breast_vore implies absorption_vore

Things that need to happen:

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:

Things that need to happen:

Seems decent enough. As long as we're clear that the absorption_vore doesn't get the "eating" tag.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
Seems decent enough. As long as we're clear that the absorption_vore doesn't get the "eating" tag.

Yup.. right now, absorption_vore eating has no results... even though there actually should be a few from random vore+absoption_vore pictures.

Also, I need people to go in and make sure all of the related wiki pages are taken care of--includiing hte new absorbtion_vore.

Updated by anonymous

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