Topic: It's hot in here

Posted under Off Topic

This is an open-subject thread. Act civil; the discussion can be politics, such as the nearing ACTA, drugs and whether you like or dislike them, conversation about Esix itself, or even what the hell you're doing at the moment.
For example: Who smokes mary j? C'mon, you're in the majority now, it's okay.


Cloverluck said:
Who smokes mary j? C'mon, you're in the majority now, it's okay.

Weed is people who don't read labels. It impairs your cognitive functions over time, so if you like to smoke a lot of bud, give up your car keys, and quit your job so you can find one that doesn't require you to think much.

Updated by anonymous

I don't.

It's funny, my friends and even my family always try to get me to but it just isn't something I enjoy.

Honestly, I don't give a care if anyone else does it. I'm actually more put off when a person makes a big deal about it (from either end of the debate.)

On a side note, I seem to have adverse reactions to a lot of drugs, legal or otherwise. I don't even like morphine.

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
Weed is people who don't read labels. It impairs your cognitive functions over time, so if you like to smoke a lot of bud, give up your car keys, and quit your job so you can find one that doesn't require you to think much.

Ah, stereotypes. While I can't argue that what you've stated isn't true, as someone who has smoked since he was 13, I can say the experience is relatively subjective. Almost like music.
The cognitive damage... I won't speak as if I know fact; because weed literally alters a person's state of conciousness, it IS capable of damaging various neural pathways over a period of abuse. "Abuse" in this sense can depend on the person's tolerance to thc, but generally it refers to more than two grams per day.
Being serious for a moment, most of my pothead friends are complete morons. Incapable of even the slightest amount of problem-solving skills, and completely void of ANY situational awareness whatsoever. But as for me? Who knows. I'd rather be dumb than constantly over-analytic of every minor detail, so that's why I smoke. To stop thinking just for a little while. Because who really wants to be a Fluttercritic?

Updated by anonymous

Cloverluck said:
Ah, stereotypes. While I can't argue that what you've stated isn't true, as someone who has smoked since he was 13, I can say the experience is relatively subjective. Almost like music.
The cognitive damage... I won't speak as if I know fact; because weed literally alters a person's state of conciousness, it IS capable of damaging various neural pathways over a period of abuse. "Abuse" in this sense can depend on the person's tolerance to thc, but generally it refers to more than two grams per day.
Being serious for a moment, most of my pothead friends are complete morons. Incapable of even the slightest amount of problem-solving skills, and completely void of ANY situational awareness whatsoever. But as for me? Who knows. I'd rather be dumb than constantly over-analytic of every minor detail, so that's why I smoke. To stop thinking just for a little while. Because who really wants to be a Fluttercritic?

What's a Fluttercritic?

Updated by anonymous

Cloverluck said:
For example: Who smokes mary j?

I don't, but I don't see it as any worse than drinking. Admittedly it's not good for your lungs (and is believed to impair your mental abilities if overused), but as long as consenting adults are the only ones being exposed to it or its smoke and they're not attempting to use a car or machinery afterwards then I think it's fine.

Updated by anonymous

Cloverluck said:

But it does affect your shit over time, and as a gamer and borderline genius, i'd like to keep my mind sharp for as long as I can.

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
I don't, but I don't see it as any worse than drinking.

If the (U.S) government wants to ban marijuana on the grounds that it's harmful to humans then fine. But if they want to be consistent they'd have to ban alcohol and tobacco too, because they're much, much worse.

But let's face it: integrity in politics?

Ha. Ha.

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
But it does affect your shit over time, and as a gamer and borderline genius, i'd like to keep my mind sharp for as long as I can.


Cannabis is like anything else, it's good in moderation and it can do bad things if you overuse it.

It's worth making legal just to get rid of the whole black market related to it though, even if it is "harmful".

EDIT: oh god I actually made an account here

Updated by anonymous

lulz said:
my locker number is abcd

My locker number is...hell I don't even know it.
I like waffles.
And I'm in bed.

Updated by anonymous

Frankly, I prefer intelligence than being another generic dumbfuck who can't or doesn't even want to read above middle-school level

(Not calling Cloverluck a dumbfuck though, he appears capable of thought)

Updated by anonymous

Valence said:
Frankly, I prefer intelligence than being another generic dumbfuck who can't or doesn't even want to read above middle-school level

(Not calling Cloverluck a dumbfuck though, he appears capable of thought)

Sagan was a user and advocate of marijuana. Under the pseudonym "Mr. X", he contributed an essay about smoking cannabis to the 1971 book Marihuana Reconsidered. The essay explained that marijuana use had helped to inspire some of Sagan's works and enhance sensual and intellectual experiences. After Sagan's death, his friend Lester Grinspoon disclosed this information to Sagan's biographer, Keay Davidson. The publishing of the biography, Carl Sagan: A Life, in 1999 brought media attention to this aspect of Sagan's life. Not long after his death, widow Ann Druyan had gone on to preside over the board of directors of NORML, a foundation dedicated to reforming cannabis laws.

Updated by anonymous

Troxxelcot said:
What's a Fluttercritic?

Fluttershy from FiM. Term comes from an episode when she had a critique about almost every point of a dress Rarity was designing, when she's normally kind & quiet. Or something. Honestly I forget the episode.

Raiden_Gekkou said:
But it does affect your shit over time, and as a gamer and borderline genius, i'd like to keep my mind sharp for as long as I can.

I knew it. Someone would put "stuff" or "shit"... Cause I was gonna come quote myself and say the same thing, it was pretty tl;dr. But as a fellow gamer, I have to agree on that. A great reaction time and perfect control weed does not make.
But it really is preference. As in I'm talking about the weather for the next week and instead of just saying it, I gotta go into hook echoes, clipper fronts, explaining the current pattern... When I should be shutting up. In my household I normally am cussed at for trying to explain... well, anything to my less intelligent family. And not to start a life's story, but that probably plays into my choice to smoke.
A story a person, I suppose.

Valence said:
Frankly, I prefer intelligence than being another generic dumbfuck who can't or doesn't even want to read above middle-school level

(Not calling Cloverluck a dumbfuck though, he appears capable of thought)

Thank you. Luckily I liked to read when I was younger, unlike half my class. Still do.

Changing topic: How long has everyone been here, lurking or otherwise? And is Esix just a place, or a sort of home to you?
Personally I've been lurking since mid 08, and I love this place. It's fucking great... Most of the time lol, if the typical e621 comments thread is any indication.
I'll shutup now, because posting from a phone sucks and tl;dr is almost unavoidable.

Updated by anonymous

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