Topic: Comment down-voters

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Someone please explain something to me, because I am totally baffled.

So this is a porn site, right? And don't come back with "not necessarily," because it is.

What do people do when on porn sites? They masturbate. What do people do when they masturbate? They think about the sexual things they want to do.

Why is it then, when (and this is something that seems almost exclusive to gay works posted here) a user posts a comment expressing desire to be one of the characters (typically the bottom), that comment is voted down, which immediately causes it to become hidden?

This is not just a once or twice thing. This happens very frequently. I once got into a very lengthy debate in the comments about this, almost all of which was removed from existence (strike one up for censorship). The work was of a femboy with cum leaking out of his ass, and a user posted "I WANT TO BE HIM!!", maybe with a few extra exclamation points, I really don't remember.

I will grant that all caps posts are eye-sores. But that is not why that comment was voted out of sight. The reason given by at least two users and a mod was, "he was being creepy," and that he was "spoiling it for the rest of us." Pardon me, but are you fucking crazy?

This is something that I just can not wrap my head around. He was being creepy by saying that he wanted to be one of the characters in a pornographic picture that we all are agreeing that we like? What the hell kind of logic is that?

Sending someone to a snuff shock-site designed to gross most people out and proclaiming how hot it is is being creepy. Not expressing enjoyment of a porn picture meant to turn people on, especially on a site dedicated to hosting said pictures.

I've even seen a down-voter tell a supposedly creepy user to "go to Fur Affinity if you want to say that stuff." Am I to believe that the majority of users here are not also on FA?

And it's not like this is a case where trolls are just running around making a mess. As in the previous example, a user will simultaneously look upon a work of art depicting gay furry sex, enjoy it (probably enough to masturbate to it), and then accuse someone who makes a benign comment expressing their own sexual attraction to that very same work of being creepy, and vote the comment out of sight.

So can anyone please explain to me why so many users here are so ready to down-vote a comment that simply expresses what we are all thinking?
Why is this extremely hypocritical pattern of behavior accepted and characterized as the moral high ground?

And on another point, am I the only one who thinks it is a very bad idea for comments to become hidden after only one down vote (please correct me if I am wrong about that).
Don't get me wrong. I'm not "butt hurt" because someone's comment got down-voted. That doesn't bother me. It's the screwed up thinking behind why those comments are hidden that I think needs to be addressed. That, and the very worrying prospect of people trying to censor the web.

Updated by Princess Celestia

This will be the sixth time we have made this thread, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

Updated by anonymous

This site is about the art. It is not about Random User's desire to have something jammed up his or her behind. We do not need to know. We do not want to know. Do not tell us. It is against the rules. Keep those thoughts to yourself and in your fantasies, where they belong.

Updated by anonymous

This is not a porn site. It is an art site that happens to host explicit content. As far as users downvoting comments, that is their right. If they don't like a comment, we encourage them to express their opinions by voting on it. If you don't want comments that have been voted down to be hidden, then adjust your comment threshold in your settings. We do not allow creepy comments because it can and does spoil the experience for users AS WELL AS artists and character owners who are kind enough to allow us to feature their art.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
This is not a porn site. It is an art site that happens to host explicit content.

No offense, but I don't buy that for a second. Do you really expect me to believe that the people who create the explicit works here and the people who enjoy them honestly do so solely for their artistic merits, and not because it gets them off? I think that is a serious sign of self denial and shame.

ippiki_ookami said:
we encourage them to express their opinions

Do you seriously not see the irony and hypocrisy in that?

I can express my opinions only if they match the mod's personal tastes? Very rarely do I see comments about how much a user wants to fuck a female character voted down. But the second some one says how much they want to be fucked similarly to the way a male character has just been, they are total creeps and it must be removed from sight.

null0010 said:
We do not need to know. We do not want to know. Do not tell us.

That's creepy to you...on a site that is 99% porn (aside from the MLP wave)? This is what I just don't understand. Not that you have to change your opinions for me. But I just don't get how that is the way so many users think.

Updated by anonymous

There is no irony or hypocrisy or shame in this rule. Do not post comments about how much you want to perform a sexual act. Do not describe your ideal sexual encounter. Do not tell us how horny you are. Do not post about how many milliliters of semen just burst from your turgid loins. We do not want to know.

If you see a creepy comment, report it and the moderation team will deal with it sooner rather than later.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:

Probably because seeing 'creepy',carnal /roleplay-esque comments directly below an image does seem to detract, if not ruin the original enthusiasm about a piece of work,as ippiki mentioned.Even though it's explicit in nature anyway, curiously enough

Strictly speaking, the Comments section was originally intended to objectively discuss the image it referred to (tagging,artist info, and other miscellany that would seem cumbersome to post in the forums), but considering the system that's in place compared to other less organized boorus, e6 is pretty lenient when it comes to what you can talk about under a post

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
No offense, but I don't buy that for a second. Do you really expect me to believe that the people who create the explicit works here and the people who enjoy them honestly do so solely for their artistic merits, and not because it gets them off? I think that is a serious sign of self denial and shame.

I don't presume to speak on behalf of artists. They have their own reasons for creating the art, and you would be surprised by how many have had their art removed because of creepy or offensive comments.

JMay said:
Do you seriously not see the irony and hypocrisy in that?

I can express my opinions only if they match the mod's personal tastes? Very rarely do I see comments about how much a user wants to fuck a female character voted down. But the second some one says how much they want to be fucked similarly to the way a male character has just been, they are total creeps and it must be removed from sight.

I'll admit I'm a a bit confused by this response. People vote on comments however they choose; it has nothing to do with the mod's tastes. Everyone can vote on comments, not just the mods. And if you're referring to us deleting comments, we only do that for illegal statements or (very rarely) if they're insulting the artist or character owners, since we don't want them getting upset and requesting mass takedowns (again, something I've seen a lot of).

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:

I guess we will never see eye to eye on this. You seem to be almost trying to hide from the pornographic nature of the pictures here. The work is here for us to enjoy. No amount of rule-making will convince me that talking about how we enjoy it is creepy, or a bad thing in any way.

ippiki ookami said:
I'll admit I'm a a bit confused by this response.

I have noticed a general trend toward site-wide favoritism of comments expressing straight attraction, where gay attraction is vilified.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
I guess we will never see eye to eye on this. You seem to be almost trying to hide from the pornographic nature of the pictures here. The work is here for us to enjoy. No amount of rule-making will convince me that talking about how we enjoy it is creepy, or a bad thing in any way.

You don't have to agree with the rules, just follow them.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
No offense, but I don't buy that for a second. Do you really expect me to believe that the people who create the explicit works here and the people who enjoy them honestly do so solely for their artistic merits, and not because it gets them off? I think that is a serious sign of self denial and shame.

I don't get off to it, I honestly view it for artistic merits, and because male genitals fascinate me, and not in a sexual way. as for this being a porn site, if this were a porn site, we wouldn't have images like this:
which has no pornographic properties. also try searching rating:safe once to see a large quantity of non-pornographic images.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
You don't have to agree with the rules, just follow them.


Also, arguing with mods. Quick way to get into their shitlist.

JMay said:
I have noticed a general trend toward site-wide favoritism of comments expressing straight attraction, where gay attraction is vilified.

You can post sources for that now, by the way.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
You don't have to agree with the rules, just follow them.

Who is talking about the rules? This is a discussion of psychology.

cookiekangaroo said:

A Mexican person living in the U.S. does not make that country not the U.S. anymore.

Mechaniatrix said:
Also, arguing with mods. Quick way to get into their shitlist.

What? You can take the blind obedience and keep it. Please don't pollute the discussion with accusations of confrontationism.

Mechaniatrix said:
You can post sources for that now, by the way.

Like I bookmarked every case I've ever seen.

Updated by anonymous

i sense a debate starting... *hides in his bunker*

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
Please don't pollute the discussion with accusations of confrontationism.

I'm just going to quote this and let you analyze it.

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
I'm just going to quote this and let you analyze it.

You implied that I was arguing in a way that would make the mods mad. If they are any kind of sensible, that will only happen if I am an asshole. I don't believe I have been.

That is an accusation to me.

Yes, I get what you are saying, but I don't agree.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
I don't believe I have been.


JMay said:
Yes, I get what you are saying, but I don't agree.

That's nice.

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
That's nice.

Disagreeing with someone doesn't mean that you dislike them.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
Disagreeing with someone doesn't mean that you dislike them.

That's cool.

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
That's cool.

*awkward silence*

Updated by anonymous

JustFrame said:
Ya'll gettin mad over nuthin'

Who's mad?

AbsebaroKoon said:

I see your point. However, I just don't agree. That isn't my comment style, most of the time, but I don't see anything wrong with people doing that on this site specifically.

Take DA for example. If an artist takes an artistic nude, it would be inappropriate and immature for someone to say something like, "Look at that hot pussy!" Personally, I don't believe in art, because what qualifies as art is entirely subjective. But it is obvious that the creator didn't intend for that photo to turn people on, or be sexual. But when I see a fountain of cum spraying out of a 36 inch long cartoon horse cock, being gobbled up by a harem of femboys, all bets are off. How, with a work so blantantly sexual as that, people can be so stuffy about the comments made on it, I will never understand.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
Who's mad?

Me, baby. I'm just mad, bad, and dangerous to know.

Updated by anonymous

This thread again? I shouldn't bother explaining but: People have different tastes in art and comments. If someone doesn't like that someone praises an image they don't like, they downvote it. If someone doesn't like that someone is denouncing an image they like, they downvote it. If someone doesn't like someone's creepy-ass comments, they downvote it. What's so hard to understand?

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
This thread again? I shouldn't bother explaining but: People have different tastes in art and comments. If someone doesn't like that someone praises an image they don't like, they downvote it. If someone doesn't like that someone is denouncing an image they like, they downvote it. If someone doesn't like someone's creepy-ass comments, they downvote it. What's so hard to understand?

It's summer. The schools are out and kiddies have a lot of free time on their hands. Do the math.

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
Do the math.

That sounds like work, so no.

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:

I don't get why they think those comments are creepy. And no one has given me an explanation. Like I said before, this is a discussion of psychology. I don't want to stop people from expressing themselves. In fact, that is kind of what I have been ranting against here. I just want to understand a behavior that seems completely illogical.

Mechaniatrix said:
It's summer. The schools are out and kiddies have a lot of free time on their hands. Do the math.

Calling strangers on the internet kids because they don't think like you do...real classy.

For a brief moment, I thought I might actually be able to have a serious discussion/debate. So thanks for that.

Updated by anonymous

AbsebaroKoon said:
does that proved my point?

I'll be honest. I don't really know what your point is. That people will do what they want, and that we just have to live with it?

Updated by anonymous

I agree with JMay. Although I hate comments that go into detail about how pretentiously annoying they can be with their so called "furryness" and go "oh, stuff his maw, MURRRRRR, **paws off**".

Also, a bit off track, I've seen plenty of negative record mods leave just for the person posting "creepy comments"

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
I don't get why they think those comments are creepy. And no one has given me an explanation. Like I said before, this is a discussion of psychology. I don't want to stop people from expressing themselves. In fact, that is kind of what I have been ranting against here. I just want to understand a behavior that seems completely illogical.

Are you daft? If someone says something along the lines of "Oh yeah i'd love for him to stuff that cock in my ass so I could ride him all night long", you don't think that's creepy? I don't really think it's creepy, I just think it's childish. I can't really assume that an adult would type something like that. But the consensus here is that that is creepy, and stuff like that shouldn't be said.

Updated by anonymous

KiwiPotato said:
I agree with JMay.

I was seriously starting to think that I was crazy.

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
Are you daft?

Absolutely, but that is beside the point.

Why should I think it is creepy, when you just said that you don't?

I can look at a Lamborghini Aventador and say, "Wow that is a beautiful car. I really wish I had one of those." Is that childish?

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
Calling strangers on the internet kids because they don't think like you do...real classy.

For a brief moment, I thought I might actually be able to have a serious discussion/debate. So thanks for that.

Whenever did you think I cared about what you thought?

Instead of bitching about how your comment got downvoted, go change your threshold in your settings. Then you can go see ALL the things that were downvoted and you'll never have to see the horrible 'downvoted' message again.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
I don't get why they think those comments are creepy. And no one has given me an explanation. Like I said before, this is a discussion of psychology. I don't want to stop people from expressing themselves. In fact, that is kind of what I have been ranting against here. I just want to understand a behavior that seems completely illogical.

We already explained it to you. You just refuse to acknowledge the reasoning as valid.

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
Whenever did you think I cared about what you thought?

When I assumed that you were a decent, logical human being. Thanks for returning the favor.

Mechaniatrix said:
Instead of bitching about how your comment got downvoted, go change your threshold in your settings. Then you can go see ALL the things that were downvoted and you'll never have to see the horrible 'downvoted' message again.

I addressed that in the op.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
I addressed that in the op.

null0010 said:
We already explained it to you. You just refuse to acknowledge the reasoning as valid.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
Absolutely, but that is beside the point.

Why should I think it is creepy, when you just said that you don't?

Read back to where I said that the general consensus is that it's creepy. And even though I just think it's childish, I still feel the same way most people here feel: that shit needs to stop.

JMay said:
I can look at a Lamborghini Aventador and say, "Wow that is a beautiful car. I really wish I had one of those." Is that childish?

Don't you ever talk down on a man's dreams you bastard.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
We already explained it to you. You just refuse to acknowledge the reasoning as valid.

I don't mean to sound like a smart-ass, but I don't think you did. You guys said, "keep it to yourself," which does nothing to answer my question.

Updated by anonymous

JMay, why don't you just set your comment threshold to -100 and move on? That way you can see all the comments you want.

Updated by anonymous

DobiesHot said:
JMay, why don't you just set your comment threshold to -100 and move on? That way you can see all the comments you want.

But that would be easy and wouldn't allow him the satisfaction of 'victory'.

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
Don't you ever talk down on a man's dreams you bastard.

Uh-oh. I've struck a nerve.

They really are gorgeous though, aren't they.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
Uh-oh. I've struck a nerve.

They really are gorgeous though, aren't they.

Looks better than most porn stars.

Updated by anonymous

DobiesHot said:
JMay, why don't you just set your comment threshold to -100 and move on? That way you can see all the comments you want.

I'll be honest, until this forum post, I did not know that was a feature. But as I have said multiple times, the fact that they get voted down is nothing more than a symptom of the problem: the lunacy of being creeped out by a sexual comment on a site that is mostly pornographic.

Mechaniatrix said:
But that would be easy and wouldn't allow him the satisfaction of 'victory'.

You just try so hard, don't you.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
But as I have said multiple times, the fact that they get voted down is nothing more than a symptom of the problem: the lunacy of being creeped out by a sexual comment on a site that is mostly pornographic.

Well, I'm very sorry, but it's not going to change. You're just going to have to get over it.

Updated by anonymous

DobiesHot said:
Well, I'm very sorry, but it's not going to change. You're just going to have to get over it.

Hate to get further off-topic, but "just deal with it" never got humanity anywhere. Asking questions is just what I do.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
Hate to get further off-topic, but "just deal with it" never got humanity anywhere. Asking questions is just what I do.

Humanity? On this site? Should've made that left turn at Albuquerque.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
Hate to get further off-topic, but "just deal with it" never got humanity anywhere. Asking questions is just what I do.

The administrators aren't going to change the site's policies because you don't like them. You may not think "deal with it" gets you anywhere, but in the end, that is still the route you're left with. Save yourself the grief.

Updated by anonymous

DobiesHot said:
The administrators aren't going to change the site's policies because you don't like them.

Where do you guys keep getting this idea? Methinks you all heave read way to deeply into my op. I don't presume to be superior, or to have the only opinion that matters. What's wrong with asking about something that seems completely fucked up to me?

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
I don't mean to sound like a smart-ass, but I don't think you did. You guys said, "keep it to yourself," which does nothing to answer my question.

You're really starting to sound like a bad troll to me.

We've explained it to you multiple times and linked you to the rules of the site. You refuse to accept these things as valid. We do not allow these comments because they are gross. Plain and simple. Comment blacklisting based on content is not currently an option as it is with images, so we cannot simply say "blacklist creepy commenters if you don't like them." The comments must be moderated.

That's the reason. There doesn't have to be a deep philosophical or psychological explanation for everything.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
You're really starting to sound like a bad troll to me.

We've explained it to you multiple times and linked you to the rules of the site. You refuse to accept these things as valid.

Disagree all you want, it's not going to change site policy.

Listen to her JMay, this topic is going nowhere, gather what little dignity you have left, and bury the hatchet.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
What's wrong with asking about something that seems completely fucked up to me?

Nothing is wrong with asking. Refusing to accept the answer is where you get stuck in the weeds.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
You're really starting to sound like a bad troll to me.

You wish. I'm not letting you off that easy.

null0010 said:
We've explained it to you multiple times and linked you to the rules of the site. You refuse to accept these things as valid. We do not allow these comments because they are gross. Plain and simple.

I'm being dead serious here. "they are gross" is an opinion, not an explanation. I don't need you to spell that out for me. I know that people think those type of comments are gross. That is what brought me to this post. And it does nothing to address why you think they are creepy.

Now, please don't misread this part. I'm not just hammering you on your opinion for the hell of it. The reason I am asking this question with such fervor is the fact that a sexually driven comment matches a pornographic image. Why is that comment creepy? The image should also be creepy, shouldn't it?

Updated by anonymous

Looking at the image does not automatically expose me to the reaction of everyone else who looked at it.

Updated by anonymous

AbsebaroKoon said:
gather what little dignity you have left

I lost that a long time ago.

Updated by anonymous

/me instantiates vote to lock troll thread.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
Looking at the image does not automatically expose me to the reaction of everyone else who looked at it.

Thank you. Now we are getting somewhere.

If the image is something you enjoy seeing, something you have a sexual attraction toward, then why is someone with the same attraction a creep just because they express it? They are only saying what you are thinking. I refuse to believe that intellectual germaphobia is normal.

Updated by anonymous

ikdind said:
/me instantiates vote to lock troll thread.

Trolls aren't as stubborn as I am.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
I lost that a long time ago.

The last comment is not necessary. You're asking for a ban from Null. Please, by my stuffed parts, just accept that people are who they were, we're not perfect and peaceful, and this is not that place... Yet...

Updated by anonymous

Why do you assume that every single person who looks at the image will have the same thoughts regarding it?

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
Why do you assume that every single person who looks at the image will have the same thoughts regarding it?

Who, me or JMay?

Updated by anonymous

This thread has provided an example of how you do not troll e621.

Updated by anonymous

AbsebaroKoon said:
You're asking for a ban from Null.

What have I done that is so ban-worthy? I'm just having a discussion.

null0010 said:
Why do you assume that every single person who looks at the image will have the same thoughts regarding it?

Fair point. However, I didn't really plan to make a distinction between sexual attraction toward the male horse or the female rabbit. Attraction is attraction, way I see it. And I purposefully left out the possibility of someone having purely not-sexual attraction to a pornographic work, simply because I still don't buy the story that this is an art site. The people who come here solely for the "art" are surely in the extreme minority.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
What have I done that is so ban-worthy?

Being an all-around ass.

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
Being an all-around ass.

Ie ticking off a Blazikan. Snrrk.

But seriously, this is a point that's been brought up on at least five separate occasions, and each person seemed to neglect the concept of "Context."

You know. Time and place.
No one else wants to know what you're wanting to do with a bunch of pixels in the form of an anthro wolf, etc etc - so it's disallowed.
Common decency, at the very least. What's so hard for you to get about that?

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
I still don't buy the story that this is an art site.

I'm sorry you don't believe it, but not believing something doesn't make it false.

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
Ie ticking off a Blazikan. Snrrk.

I'm always ticked off. You should know this.

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
Common decency, at the very least. What's so hard for you to get about that?

That would almost be enough for me, if it wastn't for responses like this: "You creepy, creepy fuck.", comming from people like you. This time I have a source.

Not very decent, is it?

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
That would almost be enough for me, if it wastn't for responses like this: "You creepy, creepy fuck.", comming from people like you. This time I have a source.

Not very decent, is it?

And I got a warning for that.
So there you go.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
Not very decent, is it?

I care? Yeah, I get disciplined a whole lot, but you also realize that that was an entire year ago, no?

So wait, I think I'm getting the picture here.

You're resurrecting a year old argument as well as second-guessing AND backseat moderating. And yet you feel the need to nitpick me?

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
I care?

Enough to stick around this long. Misquote anyway. Apologies.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
Enough to stick around this long. Misquote anyway. Apologies.

I'm only sticking around because you're providing me a night's entertainment. I've only got to poke the fire every so often.

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
You're resurrecting a year old argument

I don't need to. I see this happen all the time. That one mas just handy in my comment history.

Asking why people behave in a way that seems strange to me is backseat moderating?

Can we please stop arguing about how we are arguing.

Updated by anonymous

Now I'd personally like to know what you were planning to accomplish with this post.

If it was "wasting everyone's time," you certainly pulled that one off well.

Updated by anonymous

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