Topic: Comment down-voters

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Mechaniatrix said:
I'm only sticking around because you're providing me a night's entertainment. I've only got to poke the fire every so often.

I'm glad to be of service. The world needs more laughter. Personally, I'm all jacked up on Henry Rollins right now. I recommend.

Updated by anonymous

Man, this thread should be BURNED TO THE GROUND!!! Someone lock it already...

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
Being an all-around ass.

Not to take sides, but I feel that any user has a right to display their unsatisfaction of issues they have with the site (in a polite or reasonable manner, that is). I also believe that any user who has the courage to display this should not be bashed down by the community or by the staff simply because the issue he or she is addressing is abnormal or part of the minority. The appropriate approach is to discuss how either the user could improve his or her usage of the site to make their experience satisfactory and/or how the user may be mistaken about the operation of the site and it's rule system.

Users should not be punished for expressing their opinion of a subject, whether in the comments section or in the forums. However, if the degree of the comment reaches a level of "creepy" or bothersome to the site, the user should be notified of doing so. For some, it may be obvious that they would enjoy being in the situation of the image, which in turn may make others agree (or disagree). I believe there's nothing wrong with this, but if you format your response to be over exagerated, it may not be completely necessary or it could impact others.

Downvoting a comment is also a right of a user who believes the comment harms the experience of the image. The opposite also occurs if a comment enhances the image and others agree with the comment. The comment threshold can be adjusted to accommodate a users's preference of their viewabilty of the comments. If one is easily offended or creeped out by comments, the threshold can be raised to eliminate low-scoring comments. If a user is more tolerable with the comments, the threshold can be lowered so that most or all comments can be viewed.

Edit: If this has already been brought up several times and the creator hasn't introduced a new point, then the creation of a new thread probably isn't necessary.

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
Now I'd personally like to know what you were planning to accomplish with this post.

To get an answer to the op, the primary question contained in which I don't think I need to repeat again. Only two of you have given me answers that actually make any sense, not enough for me to agree with though.

Actini said:
If it was "wasting everyone's time," you certainly pulled that one off well.

Oh stop whining. You all could have ignored me.

Updated by anonymous

JMay said:
Can we please stop arguing about how we are arguing.

Nah. It's fun.

JMay said:
I'm all jacked up on Henry Rollins right now. I recommend.

Bacardi Oakheart is the shit, though I'll have to try it out.

Updated by anonymous

'Downvoting a comment is also a right of a user who believes the comment harms the experience of the image'

More of a privilege.
Spam comments. no one wants to see o.o <--

Updated by anonymous

Furry_Fanatic said:
word word word

1.) Do it in dmail with the admin in question, not on the forums.
2.) This is what downvoting or upvoting exists for.

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
Nah. It's fun.

I disagree, my patience is at a minimum now :V

JMay said:
Oh stop whining. You all could have ignored me.

I'm waiting for Fusion Genesis to download, so I thought I'd play along to see if you'd bring up a new valid point on this ancient concept.


Updated by anonymous

This thread was played out the instant it was created.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
This thread was played out the instant it was created.

Pardon me for just a moment null, I'm going to remove your lock so I can put my piece in here.

Firstly, the mans whole argument is invalid, the users have the right to vote on the comment, it has nothing to do with the moderators until someone starts getting creepy and roleplaying or talking in extreme detail about what they'd like to do to "X" Character, or have "X" character done to them.

Secondly: This is first and foremost, a "Primarily Furry Image Art Archive" or PFIAA, for short. Despite the high amounts of adult art, maybe 60% of our total content, their is still a very LARGE amount of non adult work on here as well. This is not the place to live out your sexual fantasies, very few people here want to know about your sexual fantasies, thats the reason second life was invented and F-list.

Third: We have a Rule in place stating not to do it, because to some it is creepy, and it does drive users away, and it does freak artists out {Odd I know considering the content} but thats irrelevent, because the rule is there. And simply saying "NU UH I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO BE CREEPY BECAUSE ITS A PORN SITE" Does not make your statement true, nor accurate.

Long story short: Downvoters gonna down, mods gonna punish creepers, people gonna bitch, and lockers gonna lock.

Updated by anonymous

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