Topic: What the... are the mods allowed to do this?!

Posted under General

post #193979

Apparently the picture was deleted by Kald for being "irrelevant to the site". But, it had already been approved my null, and last I checked "not furry" isn't a valid FFD reason and mods try to keep from stepping on eachothers' toes, i.e. if one mod approves a non-furry image other mods just have to deal with it.

What gives?!

Updated by Furmillionaire

"Irrelevant to the site" and "not furry" are two different things.

Whether or not an image is relevant to the site is completely within each moderator's discretion.

Moderators are also perfectly capable of reneging on decisions made by other moderators.

I'm curious as to why that image was deleted, though. It contains a non-human anthropomorphic character, it appears to be of decent quality, and it's certainly weird enough to belong on the site.

Updated by anonymous

I once got warned with the reason 'FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT CUNTS FUCK' so yeah I'm pretty sure mods can do what they want.

Updated by anonymous

Basically, unless the content is REALLY interesting, try not to upload content that can be considered irrelevant (such as human-focused, non-furry, meme-based, etc). It's not a flaggable citera, but mods still get the final(ish) say on what stays and what doesn't.

Also, mod decisions should generally be taken to the mods, not forums.

Updated by anonymous

Furmillionaire said:
I once got warned with the reason 'FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT CUNTS FUCK' so yeah I'm pretty sure mods can do what they want.

Of course we can, but that doesn't mean we should. I cleared your record since that mod isn't here anymore and FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT CUNTS FUCK isn't a helpful record anyway.

Now regarding the topic, the mods don't always agree on what constitutes relevant content, but what stays and what goes is our decision to make. Not that I wish to imply you have to agree with it; if you feel something was deleted unjustly, we encourage users to speak up.

Updated by anonymous

As I understand it, "Not Furry" posts are not banned, but they can be deleted without warning for any reason or no reason at all. So posting things which are questionably furry is always taking a risk. It's just not a risk you'll get in trouble for (aside from possibly losing a small piece of your upload limit).

Updated by anonymous

Undeleted, theirs a porygon in the background. Last I checked this site likes pokemonz

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
Undeleted, theirs a porygon in the background. Last I checked this site likes pokemonz

Yaaaaay! Thank you, your highness-- er, modness?

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
Yaaaaay! Thank you, your highness-- er, modness?

Porygon? polygon?...some kinda pokemon. I forget what its called. All I know is its definitely part of the pokemon franchise, therefor relevent to the site.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
Porygon? polygon?...some kinda pokemon. I forget what its called. All I know is its definitely part of the pokemon franchise, therefor relevent to the site.

Porygon-Z if you're being specific. :3

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
Porygon? polygon?...some kinda pokemon. I forget what its called. All I know is its definitely part of the pokemon franchise, therefor relevent to the site.


Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Of course we can, but that doesn't mean we should. I cleared your record since that mod isn't here anymore and FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT CUNTS FUCK isn't a helpful record anyway.

Hooray! Thank youu~

Updated by anonymous

lulz said:
I uploaded a pic and got the same response and idky :/

You have zero deleted posts. You're not fooling anyone.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
You have zero deleted posts. You're not fooling anyone.

maybe it was on a different account.

Updated by anonymous

KiwiPotato said:
maybe it was on a different account.

Oh, the airbender pic. It was deleted for not being relevant to the site. Simple as that.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Oh, the airbender pic. It was deleted for not being relevant to the site. Simple as that.

How? I've seen plenty of stuff on here with airbender.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
Basically, non-furry content will be approved or not based on the whims of the first moderator or administrator who sees it. Standards for this will be different from staff member to staff member. If you don't want to run the risk of your post being deleted, then just don't post non-furry content.

Princess_Celestia said:
As null said. And let me be very clear here.

"Pictures that are not relevant to the site {Non furry} May or may not be deleted at any time, based on the whims of whatever moderator gets to it first." Their is no guarantee it will stay, or be deleted, and by uploading it you do run the risk of it being deleted if the particular mod that gets it first doesn't like it.

Updated by anonymous

Furmillionaire said:
If you want that bald kid go on Aerisdies or something, we're furries.

That wasn't even my question...

Updated by anonymous

Damn. Forgot about that. So I guess resubmitting the stuff and praying will just get teh discipline, huh?

Updated by anonymous

Why would you want to submit non-furry crap anyway? I know it's apparently allowed but this isn't the right place for it. It just clutters up the place.

Updated by anonymous

Furmillionaire said:
Why would you want to submit non-furry crap anyway? I know it's apparently allowed but this isn't the right place for it. It just clutters up the place.

Just because you think it's "crap" doesn't mean it is to everyone else.

Updated by anonymous

Mellis is a shit who no longer moderates here, thank god.
Maybe it's not against the rules but it's still dumb. I do not understand it.

What on earth is the point in this? I swear the mods just love to wind us up sometimes.

Updated by anonymous

Furmillionaire said:
Mellis is a shit who no longer moderates here, thank god.

I have come to like the kinder, gentler administration that has taken over e621 since then, especially because the site has not fallen into the drama-hell of certain other furry communities.

However, I believe mellis was a fair moderator. Harsh, yes, but fair.

And I would echo KloH0und's advice: If you feel that strongly about non-furry images, add "not_furry" to your blacklist.

Updated by anonymous

Furmillionaire said:

What on earth is the point in this? I swear the mods just love to wind us up sometimes.

If you don't like pictures of reproductive organs then this probably isn't the site for you.

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
If you don't like pictures of reproductive organs then this probably isn't the site for you.

Well played...

Updated by anonymous

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