Topic: Discussion: Mythologic creatures

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

titaniachkt said:
How about mythologic_creature?

Since I'm pretty sure mythologic isn't a word, why don't we go with mythological_creature?

But this begs to question, what defines something as mythological, and not just another fantasy critter?

Updated by anonymous

Well,a possible definition could be, 'A creature that does not exist in reality & prominently featured in folklore.'

Wikipedia says that this includes hybrids as well,but I'm not sure how effective that would be if they were to be tagged as such also

Maybe limit it to the more popular ones?

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
But this begs to question, what defines something as mythological, and not just another fantasy critter?

Well, finding folklore and tales of such creatures several centuries old would definitely be an indicator of whether or not the creature you're researching is indeed mythological.

Or, just check Wikipedia! lol

Updated by anonymous

If this were to become an everyday tag, would that mean that every Dragon tag (for example) would automatically get the mythological_creature tag?

Updated by anonymous

Nightcoon said:
If this were to become an everyday tag, would that mean that every Dragon tag (for example) would automatically get the mythological_creature tag?

Yeah, it would, wouldn't it?
Another reason why implications would be a bad idea.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Why don't we create a list of mythological creatures in the tag group:species wiki instead of a whole bunch of implications?

That's a great idea;there would still need to be a definition & tag though,if it's introduced

Nightcoon said:
If this were to become an everyday tag, would that mean that every Dragon tag (for example) would automatically get the mythological_creature tag?

Good point.
I can see it becoming frequently-used pretty quickly if that's the case

That raises the question: Do we need a mythological_creature tag?

For example,what category do things like unicorns,gryphons, cockatrice,basilisks & dragons fall under?

There's also indigenous creatures such as the crocotta & kirin,among others

And other specific ones that fall under the *_mythology branch,such as anubis,cerberus,pegasus,tengu etc

Oh,& on the other end of the spectrum,there are cryptid creatures ,in which there exists the possibility of them being real

(Note that most of these examples & cases are relatively scarce on e6 at the moment, with the exception of dragons,so it could always be postponed if that's the case)

For those interested,there's a seemingly never-ending list of them at wikipedia

Updated by anonymous

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