I have posted in comments before and even gotten warnings from admins due to this.
What constitutes a male and female on e621?
From many, MANY, posts I see that a subject has a penis and testicles, but is labeled "Female" due to it having breasts or prior knowledge that it is a herm of some sort, even though it does not show.
Likewise goes for "cunt boys." So many images of females with little to no breasts (the otter hybrid that name I am currently forgetting) gets this tag a lot, due to the fact that there is little/no breasts, but a vagina.
Does e621 denote gender based off of genitals or chest. I want to help with tagging, but can not if I continue to tag incorrectly. Currently I can not tag because I was adding "male" to a couple fluttershy pictures that had the character with penis and testicles.
I am trying to help out and tag with "Tag what you see, not what you know/wish." So how is gender defined on e621?
Updated by ThenIThought