Topic: I'll be twenty on Sunday!

Posted under Off Topic

I'm glad I was born.

I like me--Do you like you?

// No, you obv don't. It's why you don't like me, either.

Discussion: The day you were born and why you detest it. When your birthday is/was. Why you can't tolerate self-acceptance. Why your outlet to society's rejection of you is pornographic indulgences--oh wait, that's me. Why you should say "happy birthday" to me even though it's not necessary, because I'm happy to be alive, despite how you feel about me.


I don't even know where to begin with this LOL

Updated by anonymous

Adrian_Blazevic said:
I was born on May 13th. I often talk about myself in forums and I like me a lot.

you are really not funny

Btw, who else should I talk about? I don't know any of you, and then, aren't you supposed to make friends by sharing things about yourself? You're doing it so wrong. Please, don't try again.

Updated by anonymous

I was born October 21, and I'm just short of 30 years old. I like me, but apparently nobody else does because I'm still single.
...I'm going to die alone.

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
I was born October 21, and I'm just short of 30 years old. I like me, but apparently nobody else does because I'm still single.
...I'm going to die alone.

I had somethin else typed up, but dis tablet erased it all. K so, basically, y u no enjoi the singul lyf? y want female? y want to be tied to one prsn forevah? y?????

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Shatari said:
I was born October 21, and I'm just short of 30 years old. I like me, but apparently nobody else does because I'm still single.
...I'm going to die alone.

27 and single myself. Finding someone just isn't terribly high on my list of priorities. I mean if it happens, great, I'd go with it. But I'm also thoroughly enjoying being single too. :P

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
27 and single myself. Finding someone just isn't terribly high on my list of priorities. I mean if it happens, great, I'd go with it. But I'm also thoroughly enjoying being single too. :P

This guy gets it. :D

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
y u no enjoi the singul lyf?

I do; being single is great. But I'd just as soon find romance at some point. I've only got one life, so I'd like to make the most of it.

UltravioletMoonRay said:
y want female?

Because wanting a male would be a great way to get myself lynched by all the fundies in my local area.

UltravioletMoonRay said:
y want to be tied to one prsn forevah? y?????

A. Why not? Companionship is often a good thing, and I'm told sex is quite fun. (And for religious reason, I'm not able to pursue casual sex.)

B. Forever is a long time. I'm mature enough to know that many relationships end early, and I'm not so full of myself that I think a significant other and I couldn't fall apart eventually. That's what prenuptial agreements and honest conversations are for.

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
who else should I talk about?

No one.

UltravioletMoonRay said:
aren't you supposed to make friends by sharing things about yourself?

No, this forum is mostly for the mods to keep us updated about goings on around the site, and for people to suggest implications and aliases. Friendly conversation threads are usually promptly shut down by the mods.

Updated by anonymous

happy birthday
you're not special
you're getting older
but not much better
we all want to embarrass you
that's why we're singing this song
so happy fucking birthday
you're not special
you're not special

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
I was born on October 13th 2092.

Ha, I'm three days older than you!

Updated by anonymous

I like me more than anyone else. I'm pretty fucking rad IMO. I was born on April the 28th, 1987. :3~

My interest in porn has nothing to do with 'society's rejection'. I have a healthy sexual appetite and honestly, a good fap is infinitely better than a sub-par round of sex. And much more available.
After a brief assessment, I have decided I do not like you. You frequently and openly spout self-pitty and fish for compliments and attention. You can't type very well, either.

But hey! I've been wrong about people before. Very rarely. Have a good birthday and turn over a new leaf.

Updated by anonymous

I'll be 21 on October 12th. I'd have more female friends if most of the ones I meet didn't text or call people all the time. What can you say? Virginia. At least people in Texas can do without technology for 5 seconds.

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
see, this is why I'm "rude" to you ppl: can't take shit srsly

This is why people are rude/condescending/mean/whatever to you: you take yourself too damn seriously.

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
see, this is why I'm "rude" to you ppl: can't take shit srsly

I just want to point out your track record...

Riversyde 1 month ago

Blocked: Your attitude really needs to improve. Baiting moderators into arguing with you is not a good way to get ahead 'round here.

Riversyde 2 months ago

"Ffffuuuu--" is a fucking dumb reason to bump a topic.
Please don't bump a topic unless you actually have something worthwhile to say.

ippiki ookami 3 months ago

Please don't add dumb tags to things.

Have you considered that if everyone hates you, the problem isn't everyone, it might be you? :V

Updated by anonymous

Why is everyone here born in my month? Get your own month people!

Also if the topic was serious to begin with then it might be treated seriously, actually every thread isn't always serious. Don't take life too serious or you'll never get out alive

Updated by anonymous

yeah i kinda missed what the topic actually was... birthdays? I have the same birthday as Sudam Hussein. :3

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
huh, didnt realize this was a "life lesson" session.

k stay on topic gaize


Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
huh, didnt realize this was a "life lesson" session.

k stay on topic gaize

what was the topic again? Somethine about apacolypse or somethin

Updated by anonymous

KiwiPotato said:
what was the topic again? Somethine about apacolypse or somethin

I made this forum to tell everyone to get there own birth month and stop hogging October...wait, this isn't my forum?

Updated by anonymous

post #9542

Updated by anonymous

elad said:

I favor planting sleeper agents. Sure that Gouzenko guy sold us out once, but I'm sure it won't happen again, right comrade?

Updated by anonymous

I'm doing my part by crafting my own farm supplies, not shopping at major chains, not eating at fast food restaurants, and I grow my own food whenever the seasons allow. It's a surefire strategy that I call "being poor".

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
And we're off-topic. Again. Someone just lock this thread already.

Protip: People won't go off topic if the topic as actually interesting or worth talking about.

Updated by anonymous

Hell, just having a topic defined would be a big help. I'm still not sure what this thread was supposed to be about; I thought it was about discussing our birthdays and such, but we got scolded for that too.

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
I'm glad I was born.

I like me--Do you like you?

// No, you obv don't. It's why you don't like me, either.

Discussion: The day you were born and why you detest it. When your birthday is/was. Why you can't tolerate self-acceptance. Why your outlet to society's rejection of you is pornographic indulgences--oh wait, that's me. Why you should say "happy birthday" to me even though it's not necessary, because I'm happy to be alive, despite how you feel about me.

I was born on January 6th 1994, in a hospital kitty-cornered from the Puyallup Fair. I have had my fair shares of rejections, when i was an infant, my biological father never took care of me infact all he ever did around me was smoke and was responsible for the death of my half brother out of neglect, I never saw him since I was 2 due to domestic violence on my mom. When I was diagnosed at the age of two with autism and Hyperlexia, they almost put me into a mental hospital and there were many more but no matter what I keep on pressing on and loving my enemies and sharing through love and kindness. To keep on pressing on.

Updated by anonymous

TwilightSparkle said:
I was born on January 6th 1994, in a hospital kitty-cornered from the Puyallup Fair. I have had my fair shares of rejections, when i was an infant, my biological father never took care of me infact all he ever did around me was smoke and was responsible for the death of my half brother out of neglect, I never saw him since I was 2 due to domestic violence on my mom. When I was diagnosed at the age of two with autism and Hyperlexia, they almost put me into a mental hospital and there were many more but no matter what I keep on pressing on and loving my enemies and sharing through love and kindness. To keep on pressing on.

That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing Sparkle.

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing Sparkle.

You are very welcome ;)

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
And we're off-topic. Again. Someone just lock this thread already.

What's that old saying? "Reap what you sow?"

I mean, if yer gonna plant mentally-deficient...persimmon seeds or whatever, then yer gonna get pot. I think. That is how you get pot right?

Updated by anonymous

Alright I'll bite

I was born in Honolulu and moved to the mainland when I was three. My parents separated about then, maybe, how would I know I was three. Then a few years ago I was taken to a head doctor. He said I was crazy this and crazy that and prescribed me some weird stuff that made me sleep 20 hours of the day, took my ability to imagine and see color. Then I got worse. So we got me reevaluated and he asked me, Rainbow Slash, how often did you sleep before? I told him about 3-4 hours, why? He took me off my meds, undiagnosed me and told me "go home and sleep". Boom no more hallucinations, no more crazy anything.

Like Twi said, keep on pressing on. Never for a second did I let my integrity fall and think I was crazy.

Updated by anonymous

Well I was born 2/6/92 in florida to a good father and shitbag mother who decided that drugs, partying and sleeping around were more important than her marriage and her baby girl... So she left when I was just shy of 3. I was raised by my father who did his best to keep us fed and sheltered in a not so good area of the city. He met my stepmother when I was 7 and she helped raise me as her own but sadly I was easily influenced and at the start of my teen years I began getting into mischief and hanging around the wrong crowd. 14 years old I was beaten, raped, viciously stabbed in the stomach. They dumped me in the woods and left me for dead. 6 months of recovery and a cross country move later, I was a whole new girl with perspectives and realizations that most people dont have until they are past 30. Ive had a hell of a life and am extremely lucky to be alive... Ive done many things, experimented with a lot and seen the highest highs and lowest lows and every day that passes I look at as a good day, because its another day above ground that im lucky to have.

My advice... Learn to find the best in every moment because things can always be worse, and you never know when its your time to depart.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Well I was born 2/6/92 in florida to a good father and shitbag mother who decided that drugs, partying and sleeping around were more important than her marriage and her baby girl... So she left when I was just shy of 3. I was raised by my father who did his best to keep us fed and sheltered in a not so good area of the city. He met my stepmother when I was 7 and she helped raise me as her own but sadly I was easily influenced and at the start of my teen years I began getting into mischief and hanging around the wrong crowd. 14 years old I was beaten, raped, viciously stabbed in the stomach. They dumped me in the woods and left me for dead. 6 months of recovery and a cross country move later, I was a whole new girl with perspectives and realizations that most people dont have until they are past 30. Ive had a hell of a life and am extremely lucky to be alive... Ive done many things, experimented with a lot and seen the highest highs and lowest lows and every day that passes I look at as a good day, because its another day above ground that im lucky to have.

My advice... Learn to find the best in every moment because things can always be worse, and you never know when its your time to depart.

@IvoryWolf - Remarkable story, and I mean that sincerely. You've experienced a lot and seem to have turned out a decent person so far, in spite of it.

Updated by anonymous

DobiesHot said:
@IvoryWolf - Remarkable story, and I mean that sincerely. You've experienced a lot and seem to have turned out a decent person so far, in spite of it.

Thank you, I do my best. If anything my life has enlightened me and made me stronger.

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Slash said:
Alright I'll bite

I was born in Honolulu and moved to the mainland when I was three. My parents separated about then, maybe, how would I know I was three. Then a few years ago I was taken to a head doctor. He said I was crazy this and crazy that and prescribed me some weird stuff that made me sleep 20 hours of the day, took my ability to imagine and see color. Then I got worse. So we got me reevaluated and he asked me, Rainbow Slash, how often did you sleep before? I told him about 3-4 hours, why? He took me off my meds, undiagnosed me and told me "go home and sleep". Boom no more hallucinations, no more crazy anything.

Like Twi said, keep on pressing on. Never for a second did I let my integrity fall and think I was crazy.

Great story. It's sad.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Well I was born 2/6/92 in florida to a good father and shitbag mother who decided that drugs, partying and sleeping around were more important than her marriage and her baby girl... So she left when I was just shy of 3. I was raised by my father who did his best to keep us fed and sheltered in a not so good area of the city. He met my stepmother when I was 7 and she helped raise me as her own but sadly I was easily influenced and at the start of my teen years I began getting into mischief and hanging around the wrong crowd. 14 years old I was beaten, raped, viciously stabbed in the stomach. They dumped me in the woods and left me for dead. 6 months of recovery and a cross country move later, I was a whole new girl with perspectives and realizations that most people dont have until they are past 30. Ive had a hell of a life and am extremely lucky to be alive... Ive done many things, experimented with a lot and seen the highest highs and lowest lows and every day that passes I look at as a good day, because its another day above ground that im lucky to have.

My advice... Learn to find the best in every moment because things can always be worse, and you never know when its your time to depart.

Near-death experiences. You had been given a second chance.

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
Great story. It's sad.

We have come along way, It was only a year ago when I first came here, I was looking for social Skills from other Bronies outside my world but ended up being treated like a chick and having public cybersex. >~<
Back in Middleschool, I was always the target for false rumers which made it into my nightmares, and with the mix of my percribed drugs problems, I alway felt like someone was hitting me with a hammer. I'd lash out once ever 1-2 mounths. I used to say back then alot "Death is everywhere, just take a look around". Going to an alternative highschool was like setting my foot on the future. There was a love and acceptance kind of atmoshere LGBQ, Transgendered, you name it but this was decaying throuout Highschool ever since the school moved at the end of my Freshman year at the mercy of steriotipical propaganda. I've been doing activism for the school ever since.

Updated by anonymous

TwilightSparkle said:
We have come along way, It was only a year ago when I first came here, I was looking for social Skills from other Bronies outside my world but ended up being treated like a chick and having public cybersex. >~<
Back in Middleschool, I was always the target for false rumers which made it into my nightmares, and with the mix of my percribed drugs problems, I alway felt like someone was hitting me with a hammer. I'd lash out once ever 1-2 mounths. I used to say back then alot "Death is everywhere, just take a look around". Going to an alternative highschool was like setting my foot on the future. There was a love and acceptance kind of atmoshere LGBQ, Transgendered, you name it but this was decaying throuout Highschool ever since the school moved at the end of my Freshman year at the mercy of steriotipical propaganda. I've been doing activism for the school ever since.

Hooray--let's all be cray. Good story. Wish I could experience some o' that.

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
Great story. It's sad.

It's not so much sad as it is *facepalm*. Now I gots some nerve damage from the pills side effects and I was like "really, I only needed sleep? You're fired"

Let's hear about your triumph over misfortune

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Well I was born 2/6/92 in florida to a good father and shitbag mother who decided that drugs, partying and sleeping around were more important than her marriage and her baby girl... So she left when I was just shy of 3. I was raised by my father who did his best to keep us fed and sheltered in a not so good area of the city. He met my stepmother when I was 7 and she helped raise me as her own but sadly I was easily influenced and at the start of my teen years I began getting into mischief and hanging around the wrong crowd. 14 years old I was beaten, raped, viciously stabbed in the stomach. They dumped me in the woods and left me for dead. 6 months of recovery and a cross country move later, I was a whole new girl with perspectives and realizations that most people dont have until they are past 30. Ive had a hell of a life and am extremely lucky to be alive... Ive done many things, experimented with a lot and seen the highest highs and lowest lows and every day that passes I look at as a good day, because its another day above ground that im lucky to have.

My advice... Learn to find the best in every moment because things can always be worse, and you never know when its your time to depart.

You know, I have a lot of respect for people like yourself; people who have seen things, experienced things, and dealt with things that nobody should have to be subjected to. You've felt true pain and torment, and not only did you come away from it alive, but you've managed to earn some amount of grace from it as well.

You're the only person I've seen so far on e6 that I can honestly give my props to.

Then again, I could be reading into your comment way too much. It's been known to happen.

Updated by anonymous

mosh_grizzly said:
You know, I have a lot of respect for people like yourself; people who have seen things, experienced things, and dealt with things that nobody should have to be subjected to. You've felt true pain and torment, and not only did you come away from it alive, but you've managed to earn some amount of grace from it as well.

You're the only person I've seen so far on e6 that I can honestly give my props to.

Then again, I could be reading into your comment way too much. It's been known to happen.

Tbh, you aren't that special.

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
Tbh, you aren't that special.


Updated by anonymous

Blaziken said:

I mean seriously--the guy thinks she cares for HIS props. Like, HIS props are something we should all want.

No thnx.

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
I mean seriously--the guy thinks she cares for HIS props. Like, HIS props are something we should all want.

No thnx.

You're a snide, jaded little one aren't you?

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Slash said:
Let's not start a b'aaaaaawl, I just cleaned the floor

Fix'd. Your lul for the day.

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
Fix'd. Your lul for the day.

Yes, love is the most powerful thing out there.

Updated by anonymous

You guys have all had it easy. A long time ago, I had just got back from Nam, and been hitchhiking through Oregon. Next thing I know there's a bunch of cops chasing after me through the woods. I had to take them all out, it was a bloodbath.

Updated by anonymous

pingpong101 said:
You guys have all had it easy. A long time ago, I had just got back from Nam, and been hitchhiking through Oregon. Next thing I know there's a bunch of cops chasing after me through the woods. I had to take them all out, it was a bloodbath.

I sincerely hope you're kidding.

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
I sincerely hope you're kidding.

Yes I hope so too, this is grounds for the death penalty if it's true. :(

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
Tbh, you aren't that special.

Oh, my bad, would you have rather I directed my respect and comraderie towards you, instead of someone who actually deserves it? Sorry pardner, but that just ain't the kind of horse I ride.

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
I sincerely hope you're kidding.

TwilightSparkle said:
Yes I hope so too, this is grounds for the death penalty if it's true. :(

I don't even know what to say to you two.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I don't even know what to say to you two.

"You two are exemplary users, here's fifty kajillion bonus points" would do nicely. :P

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
"You two are exemplary users, here's fifty kajillion bonus points" would do nicely. :P

More like "turn in your man card forever for not recognizing a Rambo reference"

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
More like "turn in your man card forever for not recognizing a Rambo reference"

I already lost mine for liking "Eyes on Me". -.-;;

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
More like "turn in your man card forever for not recognizing a Rambo reference"

Yes, if there is ever to be a remake of the roman coliseum, where manly men may fight using only their handle bar mustaches and fists, they will not be allowed to partake.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
More like "turn in your man card forever for not recognizing a Rambo reference"

I've never heard of Rambo to tell you the truth. :/

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
"You two are exemplary users, here's fifty kajillion bonus points" would do nicely. :P

The two of you made me LOL so hard.

Updated by anonymous

Man, I haven't seen that movie since I was a kid. Did any of you ever catch the Rambo cartoon? My rose tinted glasses tell me that it was awesome.

Updated by anonymous