Topic: Tagging Fat

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Before I start, I want to clearly state that I understand the desire to be sensitive to weight issues. I also understand that some people are overweight because of medical problems that are beyond their control. And I understand that sometimes we refer to obese people as "chubby" and "healthy" out of a sense of compassion.

Having said that, I also recognize that many people see this as a porn site (even though it's technically an art site), and they like big girls because they find them erotic.

With all of that aside, I think there needs to be some clarification on the use of different tags for overweight subjects. According to e621's wiki:

  • If a character is plump, use Chubby.
  • If a character is obviously overweight but not drastically so, use Fat.
  • If a character has a pot belly and thighs like hams, use Obese.
  • If a character is truly huge and would be barely capable or not capable of walking, use Morbidly Obese.

I have run into way too many obese and morbidly obese characters that are tagged as "Chubby" by people who either like big girls or want to be sensitive. I have no issues with your kink, but for those who want to blacklist obesity, it really gets in the way of our ability to do so.

Addendum:[/b] Fat has been aliased to Overweight, so either one of those works. IIRC, Obese also adds the Overweight tag.

Updated by SnowWolf

This is.... an interesting issue, because the wiki is basically outdated. The wiki suggests that there are 4 tags -- chubby, fat, obese, and morbidly obese, but in reality, there are only three--chubby, obese, and morbidly obese.


The biggest problem with all this is that it's hard to separate 'a little pudge' from 'fat' from 'oh my god, how do you move?'

forum #19967 went into all this before... we USED to have chubby implying over weight also but it didn't go over well with the community... :C

If you're looking for tags to blacklist... overweight and chubby should cover the whole 'fat spectrum'.

Updated by anonymous


For me, I've seen some very cute characters that were truly just chubby. Loved them!

If the Wiki is outdated, maybe we could all discuss where to draw the lines so that Obese and Morbidly Obese objectively filter the beyond-Chubby category?

I thought the pot belly and thighs like hams descriptions were pretty objective.

Updated by anonymous

Fat and Obese are a bit too subjective. I think 3 tags is good.

Chubby for those that have a little meat on the bones.
Obese\Fat for those that have a significant belly and\or thighs.
Morbidly Obese for the ones that look as if they could not move w/o some kind of assistance.

Updated by anonymous

Vixxxine69 said:
Fat and Obese are a bit too subjective. I think 3 tags is good.

Chubby for those that have a little meat on the bones.
Obese\Fat for those that have a significant belly and\or thighs.
Morbidly Obese for the ones that look as if they could not move w/o some kind of assistance.

I'm good with that. I think that's essentially the same as what I was suggesting.

Updated by anonymous

Man.. the more I look at the wiki... the more I realzie what a terrible mess this shit is.

The wiki says we use 4 tags (chubby, fat, obese, morbidly_obese)... we really only use three. (chubby, obese, morbidly_obese)
The wiki says that 'overweight' should never be used alone on a picture.... overweight -obese -morbidly_obese turns up nearly 5000 results D:
Overweight should not be on chubby images. but if I search overweight -obese -morbidly_obese -chubby I get nearly 900 results, which means that there are something like 4000 images that are tagged with overweight and chubby both. :C

I'm honestly not even sure what to do about this mess.

the OTHER problem with this is.. how do you define a fatness level? it's not like taging cat or wolf. it's a personal opinion. one man's "just right" is another's "Fat bitch" ... one's "little chubby" is another "lardbeast". ... we can't really assign height/weight ratios, BMI charts, or height-to-width ratios because of the wide varierty of species involved. Is an otter chubby just because he's got a short tubish body? Or the round bodied pikachu? It's hard to describe the differences. "thighs like hams" isn't very descriptive.

post #232721 post #200150

Those have big thighs without being 'fat'. there are some even with hamlike thighs and 'plump' stomachs that aren't 'fat'

post #199415 post #231359

So... I don't really think that it's easy to say.

plus.. there's the most important part of all this: If we enact a change, SOMEONE is going to have to go through everything and make sure it's tagged right.
on the OTHER hand, this is such a mess that that should probably be done anyway.

the EASY answer would be to make it so that chubby implies overweight again... and that would tag the 1800 chubby -overweight pictures with overweight... but that wasn't liked before. and even then, looking though chubby -overweight I see a lot of furs who are obese, rather then chubby and several who jsut have wide_hips


Updated by anonymous

I don't see why not hurting people's feelings with tags is an issue here because in other instances being accurate with tagging is more important than personal feelings.

"Sea-worthy Eatbeast" is one my friend used to say that made me laugh most of the time.

Something that ought to be considered here is that the ones who are interested in these sorts of tags are going to be either individuals searching explicitly for chubby (or greater) characters or ones who are attempting to blacklist significantly overweight characters (and possibly chubby ones as well).

With that in mind, the standard of fatness ought to be based off of the current day standards for fitness and weight was opposed to, say, Greco-Roman ones. The average user will probably be looking for and expecting such so it seems like the easiest middle ground to draw a line upon. Characters with just thick thighs or more rounded asses do not really fall under the modern definition of fat where as ones with rounded stomachs and a general lack of slimness in the middle (mostly at or somewhat exceeding the Classical standard of beauty) would certainly be considered at least chubby.

So, Chubby and Obese are really the only two needed tags. Obese should imply Fat and Chubby should probably imply Fat as well. This makes it easier to search for or blacklist at one's leisure according to taste with out entirely discarding the "fat" tag its self which is unspecific. Morbidly Obese certainly adds a finer layer of distinction past Obese, but doesn't seem quite so useful. I see little point in deliberately going after and eliminating it, though.

Updated by anonymous

Azazial said:
I don't see why not hurting people's feelings with tags is an issue here because in other instances being accurate with tagging is more important than personal feelings.

*shrugs8 because people complained before. 'chubby isn't over weight' or some such.

"Sea-worthy Eatbeast" is one my friend used to say that made me laugh most of the time.


Something that ought to be considered here is that the ones who are interested in these sorts of tags are going to be either individuals searching explicitly for chubby (or greater) characters or ones who are attempting to blacklist significantly overweight characters (and possibly chubby ones as well).

With that in mind, the standard of fatness ought to be based off of the current day standards for fitness and weight was opposed to, say, Greco-Roman ones. The average user will probably be looking for and expecting such so it seems like the easiest middle ground to draw a line upon. Characters with just thick thighs or more rounded asses do not really fall under the modern definition of fat where as ones with rounded stomachs and a general lack of slimness in the middle (mostly at or somewhat exceeding the Classical standard of beauty) would certainly be considered at least chubby.

The sad things is, we can't really do that because people expect most women to be tiny waifish figures and interpret any kind of 'thickness' at being a fatty.

post #237354 post #232995 post #231186 post #231186 post #226711 post #223786 post #224138 post #223162

Those are all from the first few pages of chubby. D:

So, Chubby and Obese are really the only two needed tags. Obese should imply Fat and Chubby should probably imply Fat as well. This makes it easier to search for or blacklist at one's leisure according to taste with out entirely discarding the "fat" tag its self which is unspecific.

the problem with implying fat is that people will just add 'fat' on it's own. but. that's a problem no matter what we pick.
That said, I"m pretty sure I mentioned before, but FAT is currently aliased to Overweight. There is no 'fat' tag.

Morbidly Obese certainly adds a finer layer of distinction past Obese, but doesn't seem quite so useful. I see little point in deliberately going after and eliminating it, though.

a fine layer of distinction?

Obese: post #236270 post #235091 post #230610 post #229007 post #222347 post #208656
Morbidly obese: post #222295 post #215032 post #215030 post #213620 post #208226 post #200897 post #162115

There's.. a fair bit of difference, I promise. and one who's interested in the other might not have any interest at ALL in the others.

Updated by anonymous

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