Topic: a weird idea/question

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Lately I've been wondering about something. Can a male human impregnate a female animal; you know like a dog, cat, sheep, horse, you know animals that have big enough vaginas to handle a human penis without hurting the animal; and if so then what would be born from it?

Updated by RNVP


Former Staff

No. It's a chemical mechanism that prevents the eggs of one species from being fertilised by another's sperm. Although it's possible between similar species(zebra/horse/donkey, wolf/dog, maybe human/primate, who knows). Offsprings resulting from such couples might suffer from predisposition to cerctain diseases, birth defects or even sterility. Why do you ask?
What did you do :P ?

Updated by anonymous

ktkr said:
No. It's a chemical mechanism that prevents the eggs of one species from being fertilised by another's sperm. Although it's possible between similar species(zebra/horse/donkey, wolf/dog, maybe human/primate, who knows). Offsprings resulting from such couples might suffer from predisposition to cerctain diseases, birth defects or even sterility. Why do you ask?
What did you do :P ?

Well, I was thinking about what we're here at this site for and thinking that sex between humans and animals is easy here because it's suppose to be and it's not so easy in real life. Then I got thinking about what would happen if a human male got an animal female pregnate. Also I'm talking about animals that are domesticated okay, like house hold pets, farm animals, etc. etc., but mostley mammals okay.
I also got thinking about how someone would actually perform this study in real life. (one little thing, ktkr, it's "certain" not "cerctain", and "human/primate" it's possible o.k. saw on the discovery channel or maybe national geographic one time.)

Updated by anonymous

willotaku said:
and "human/primate" it's possible o.k. saw on the discovery channel or maybe national geographic one time.)

How do you think people got AIDS?

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
How do you think people got AIDS?

What the HELL kind of question is that????!!!!!????

Updated by anonymous

I refuse to believe this question is serious. Nobody can be this fucking retarded.

Updated by anonymous

Willotaku, you've caused me to lose just a little bit more faith in humanity than I had ten minutes ago. Go read a biology book, or for crap's sake, learn to use Google. Oh, and its 'mostly', not 'mostley'. Asshole.

ktkr, you keep on rockin'. You clearly know what you're doing, even if you make the occasional typo.

Updated by anonymous

willotaku said:
What the HELL kind of question is that????!!!!!????

AIDS was a monkey virus, how did it get to humans?
Except if some woman fucked with a monkey... Or a man... Sick...
Or there could be another reason... We will never know...

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
AIDS was a monkey virus, how did it get to humans?
Except if some woman fucked with a monkey... Or a man... Sick...
Or there could be another reason... We will never know...

It was actually a dude getting bitten by a monkey. At least, that's what the dude who got it tells us.

Updated by anonymous

probably someone ate a monkey
just like swine flu wasn't caused by pigfuckers
don't be fucking dense.

Also, pregnate lol.

Updated by anonymous

Two brief points...

On an historic note, bestiality has existed for thousands of years. If it -were possible- odds are we, as a species, have figured it out by now simply by rigorous sexual experimentation.

On a scientific note, what we don't know about DNA could fill a warehouse. What we do know is complicated enough that you'd need to -read a warehouse full of books- to truly understand and appreciate the theory and language behind it.

However, I welcome you to redirect to wikipedia and search the word Chromosome...

Updated by anonymous

mellis said:
I refuse to believe this question is serious. Nobody can be this fucking retarded.

I take great offense to being called "fucking retarded".

Updated by anonymous

Kerish said:
Willotaku, you've caused me to lose just a little bit more faith in humanity than I had ten minutes ago. Go read a biology book, or for crap's sake, learn to use Google. Oh, and its 'mostly', not 'mostley'. Asshole.

ktkr, you keep on rockin'. You clearly know what you're doing, even if you make the occasional typo.

"its 'mostly' not 'mostley'." sorry o.k.? forgot how to spell it. and as for the "Asshole" part, totally not need JERK!!!
And I'm sorry if you lost a little faith in humanity

Updated by anonymous

Oh, and I'm dead serious O.K.!!!!!
Seriously people, I'm just curious about the possiblities, and Please, tone down the F-Word usage O.K.?

Updated by anonymous

willotaku said:
I take great offense to being called "fucking retarded".

You should have expected that... Next time google stuff, and also think about your questions next time... Make them less... Stupid...

Updated by anonymous

willotaku said:
Oh, and I'm dead serious O.K.!!!!!
Seriously people, I'm just curious about the possiblities, and Please, tone down the F-Word usage O.K.?

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Updated by anonymous

Fuck Arc, stop fucking swearing you fucking fuck fucker. We fucking have to set a fucking example for our fucking fuckers that use the fucking site. Fuck. :(

This thread is now about your favourite swear words.
I'll go first: "Cambronne"

Updated by anonymous

Woo hoo! Swear tread! :D
We love you Mellis!

My word is: PUSSY!

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Wasn't Arcturs the shy guy? Hmmm...

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


Oh... And by the way my favorite swear word phrase is: kuso shite shinzo. (Hint: it's Japanese.)

Updated by anonymous

willotaku said:

Next time dont ask 13 year old questions.

And what is: kuso shite shinzo?

Updated by anonymous

willotaku said:
"its 'mostly' not 'mostley'." sorry o.k.? forgot how to spell it. and as for the "Asshole" part, totally not need JERK!!!
And I'm sorry if you lost a little faith in humanity

It was entirely needed, failotaku. That's how people feel when you correct them for a typo they made. The only difference was mine was done out of cruelty, and not because I'm a smug asshole.

Edit: Also, my favorite swear is 'cock gobblers'.

Updated by anonymous

willotaku said:
it's possible o.k. saw on the discovery channel or maybe national geographic one time.)

This suggests that you already knew an answer to your own question. Obviously it wasn't the right one, but an answer none the less; why would you even ask?

Arcturus said:
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


Updated by anonymous

I was thinking of the possiblities of fantasy and what would happen if it really could happen. Also EntityA, did you read the part before I said that I saw it before on TV?

Updated by anonymous

Also if I spelled something wrong please be nice about it.

Updated by anonymous

willotaku said:
Also if I spelled something wrong please be nice about it.


I suck too :(

Updated by anonymous

ahorribleperson said:
how is babby formed

how girl get pragnent


Updated by anonymous

I have to add, as a person who loves studying genetics and cellular/molecular microbiology, that it's completely impossible. A human cell has 46 chromosomes (except a sex cell, which has 23). Animal cells have varying amounts, ranging from ~4 to several hundred. If a creature winds up with non-matching chromosomes or genetic instructions that are from two different genera (not species), the fertilized egg will not be viable.

This is why dogs can have different species and breeds, and humans are the only creatures in the genus Homo. No intergenus experiment has ever produced a viable offspring in a multicellular/eukaryotic animal. Even some interspecies within the same genus produces sterile or nonviable offspring (long genetic explanation, see wikipedia's Liger for continued discussion and link).

No furries for you (for a while)! ☺

Updated by anonymous

Of memory, the few are crossing interspecies are:

horse <-> zebra
horse <-> donkey
horse <-> pony
donkey <-> zebra
donkey <-> pony
pony <-> zebra
lion <-> tiger
lion <-> cougar
lion <-> leopard
llama <-> camel (or dromedary, I do not know)
goat <-> sheep
other ?

beaver <-> duck (platypus :P)
Elk <-> Bear <-> Turkey (threesome -> Druid Moonkin XD)

Updated by anonymous

Saphirra said:
I have to add, as a person who loves studying genetics and cellular/molecular microbiology...

So we <em>do</em> have furry scientists...What have you guys been doing all this time? Stop fapping and get splicing! We need some monstrous crimes against nature ASAP.

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
AIDS was a monkey virus, how did it get to humans?
Except if some woman fucked with a monkey... Or a man... Sick...
Or there could be another reason... We will never know...

It likely jumped via contact with sick animals hunted for bushmeat.

Can we put this "someone fucked a monkey" canard to rest now?

Updated by anonymous

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