Topic: i can't take it easy ;_;

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lol cool
I just got this message :D

And it is my 2nd time. Did any one got it too?

Updated by noob1444

not a once... but i DID realize the word "maintenance" is misspelled in the "SORRY WERE DOING SOME WORK MAINTAINENCE RIGHT NOW" thing....

Updated by anonymous

The spelling of maintenance is currently under maintainence.

Updated by anonymous

FurAffinity is to blame, the furries of FA cannot go to FA and most have migrated here for their furry fix.

Updated by anonymous

Have noticed this the last couple of days as well..

And Who cares about the spelling and/or grammar errors?

This isn't a school's site, or the government's site....

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Actually, it started even before that, I blame people trying to rip the site's content.
The lenghtening downtime of FA has only made it much worse.

Updated by anonymous

This has been happening to me every few minutes. If it was less often, I wouldn't mind.

Updated by anonymous

mellis said:
The spelling of maintenance is currently under maintainence.

who ever said that mod's don't have humor?
i lol'd

Updated by anonymous

Rouge2 said:
FurAffinity is to blame, the furries of FA cannot go to FA and most have migrated here for their furry fix.

That's cold man.

Good news is FA's back on Monday.

Updated by anonymous

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