Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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I was suprised to see the lack of Forum here's an oldie, but a good-y.

How to Play:
Rules are simple, just come up with a random reason to "ban" the user above you.

Like since I'm first I would say "I ban (Jayfeather) for not knowing how to spell goodie"...or is it good-y I'm not sure that's why I banned myself...

So next person, I guess I get to be banned by good luck, and happy banning!


I ban jayfeather for lack of tagging (seriously only one? You've been here for 8 years) for blatant disregaurd of not having a pony related user name and all in all douchebaggery. Blocked: 10/5/2897

Updated by anonymous

I ban Rainbow Slash for reminding me that I should probably be a good person and tag more

P.S. I have totally forgot about that the ENTIRE stuparded

Updated by anonymous

I ban Jayfeather for being reminded that he should be a good person


Updated by anonymous

I ban TwilightSparkle for having such an ADORABLE wittle avatar...


Updated by anonymous

I ban (Jayfeather) for creating forum games.


Updated by anonymous

I ban Jayfeather for not contributing to the site by uploading images!

I ban Blaziken for being a dual-typed Pokemon with no double-weaknesses.

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
I ban Jayfeather for not contributing to the site by uploading images!

I ban Blaziken for being a dual-typed Pokemon with no double-weaknesses.

I bann you for public nudity

Updated by anonymous

EnergyBlast said:
I ban TwilightSparkle because he hates freedom of speech

I ban you for being Silent

Updated by anonymous

i ban twilightsparkle for ponies 03/04/185092 kekeke

Updated by anonymous

I hereby ban Rainbow Slash because.. I have no idea who gave me the ban hammer, but I'm sure as hell going to use it. TO THE MOOOOOOOOOOOON

Updated by anonymous

I ban Crystalinn. I don't like you, and I don't like your face.

Updated by anonymous

Welp. Looks like I 404'd. To the moon with you as well, just because Applebloom.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
i ban twilightsparkle for ponies 03/04/185092 kekeke

If I was an admin in this thread I'd be hitting people with actual bans.

This is probably why I'm not an admin.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
If I was an admin in this thread I'd be hitting people with actual bans.

This is probably why I'm not an admin.

I'd ban you for banning people too much. >:(

Updated by anonymous

Freq said:
I'd ban you for banning people too much. >:(

I ban Freq for breaking te 4th wall

Updated by anonymous

TwilightSparkle said:
I ban Freq for breaking te 4th wall

I ban TwilightSparkle For one Reason and one reason only BOOP!

Updated by anonymous

KiwiPotato said:
I ban bloodlordjm because I felt like it.

I ban KiwiPotato for going POTATOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Updated by anonymous

I ban Twilight Sparkle for reading too much.
Give the authors some time to write new ones you bitch!

Updated by anonymous

Transportation said:
I ban TwilightSparkle for linking to something lolcats-related and misspelling potatoes, but mostly for misspelling potatoes. Blocked: 5/13/2147483647

I ban Transportation because grammar nazi.

Updated by anonymous

cookiekangaroo said:
I ban Transportation because grammar nazi.

I ban Cookiekangaroo because not grammar Nazi. SIEG HEIL! Blocked -1/-1/-1

Updated by anonymous

Blaziken said:
I ban Cookiekangaroo because not grammar Nazi. SIEG HEIL! Blocked -1/-1/-1

Well I ban you ban you for being a grammer Nazi

Updated by anonymous

TwilightSparkle said:
Well I ban you ban you for being a grammer Nazi

I ban TwilightSparkle for not combo-breaking. Blocked -till I feel like it

Updated by anonymous

I ban the lot of y'all for being unfunny and fairly unimaginative in your ban reasons.

I ban TwilightSparkle for not only having a name derived from a children's show, but for also posting in this thread so many damn times.

Updated by anonymous

I ban mosh grizzly cause their-
Bears! Bears! Bears! Bears!
Bears! Bears! Bears! Bears!
Bears! Bears! Bears! Bears!
Bea ...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Updated by anonymous

mosh_grizzly said:
I ban the lot of y'all for being unfunny and fairly unimaginative in your ban reasons.

I ban TwilightSparkle for not only having a name derived from a children's show, but for also posting in this thread so many damn times.

What I love this game :P

Test-Subject_217601 said:
I ban Mario583 for using the wrong their/they're/there.

I bann Test subject for being a grammer Nazi

Updated by anonymous

i ban test-subject_217601 for using an image of breasts that are too big for an avatar

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
i ban test-subject_217601 for using an image of breasts that are too big for an avatar





Updated by anonymous

I ban Blaziken for making my head hurt trying to read that last post and for looking at me funny

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Slash said:
I ban Blaziken for making my head hurt trying to read that last post and for looking at me funny





Updated by anonymous

I ban Blazi for not changing the "L" in "Blaziken" to and "R" in that last post.

I also ban null. Just 'cause I can.

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
I ban Blazi for not changing the "L" in "Blaziken" to and "R" in that last post.

I also ban null. Just 'cause I can.

...he's got a point.

Updated by anonymous

I ban Mosh for not banning anyone.

Updated by anonymous

I ban Mario583 for not including the YEEEEAAHH!!!! on his avatar picture.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for forcing me to click on your avatar to see who was dangling from the edge of the cliff.

Updated by anonymous

IndigoHeat said:
Banned for forcing me to click on your avatar to see who was dangling from the edge of the cliff.

I here by ban thee for not having an avatar I HAVE SPOKEN!!!

Updated by anonymous

I ban bloodlordjm because his avatar said im stupid.

Updated by anonymous

AbsebaroKoon said:
I ban you for being a SILENT snitch!

You are banned for having a slowpoke built out of lame lego blocks instead of something virtual minecraft blocks.

Updated by anonymous

^This user was banned by am529

Not having any integers in username

Expires: Dec 21, 2012

Updated by anonymous

I ban hg3300 because the concept of an anthropomorphised bird playing any kind of contact sport is so mind-numbingly stupid.

Updated by anonymous

I ban KiwiPotato for not being able to pronounce /wʊłfnaχt/

Updated by anonymous

I ban thiefenz for having a desire to have fun and enjoy life, for having the urge to join the crowd and blend in instead of standing out and defying the masses... I ban you for being... ONE OF THEM!!!! Dun dun DUNNNN!!! (queue maniacal laughter)

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
I ban thiefenz for having a desire to have fun and enjoy life, for having the urge to join the crowd and blend in instead of standing out and defying the masses... I ban you for being... ONE OF THEM!!!! Dun dun DUNNNN!!! (queue maniacal laughter)

I ban IvoryWolf for an undesire to have fun

Updated by anonymous

I ban TwilighSparkle for naming himself/herself/itself TwilightSparkle.

Updated by anonymous

KiwiPotato said:
I ban TwilighSparkle for naming himself/herself/itself TwilightSparkle.

I ban you cause of me hurting myself at work

Updated by anonymous

bloodlordjm said:
I ban you cause of me hurting myself at work

I ban you for hurting yourself

Updated by anonymous

TwilightSparkle said:
I ban you for hurting yourself

I ban you TwilightSparkle for killing me using cuteness

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
I ban bloodlordjm for being a lord.
...of blood!

I ban Test-Subject217601 for reminding me i am

Updated by anonymous

bloodlordjm said:
I ban Test-Subject217601 for reminding me i am

I ban bloodordjm for bumping this thread into next tuesday

Updated by anonymous

I ban Test-Subject 217601 for putting the dumbest moron who ever lived in charge of the entire facility.

(before anyone jumps in the middle of me, Portal 2 reference)

Updated by anonymous

I ban Thiefenz for reminding me to tell you all I had "CUPCAKES" (fanfic) cupcakes... they were blood red velvet cake with strawberry syrup in the center, blue icing, and RAINBOW SPRINKLES....
sorry had to put that out there

Updated by anonymous