Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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furballs_dc said:
Banned cause welcome. :3

banned for not defending me. :P

Updated by anonymous

Butterscotch said:
Banned cause those eyes are so beautiful :3

banned 'cause.... Iunno.

Updated by anonymous

tfkcex said:
banned cause I am bored...

banned to cure your boredom.

Updated by anonymous

banned cause boredom not cured... *-23 HP -1 MP*

Updated by anonymous

tfkcex said:
banned cause boredom not cured... *-23 HP -1 MP*

banned for ban evasion when you were supposed to go do something else to actually cure the boredom

Updated by anonymous

banned cause boredom has spread out every last inch of my body *-9999 HP -9999 MP* *tfkcex died*

Updated by anonymous

banned cause *No response it's just a corpse*

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I think I finally have an avatar that will last for a good while, and all thanks to your blip <3

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I'll pass from that pic, have leoian blacklisted :P

Updated by anonymous

Aha! A confession!
Banned for admitting that you blacklisted the picture.

Updated by anonymous

Butterscotch said:
Banned cause I'll pass from that pic, have leoian blacklisted :P

Banned cause it didn't before. :O

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause dem giant mean Etrian Odyssey IV - Legends of the Titan dragons. =>.<=

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause dem giant mean Etrian Odyssey IV - Legends of the Titan dragons. =>.<=

banned 'cause stop making me want to play the Etrian series, dangit! ;_;

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause faved about an hour ago :P and the bottom one is such a cutie <3

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause :3

banned 'cause I'm on top. ;P

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause ah catgirls, my favorite one still being Felicia.

Updated by anonymous

banned for misleading thumbnail, I thought the second one was another girly pic >.<, still I demand a colored version :3

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause da fuck is up with such weird forum topics lately...

Updated by anonymous

Butterscotch said:
Banned cause dat confusing loincloth, nonetheless *faves*

banned 'cause it's not that confusing. Are you one of those that can't tell what's going on in a Krystal-For-Ever image?

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause tbh I have no idea what pic you're talking about >.<, but yeah I found it confusing at a first glance.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause coffee time

banned 'cause bacon, eggs, and hashers time.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause meh... and for some reason, it appears I have that blacklisted (and idk why lol

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause murr and I remember now, I blacklisted that artist quite a while ago lol, can't stand her artstyle >.<

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause squeak!

banned cause *meow*

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned cause [whatever sound foxes do] :P

Banned cause *chicken nom sounds*

Updated by anonymous