Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Banned cause damned clarinetist.. Helpless against this treatment... *cuddlessss and kisses*

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause i'm also rather badass one of my frills are torn and I have a black eye and have bruzes and cuts damned meth-heads but i'm alright either way *continues to love on anon*

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause overly caring instincts go! *thoughts of intimacy immediately replaced by fussing and obsessing over cuts and bruises, bandaging them up* ;_; waah. Now, see, this is why I couldn't date a fighter. To me a papercut on a loved one is the end of the world.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause don't worry man *pressures bloody frill* GWWAAA!! >.< i'm ok uugh... starts to peroxide dab cuts ughh... puts icepack over eye as I love on anon more ^.^

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause if you insist.. *licks clarinetist's bottom lip playfully, bored and considering taking to pm* smell of wet desert makes me a little friskier than normal..

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause licks back hehe... the sound of the Alto Saxophone the insturment my sexy high school band director played turns me on the Baritone Saxophone's sound the insturment my BF plays turns me on also... wow the Tenor Saxophone is the only Saxophone I can play without getting hard hint hint ^^

Updated by anonymous

Words huh?

Banned cause :3

There you go, it's not a word, your point is invalid.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause is this the real life... is this just fantasy... caught in a landslide... no escape from reality...

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause in a sea of 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Updated by anonymous

banned cause still rain whent out to clean blood from meth addicted crazy assailant from last night but rain had pretty much cleaned it put dish soap all over it and then rain took care of the rest LAWL

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause found something else in fcram then found the site.

Quazal Rendez-Vous Version 2009.3 SP1 (Build 1885.3140)
Version 2009.3 SP1 (Build 1885.3140, Unicode, Release)

Banned cause it would seem Nintendo is using this for online stuff for 3DS...


Updated by anonymous

Banned cause cooking some noms for me roomate is at his spending the night at his BF's house he has his Japanese Literature class tomarrow and his BF's house is close to campus

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause decided on eggs sausage and choclate milk breakfast for dinner YEUH

Updated by anonymous

banned cause not to mention the incedent involving the methead trying to kill me so yeah super scared

Updated by anonymous