Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Banned cause there is a guy outside my house! he is rolling around in the street I am debating waking up my BF cause I just locked the doors and widows he may be strung out on drugs FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!

Updated by anonymous

Banned for not calling 066 wait, no, that's mine. I meant 911

Updated by anonymous

Banned because I have 2 questions left to do on my homework

After that, try to doodle a bit and then sleep

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause had my BF call police and the guy was triping balls on crystal meth so he got hauled off my BF went back to sleep but I am shivering with fear

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause had my BF call police and the guy was triping balls on crystal meth so he got hauled off my BF went back to sleep but I am shivering with fear

Banned cause eeps

post #444666

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:

post #444666

Banned cause yeah my BF knows this he gave me a hug nice cheek kiss and went back to bed I feel so loved <3 :)

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause catnap time =z.z=

Got some completeish 3DS fonts though... maybe.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I fucked up my tea. No daily fix for me. ;.;

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause coffee for me to but no class today got to sleep in extra three hours

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause job search. Trying to think of somewhere that'll hire me.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause BF went to teach my roommate to drive a stick shift with my 72 VW bus I cannot be trusted in that car around him... I do naughty things

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause my BF was giving my roommate some eyes and oh shit this may be some more revenge :o

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause someone find me my next avatar. I'm too lazy.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause someone find me my next avatar. I'm too lazy.

Banned cause ohai! anon X! <3

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I'm coming and going lol. Chilling with a $2 lunch a la Burger King.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause time to speak in a language no one understands polish! Jak obiad smak anon?

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause rib sandwich and rodeo burger. (BBQ sauce and onion rings in a hamburger)

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause Nie rozumiem kod! używać języka obcego do cholery!

Banned cause I can't even guess that time.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause rib sandwich and rodeo burger. (BBQ sauce and onion rings in a hamburger)

Banned cause To brzmi tak robi pyszne!

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause I can't even guess that time.

Banned cause Cholera kocham cię zbyt wiele, bo nie mogą zrozumieć mnie mówiąc: Chcę pieprzyć twój kot kurek!

Updated by anonymous